Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School
September 12, 2016 Vol. 12 Issue 1
Please note that the school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. Please send news to lynne.shapiro@ecsnj.org by 1:00 PM on Mondays.
The weekly newsletter is archived on Elysian's website, www.ecsnj.org, so that you can always access both the most recent newsletter as well as all previous ones.
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| Harry's Corner New School Year and New Initiatives
We have had a smooth opening with children becoming engaged in learning and actively participating in their classes. The first few weeks is a time for children to become comfortable with their teachers, learn the class rules and procedures, and meet and connect with other children in the classroom. For some children this is an easy transition. For others it produces anxiety and discomfort. Teachers support this transition in a multitude of ways—everything from group discussions about feelings to grouping of children to work together, eat together or play together. Teachers also conduct team building activities, with children working together to problem solve issues. Diane Sasso, our social worker, provides guidance to the staff and monitors the classrooms to identify any serious concerns.
We have several new initiatives this year of which I would like to make you aware:
- New Math Program for K to 5—This year we are implementing a new math program in grades k-5 called Bridges, developed and published by the Math Learning Center, a nonprofit research group. This replaces the program that we have used for the past nine years called Investigations in Number Data and Space. During the summer a group of teachers met to study best ways to support our students in mathematics using materials that include both the Common Core Standards and the values of our school. The program that leapt out at them as the most appropriate for Elysian was the Bridges program. This new program continues to support a math learning environment composed of deep problem solving and conceptual development for all students. It also brings in new routines and some new models that help students to better see the structure of numbers and shapes. Included in the program are many resources that you will begin to see through the year. Our teachers were provided staff development in this program and will be using it in their classrooms as the basis of mathematics instruction. Students will continue to use ALEKS and Reflex Math in appropriate grades.
I would like to thank Friends of Elysian, and everyone who supports Friends with contributions, for purchasing this program for the school. As you can imagine, this is a costly initiative, but it is one that will help us keep our instruction fresh and up-to-date.
- Science—If you walk up to the 3rd floor you will see a new configuration on the east side of the building. The lobby area has been closed off and has been turned into a Science Center. This will not only serve as the middle school science room, the younger grades will also be invited up for special projects. This year we will also be embarking on an initiative to implement the Next Generation Science Standards. These are nationally developed standards that have been adopted by New Jersey that will help us to focus on the needs of children in the twenty-first century. Included in this initiative will be a series of staff development sessions for the teachers by a consultant from Liberty Science Center.
Also, as part of this initiative, we will be looking at what has been given the acronym S.T.E.A.M., which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math education. To support this students at various grade levels will be participating in S.T.E.A.M. projects. Also the middle school seminar program will offer a Coding Seminar, taught by two parents who are professionals in the field. Additionally we will be partnering with a Tau Beta Pi, a service fraternity from Stevens. They will conduct a series of workshops for our students that is directly tied into our science curriculum.
- Recess and After School—Our recess and after school staff, along with our paraprofessionals, attended a two-day staff development session organized by Playworks, a group dedicated to developing meaningful activities during students’ play time (for more information go to www.playworks.org). The goals of the staff development included the development of activities that are inclusive of all children and that teaches them to play with peers fairly and successfully. The new structure will include a series of stations through which the children will rotate and a number of additional games and activities in which the children will engage. One of the outcomes from the staff development was the development of three simple rules that all children can follow. They are
Everything stems from these three rules! The staff will be repeating these over and over to the children. It would be helpful if you reinforced these ideas at home. I would also like to wish everyone a successful and productive school year.
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| Electronic Devices in School
Please be advised that Elysian cannot be responsible for any electronic devices brought to school, including cell phones, laptops, e-readers, etc.
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| Drop Off ad Pick Up
Drop Off and Pick Up went much more smoothly today. Many thanks to the Hoboken Police Department for their help in organizing this and moving cars that were illegally parked.
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Notes From the Music Room Dear parents,
I hope all of you had a lovely summer. I am looking forward to a wonderful year of music making with your children. I want to let you know about several important events that what will be happening in the few weeks:
Rock Band Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 20th from 3:00-4:30 (7th & 8th Graders only). This year Rock Band rehearsals will be held on Mondays from 3:00-4:00 PM. Glockenspiels go home with 4th, 5th and 6th Graders starting the week of September 19th. I will be sending home (as I do each year) glockenspiels on loan for the school year. By now you will have received a letter from me through your child’s classroom teacher with instructions for the care of these instruments. One will also be included inside the glockenspiel case.
Music Room Wish List: Boxes of Kleenex tissues, baby wipes and hand sanitizer.
Please be on the look out for newsletters from me about the music program throughout the year. I look forward to meeting with many of you on Back to School Night in October.
Best wishes,
Mary Guthrie
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| From the Art Studio Dear Parents, Welcome back to another school year and another year of art! I hope you had a great summer and I am excited to see everyone! We have many fun and creative learning experiences ahead and I am eager to dive right in! Each student is reminded to wear a smock to art class to keep clothes nice and clean. This could be an old large t-shirt or button down shirt, any old large shirt will do! Also, please be sure to visit the Art Studio website throughout the school year to take a peek at all of the creations being made, fun bits of inspiration, and cool project ideas to try out on a rainy day! (Link is on the main page, or go to www.ecs-art.weebly.com.) Below is a list of supplies that we could always use in our art studio if you wish to make a donation, and if you want to make a donation at another time the Art Studio Wishlist can always be found on the website.
Art Studio Wishlist
Baby wipes
Clorox wipes
Large aluminum muffin tins (at least 4)
Paper bowls
Canvas drop cloths (2)
Clean Baby Food Jars
Painters tape
Duct tape
Sewing needles
Index cards
Fine and ultra fine Sharpies
Sharpie pens Thank you in advance for all of your kind contributions! Welcome back and have a terrific school year! Best, Nicole Berger
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| PTSO CORNER This year's kick-off PTSO meeting will be Friday, September 23, at 8:30 am at Elysian. This is a great chance to find out what the PTSO does, meet our officers, ask questions, and find out how you can help and get more involved in your child's school. Everyone is welcome. We can't wait to meet you! Also, a reminder to please pay your PTSO dues! To help fund the PTSO, we are suggesting all families contribute $25 per child in dues. You may leave cash or a check made out to Elysian PTSO in the main office. Your dues help pay for fun Elysian activities, programs and materials. Last year, we donated an additional 72 Chromebooks to our children's classrooms, funded the Arts to Grow program, and were able to provide meals to our teachers and staff on special days!
Mark Your Calendars: Elysian Book Fair - September 26-30
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| Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education: Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office! Thank you!
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| As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly.September Calendar
Tuesday, September 20- Rock Band Auditions, 3:00 - 4:30 PM (7th & 8th Graders only).
Friday, September 23- Kick -off PTSO meeting, 8:30 AM, Elysian
Monday, September 26 - Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 PM
- Book Fair opens
Thursday, September 29- Book Fair continues
- Back to School Night
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301 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Harry Laub, Ph.D.,
Director | harry.laub@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576 |