WOW! A lot of people don't think we start camp until after Celebrate Good Times. But, for the last couple of years, our month of May is camp. We have had two full weeks of college kids come and learn and grow in their relationships with Christ, we have had many school field trips as well, we have probably have had well over 500 people through the the month of May, With a very limited staff. Plus trying to get the camp property ready after a very rough winter.
We ask you to keep us in your prayers this summer as we welcome people here at camp to grow in their relationship with Christ. Please pray for our year around staff, our summer staff, Event Coordinators and faculty.
We value your partnership, we value all of the volunteers that have helped us get Hanging Rock ready for another camp season.
Camp is an opportunity to experience God’s love in a unique and powerful way, through our Bible studies, games, evening programs, morning and evening worship, campfire testimonies, and nightly devotions. Every moment of camp gives us a way to speak the truth and love of God for us through Jesus’ sacrifice.
Here are a few ways you can pray for your campers:
Pray for safe travel on the way to camp. Also, pray that the conversations, road trip games, and moments of laughter in the vehicles will begin to pave the road for meaningful connections and lifelong friendships.
Pray for kids and students to have courage and confidence in meeting new people and making new friends.
Pray for attentive ears and open hearts for your campers as they hear and receive Scripture in their time alone with God, worship, or Bible study.
Pray for your campers to make good, healthy choices in regard to what they eat and drink, but also that they will enjoy the freedom and fun of exercising some independence in these choices.
If your child is not yet a follower of Christ, pray for salvation! Ask God to place the right people in your camper’s path who can help guide and point your child to Jesus.
If your campers are already Christians, pray for God to give them discernment about the next steps they need to take in following Jesus and pray that they will have the courage to take those steps.
Pray for your campers to have fun!
You know your campers better than anyone on earth. Pray specifically about their needs. Then, remember and trust that God knows and loves your campers even more than you. Ask for His work and His will to be accomplished above all else.
Gary Baker, Executive Director