RSVP for Conference Call and Survey Reminder
RSVP for Conference Call and Survey Reminder
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Reminder: A Special Conference Call for Care Coordinators
Join us on Thursday, July 30, at 3 p.m. for a Special People Inc. Conference Call for Care Coordinators. Agency management will provide COVID-19 updates, projected plans for reopening and answer questions.
Questions may be sent in advance and during the call to or texted
to 716.868.9233. 
Given the anticipated volume of participants on the calls, this is the most effective way to have your question heard and answered.
To RSVP, call 716.817.7400. Please share with any Care Coordinators who may be interested. 
Conference call number: 1.607.442.6488 United States, Elmira (Toll)
Code: 243 145 732

Complete Survey: Your Feedback is Needed
During this challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic,
People Inc. wants to stay as connected with you as possible
so that, together, we can continue to provide quality supports
to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are seeking your feedback, so that we can continue to provide useful and targeted communication to you, and make any necessary improvements. Please take a moment to complete this survey by Friday, July 17. At the end of the survey, enter your name and email for a chance to win a $50 VISA gift card.
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