Week of
March 27–31, 2023
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“If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric—one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.”
—Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist (Learn more)
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March is National Optimism Month. Learn more about looking on the bright side!
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March is also International Listening Awareness Month. Listening is an important communication tool that many people overlook. Good listeners make good communicators who have a better grasp of issues. Truly hearing what others are saying improves the quality of relationships and makes for a more effective and emotionally aware individual. And while you’re listening . . . be sure to tune in to Finn Kelly’s weekly radio show as highlighted below!
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IUP Values Me
Student Spotlight: Finn Kelly
Finn is pursuing a degree in communications media production with a minor in journalism and public relations and will graduate in May. They are the first recipient of the Department of Communications Media’s B. Gail Wilson Award for Leadership. Finn has worked hard to rebuild WIUP-FM in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has involved member recruitment and training, conveying the unique importance of alternative student-led radio, restoring an overall sense of community, and revamping the public image and sound of the station. Finn is the station manager, disc jockey, and head of social media, while also serving as executive producer of Indie Rocker’s Ball on IUP-TV. They were an active member of LGBTQIA+ student organizations and worked as a contributing writer for the Penn. Finn has spearheaded a new Written Content Team at WIUP. All are invited to listen to their weekly radio show, The Soup, every Friday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on wiupfm.org or at 90.1 locally on your FM dial! We thank you, Finn!
Staff Spotlight: Lorelle Hoyer
Lorelle (Lo) Hoyer is head coach of the IUP women’s volleyball team and a leader within the PSAC Volleyball Coaches Schedule Restructuring Committee. In her first season, Coach Lo and the IUP “Volley Hawks” went 20-9 and finished third in the PSAC West. The team made its first appearance in the PSAC tournament and NCAA tournament since 2017. Last semester, Lo initiated the first IUP Volleyball Diversity and Inclusion Night and guided the team on the creation of its Statement of Inclusion. It reads: “At IUP Volleyball, inclusion means accepting all differences and coming together to support and love one another. Inclusion is where people are heard, and everybody can voice their opinion while feeling like they’re in a comfortable and safe environment. Keeping an open heart allows us to form genuine friendships and connections within our team. We value inclusion in our team culture and incorporate ways every day for us to express ourselves as individuals.” Lo was recently appointed an interim cochair for the President’s Commission on the Status of Women at IUP (Women’s Commission). In each of her roles, she is an advocate for providing safe, inclusive, and women-empowering initiatives in athletics, in the volleyball community, and throughout campus. We thank you, Lo!
A note about IUP Values Me: Each week, we will highlight one student and one staff member to “shine a spotlight” on their leadership and involvement in campus programs and their great work assisting our campus community with diversity, equity, and inclusion and/or civil rights awareness. If you have a suggestion for an IUP community member to feature in this section, please email social-equity@iup.edu.
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| Lavender Graduation will be held Friday, April 21.
LGBTQIA Support and the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement will host Lavender Graduation in the Elkin Hall Great Room on April 21. A reception will begin at 2:00 p.m., and the ceremony will follow at 2:30. Please contact lgbtqia-support@iup.edu to register or for further information.
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- Tuesday, March 28: Queer Book Club Series: Jason June’s Jay’s Gay Agenda
- Tuesday, March 28: Queer Conversations Workshop Series
- Tuesday, March 28: Haven Project Volunteer Training: Sexual Violence Awareness Month
- Wednesday, March 29: Clothesline Project: T-Shirt Making Workshop for Victims and Survivors
- Wednesday, March 29: Guest Speaker Presentation: “Adaptive Sports: Similarities and Differences in Sport and Nutrition”
- Wednesday, March 29, through Sunday, April 2: Theater-by-the-Grove Performance: A Blossoming Romance, by IUP Alumnus Joe York and Hali Alspach
- Thursday, March 30: Hoops for Hearing
- Friday, March 31: IUP Blood Drive—Make an Appointment!
