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Bridgeport City News | Bill Finch, Mayor
February 6, 2015

"Does living near Starbucks affect your home value?" - Greenwich Time

If you own a house that's near a Starbucks, consider yourself lucky. Chances of your home value increasing at a faster-than-average pace appear to be greater when it's located in close proximity to one of the Seattle-based coffee shops, according to a new analysis from Zillow. Faster even than if you lived nearby another coffee chain.
"It's not just that Starbucks puts stores in these affluent areas," said Humphries. "We did a second analysis, where we looked at the impact of having a new Starbucks, and it turns out that home prices go up significantly in the first five years after a Starbucks opens."
Their conclusion? Starbucks is freakishly good at predicting which neighborhoods are about to be up-and-coming.
That sounds like music to the ears of David Kooris, Bridgeport's economic development director, who said Thursday that Bridgeport is getting not one, but two Starbucks in the near future.
"Starbucks, amongst other retailers, has a very good skill at identifying neighborhoods where investments are taking place, and where they're going to be able to benefit from revitalization and resurgence," Kooris said. He pointed to the Steelpointe Harbor development, which is currently underway on the city's coastline.

"Mayor Asks Community to Come Together to Help Charity" - CBS Connecticut

Mayor Bill Finch asked for the public’s support for the Daughters of Charity following a burglary at the North Avenue convent that also houses a daycare center and food pantry for the poor.
“All she does is help the poor,” said Mayor Bill Finch, who visited Sister Theresa Tremblay Friday after learning about the break-ins. “There are people all over the city of Bridgeport who have felt this saint’s generosity. She is a lady of faith, great deep faith, and it has served this city very well.”
The Daughters of Charity operates a daycare center, a pantry and convent for the sisters at 1490 North Ave.
Police responded to a burglary there on Jan. 22 in which a computer was stolen. A week earlier, items were stolen including diapers and sundries that were collected for the needy.
Following Mayor Finch's visit to the Daughters of Charity and a News 12 segment, members of the community have responded to create the "Provide a Silver Lining" benefit. Click here to read more.  
"Finch Backs Malloy’s Second Chance Proposal" - Only in Bridgeport
Mayor Bill Finch pledged his support to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s “Second Chance Society” initiatives.
“This is smart public policy,” said Mayor Bill Finch. “In Bridgeport, we’re a city that believes when you commit a crime, there must be consequences. We are also a city that believes in second chances. We can support people and help them make good choices or we can stand idly by and watch history repeat itself.”
Gov. Malloy spoke on Tuesday at Yale Law School in New Haven, where he unveiled a series of “Second Chance Society” initiatives designed to continue the progress being made in reducing the state’s dropping crime rate. On Thursday, Gov. Malloy visited East End Baptist Church in Bridgeport to further discuss his "Second Chance Society."
“Mayor Finch has always strongly supported re-entry for those who have committed crimes to come back into our community in a productive way. That’s why he sponsored legislation, which became law, aimed at giving those convicted of felony offenses – after serving their time and paying their debts to society – to once again to be active in their community,” said Brett Broesder, the city spokesman and communications director. “Mayor Finch also put in a ban-the-box policy for the city upon taking office. And, he’s a champion for Project Longevity, The Workplace, and other agencies that provide support that help people succeed in life after serving time.
In Bridgeport, crime is at its lowest levels in more than 40 years, and preliminary statistics show another significant decrease in 2014.
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Mayor Bill Finch

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Office of the Mayor | City Hall Annex | 999 Broad St. | Bridgeport | CT | 06604 | Phone: 203.576.7201

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