Message from Dean Chris Makaroff
Dear Alumni and Friends:
As everyone knows, these are extremely challenging times for the College of Arts and Science, Miami University, and universities across the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives to the point where many of us may even strain to recall what "normal" is like anymore. For the past several months, we have been monitoring the constantly changing environment around the country and working hard to develop
a sensible, safe approach to resuming fall classes and welcoming our students back to campus, including the Class of 2024.
Per President Crawford's announcement this week, undergraduate students will begin with online classes on August 17. They will then be able to phase into campus experiences after September 21 or have an all-online semester if they wish. Miami courses will be offered as a mixture of online, hybrid, and face-to-face. Although there will be no fall break, students will have a full week off for the Thanksgiving holiday and online finals after Thanksgiving.
Our rigorous plan for a safe academic environment involves facemask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing, along with improved ventilation and filtration in buildings, daily cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms and public spaces, and many other procedures outlined in the Healthy Together website.
Miami and the CAS are also redoubling our efforts
to produce a diverse, inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for everyone. As our country continues to go through this difficult period of uncertainty and unrest, be assured that we empathize with the plight of all who face discrimination, institutional racism, and xenophobia. We are working hard to make Miami welcoming and supportive to all who become a part of our extended family.
Our collective task will not be easy. However, I remain confident that our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners are committed to upholding Miami's legacy of academic excellence by supporting each other throughout these times. We will be successful in the long run. And in the future, looking back on our trials, I believe that we will all feel proud to see that Miami had risen to the moment, exhibiting just what the words "love and honor" truly mean. We're all in this together.
Thank you for your continued support. Here's wishing all of you a safe, healthy, and productive fall. Please keep in touch.