- Friday, March 31: Cinderella Project: Dress Collection
- Friday, March 31: MCSLE Presentation: “Women Who Paved the Way”
- Friday, March 31: Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Presentation: “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words Really Do Hurt Me”
Coming Up Next Week:
- Monday, April 3, through Friday, April 7: Greek Week 2023: Activities and Events Emphasizing the Positive Facets of the Greek Community and Promoting Unity across All Greek Organizations
- Wednesday, April 5: IUP Scholars Forum
- Thursday, April 6: NAACP-IUP Image Awards
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| Details
- Tuesday, March 28: Queer Book Club Series
4:00–5:00 p.m.—Elkin Hall, Room 111
The featured book for this session is Jason June’s Jay’s Gay Agenda. Further information: lgbtqia-support@iup.edu
- Tuesday, March 28: Queer Conversations Workshop Series
5:00–6:00 p.m.—Elkin Hall Great Room
This week’s topic is “Gender and Sexual Fluidity.” Further information: lgbtqia-support@iup.edu
- Tuesday, March 28: Haven Project Volunteer Training: Sexual Violence Awareness Month
6:00–7:00 p.m.—Suites on Maple East, G-18
Learn how you can support survivors and victims of sexual violence and become a volunteer for Haven Project events and programs in April, including Take Back the Night. Further information: haven-project@iup.edu, 724-357-3947, @iuphaven
- Wednesday, March 29: Guest Speaker Presentation: “Adaptive Sports: Similarities and Differences in Sport and Nutrition”
7:00 p.m.—Jane Leonard Hall, Room 126
The Student Association of Nutrition and Dietetics will host Liz Dunn, MS, RD, LDN, and research associate on spinal cord injuries for the University of Pittsburgh. She is also one of the first women to represent the US at the Wheelchair Rugby World Championships. Further information: Olivia Gambill, tywcc@iup.edu, or Anna Marie Bostaph, rxtbc@iup.edu
- Wednesday, March 29–Sunday, April 2: Theater-by-the-Grove Performance: A Blossoming Romance
7:30 p.m., March 29 through April 1; 2:00 p.m. on April 2—Waller Hall Mainstage
A new musical of acceptance and inclusion by IUP alumnus Joe York and Hali Alspach, directed by special guest artist DeMone Seraphin, with musical direction by Oliver Lo and choreography by J-Sun Noer. Tickets and further information: lively-arts@iup.edu
- Friday, March 31: Women Who Paved the Way
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.—Elkin Hall Great Room
Join the Center for Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement and pay homage to women who have led us to where we are today. Share which women have influenced and inspired you and what legacy you’d like to leave at IUP or in your community. Light refreshments (a high tea!) will be served. Further information: MCSLE, 724-357-2598, tturn@iup.edu
- Friday, March 31: Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Presentation: “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words Really Do Hurt Me”
9:00 a.m.–Noon—Jane Leonard Hall, Room B-10
Guest speaker Byron Brooks, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Loyola University Chicago, will be on campus to speak on microaggressions. Dr. Brooks is also an academic associate with the Chicago Center for HIV Elimination at the University of Chicago, and his work explores how identity and strength-based factors influence well-being in addition to developing culturally relevant mental-health programming for Black queer people. This presentation is open to graduate students and faculty and will explore microaggressions and their effects, barriers to responding to them, and multiple evidence-based strategies to address them. Space is limited, and reservations are required. Further information: Laura Knight, laknight@iup.edu
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Hosting an event you’d like us to mention in an upcoming issue?
Digest issues are emailed every Monday morning. Send all information concerning your event to social-equity@iup.edu, and we will include it in the appropriate weekly issue. Also, please be sure to enter your event in the CMS on the DIVERSITY, STUDENT, and CENTRAL CALENDARS so that it will receive wider marketing, appear in IUP Now, and achieve greater attendance.
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