Share your estimate of giving for 2021 with St. Luke's by February 7.
Share your estimate of giving for 2021 with St. Luke's by February 7.
Weekly Update article link
Dear St. Luke’s Storytellers,
On Monday I got the chance to walk around the Martin Luther King Jr. historical sites in Atlanta with my family. The buildings and museums were not open due to COVID, but just walking the grounds of Ebenezer Baptist Church, the memorial site of Dr. and Mrs. King, and Dr. King’s home gave me great pause. I have been to these places before by myself many times, but this was the first time with all five of us, and the first time visiting on MLK Day. It was busy, but not crowded, and there were all kinds of people there from different races, ages, cultures, and family make-up.
Grace, who can make friends with anyone, introduced herself to an older gentleman who was a “host.” He handed her a copied picture of a civil rights march with Dr. King and pointed himself out as a young man. She listened and asked questions of history and emotion to this man who was so excited to have a young person willing to listen. He talked about his march with Dr. King across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and a march in Atlanta. She asked if he thought things were different today and he shared his feelings about how he believed young people were walking in his shoes and still trying to stand for a “more perfect union.”
I stood back and watched the interaction happen. I marveled at these two people, separated by multiple generations interacting with one another with mutual respect and admiration. I saw how excited this man was to share his story with a stranger. He just wanted to tell the history of the place and share real life experience with those who came to visit. I, frankly, was also impressed with my own 20-something year old kids who asked the questions and then stood to listen and take it all in. This is a generation too often complained about or dismissed in our culture today. As I looked around the park, I saw dozens of young people engaged in the same way. They were studying, asking questions, listening, and taking it all in, artists making music and creating art, talking to older generations and making space for the history on the walls to come to life through others.
This passing of stories from generation to generation was what I took from yesterday’s Inauguration. The entire day was storytelling of people around our country. I took to heart a theme of how our hope relies on our interdependence, which for me, culminated in the moment our first National Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman, recited her inaugural poem, “The Hill We Climb.” As she spoke so beautifully of a vision of our call to be the light and love, she did so with a ring on her finger of a caged bird, a gift from Oprah. A gift to remind her of the legacy she carried from Maya Angelou, Poet Laureate before her. This legacy came forth in her words of vision and call to action for all of us. What we witnessed was at least three generations of women sharing stories and legacies come to life in a new story written as a 22-year-old’s witness to a nation.
The hope and vision of what happens next in the world doesn’t lie simply with those in power and influence in D.C., with big companies, or those with big desks. It lies in the ability of ordinary people like us being willing to tell how our story interacts with God’s vision, especially to other generations, and being willing to listen to the stories they share to shape us. LEARN, ENGAGE, LISTEN, and ECHO is an intentional decision to LIVE the Story of God in community with others. When we share our experience of this vision of the Kingdom of God, where we have seen it, been a part of it, we pass on the anticipation and vision of hope to another, and we never know how that person may take that story and allow it to become realized in ways we could have never foreseen. I believe, as naïve as you want to say it is, that this interdependence of living in the story is a tool God will use to change our nation faster and more efficiently than we realize.
This Sunday we will ENGAGE the story of Liberation, Formation, and Confederation themes found in books spanning Exodus through Judges. You can watch the teaching video from Wednesday night here in preparation. I invite you to read Joshua 24 for some background as we engage the CHOICES we have to LIVE God’s Story versus our own. Read Joshua’s call for the people of Israel to choose who they will serve and pray about the story your life is echoing. What choices are you making to ensure the story you echo is the story of God’s love?
Love, grace, and hope,
Ministry Guide webpage
Click the image above to learn more about connecting to one of the classes or programs you can participate in online or listen to on the phone. If you need help connecting to one of the groups on the schedule, email Liz Vasquez or call 407.876.4991 ext. 216.
St. Luke's is temporarily pausing on-campus worship. Click here to read the update from the St. Luke's COVID-19 Task Force.
Please join us for worship online Sundays at 9:30 a.m. EST on Facebook Live.
Children (K-5th grade) are invited to online Sunday School from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. weekly (click here to register for Zoom link).
Click here to watch last Sunday's worship service.
St. Luke's in Review

New Name for Tuesday Food Distribution at St. Luke's

Supporting hearts press release link
Click the button below to read more about Supporting HEARTS, and how you can open your heart and lend a hand to those who make magic in Central Florida:
Read About Supporting HEARTS

St. Luke's Partner Organization

Go Full STEAM is Hiring

St. Luke's jobs webpage link
Click here to view the Math Bee Coordinator job posting.

Community Resources

COVID updates webpage
View COVID-19 Resources
Looking Ahead at St. Luke's
Stewardship page link
St. Luke's Stewardship "Recipe" Guide and Estimate of Giving Card should arrive in your mailbox soon. Please return the Estimate of Giving by February 7 via mail or in the dropbox outside of Building C. You can also view the Guide and complete an online Estimate of Giving by clicking the button below.
St. Luke's Stewardship 2021
Discover Arena registration link
This is the first step toward joining the church.
Register for "Discover St. Luke's"
Loss of a spouse arena registration link
Register for Loss of a Spouse
App webpage
Supporting hearts webpage link
Learn about the weekly free food distribution at St. Luke's for our neighbors in the arts community, and how to donate, by clicking the button below:
Learn Ways to Support Artists
Opt-in for Texts webpage
Grow it forward webpage link
Learn More about Grow it Forward
Volunteer Serving opportunities webpage link
St. Luke's has all new opportunities to volunteer remotely or semi-remotely with our marketing and communications team. Be part of sharing Kingdom moments with our congregation and community in one of the follwoing roles:
  • Volunteer Social Media Ambassador
  • Volunteer Copywriter/Proofreader
  • Volunteer Photographer
  • Volunteer Graphic Designer
  • Email Marketing Volunteer
  • Marketing Administrative Support Volunteer
Click the button below to learn more and express interest:
Learn More about Marketing Volunteer Opportunities
Griefshare section of care page link
Coping with caregiving registration link
Register for Coping with Caregiving
Save the date, February 15, for VBS Volunteer sign up. Volunteers will be able to register children early. General registration will open March 15.
VBS Dates: June 21-25
Sports webpage link
Register for Flag Football
UMW webpage link
Shop handmade crafts, decor, clothing, and more at great prices for a cause at the UMW Gift Shop, located in the Annex behind St. Luke's Building C. All Christmas items are now 50% off! For more information visit
*Face coverings and social distancing are required on St. Luke’s campus.
Connect with Youth Ministries
Youth webpage link
Click to Register for Middle School ReConnect
Click to Register for High School ReConnect

Get the latest youth news by joining the Slack community, subscribing to our texting system “Remind,” and subscribing to the youth newsletter "The Current."

Youth slack webpage link
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Youth newsletter subscribe link
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Give to St. Luke's Ministries
November 2020 Financial Update
Giving through November 2020 (less PPP): $3,005,882
Giving is up 2.6%
Expenses through November 2020: $3,231,460
Expenses are up 5.4% due to lack of income from revenue producing ministries because of the pandemic
Without the PPP funds, we are in an unfavorable 2020 YTD position of -$225,578
With the PPP funds, we are in a favorable 2020 YTD position of $336,422
Click the button below to start giving online or call the finance office at 407.876.4991 ext. 227 to learn more about additional ways to give.
Click to Give
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