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Your GLMS Update
Your GLMS Update
August 25, 2023
KMA Annual Meeting – THIS WEEKEND
If you are serving as a GLMS Delegate and have not already registered, make sure to do so today. You can register and get more information here.
The theme for this year’s meeting is “Rejuvenating Medicine: Innovation and Inspiration Across Kentucky” and will highlight the contributions of physicians to patient care and the ways they inspire their communities. The meeting will be held August 25-27 at the Marriott Louisville East.
Welcome to the UofL School of Medicine Class of 2027!
We look forward to serving as your local medical society for the next four years!
Submit your best Halloween photos!
We want to see your best and most creative Halloween costumes – from childhood to now! We’re collecting photos for a game of “guess who” in the October issue of Louisville Medicine. The trickier it is to guess who’s under the costume, the better! Photos may be emailed to
GLMS Foundation Senior Physicians Speaker Series
Michael Yared
CEO and Co-Founder of Echobin
Tues., Sept. 5, 2023 at noon via Zoom
Join link:
Meeting ID: 859 2677 2844 #
Call In: 1-646-931-3860 (Use the Meeting ID and press pound (#) after entering)
RSVP by replying to this email or calling 502-736-6366.
Louisville Medicine upcoming themes:
November (due 10/1) – Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone – It’s been said that “life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” When is a time that you stepped outside your comfort zone?  What steps did you take to get there, how did it happen and were you thankful that you did?
December (due 11/1) – Making a Change – As the year draws to an end, think about celebrating someone who has promoted change and innovation in the health care industry. Who has made an impact in driving change? What innovations have you seen that have inspired how you practice medicine? What innovations have inspired you to make a change for yourself in 2024?
January (due 12/1) – The Power of the Decision – Small decisions can have a big impact. Was it choosing your specialty? Choosing employed vs. private? Did you start your own practice? What about bedside medical decisions? How do you make these decisions and what impact have they had, or will they have in the future?
Please reach out to Kathryn Vance at if you’d like to share your thoughts in an upcoming issue.
Whether it is through advocacy work, teaching, or even paying for someone’s coffee in the line behind you, there are countless ways for us to “pay it forward” in our community. Read more about how our members are giving back and make sure to tell us in the comments how you like to “pay it forward”!
Dr. Who
Dr. Kelly McMasters is a surgical oncologist and is currently the Ben A. Reid, Sr., MD, Professor and Chair of the Hiram C. Polk, Jr., MD, Dept. of Surgery at ULSOM. A few years ago, he started a Division of Immunotherapy in the Dept. of Surgery, covering everything from cancer to a whole variety of other diseases. He has also published over 500 articles in peer-reviewed literature and has served as principal investigator of many important clinical trials. Read more about Dr. McMasters’ journey and accomplishments in this month’s Dr. Who.
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