Welcome Commuter Students

Hi Commuters!


  • Commuter Game Night
  • Stress Less Week
  • Commuter Appreciation Day
  • Commuter Prep Day (August)
  • Commuter Spotlight
Commuter Game Night. March 30, 2018. 6-9pm
Commuter Appreciation Day. Join us in the Commuter Center (2045 Armstrong) for coffee, donutes and more provided by the CCA's and COM!

Commuter Appreciation Day - Friday, April 13

Commuters of Miami and the Commuter Center Assistants have collaborated to bring a much deserved Commuter Appreciation day! Free donuts, bagels, coffee and juice will be served all day on Friday, April 13th (starting at 10am) until we run out. All commuters are encouraged to stop by the Commuter Center (2045 Armstrong), grab a refreshment, and hangout! We hope to see you there!
Commuter Prep Day & Commuter Mentoring Program
Emma Jewel

Meet Emma Jewel

Emma Jewel is a freshman mathematics and mathematics education major. She’s from Germantown, Ohio which is about a 40 minute commute. She enjoys commuting and states “being a commuter has been a wonderful experience with a great group of people.”
She attends “Rec-it” days in which a group of commuters go to the gym and workout together and she likes attending Uptown Chow-Downs as well.
You can also find her working at the Germantown Library.

Please don't hestitate to email or call with your questions. 
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