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This week!

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L@s Ganas Ambassadors

Happy 2nd Week of the Semester

🌟Friendly reminders 🌟

*January 24th is the Spring 2025 deadline to request Credit/No Credit for a Spring 2025 general elective course, Credit Hour Overload, or adding and dropping courses for Spring 2025 through

*February 2nd is the 
Spring 2025 OPT-OUT deadline for the CTA U-PASS

*February 9th is the Spring 2025 OPT-OUT deadline for Campuscare

We hope you had a great break. Start the semester strong!

-L@s GANAS Team
L@s Ganas is looking for student tutors, fill out the interest form!
Mentoring con Ganas
L@s Ganas Mentors and mentees
Research/Volunteer/Opportunities etc.

 Get a Head Start in STEM with these events! 

Winter Internship Fair - 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the SCE Illinois Room (Plan to bring copies of your resume and be sure to practice your elevator speech! Learn more about the amazing opportunities available for UIC students!)
Book fair volunteers needed, February 3-6 at Galileo Scholastic Academy
Join L@s Ganas and MEM and volunteer at streets samaritans on February 23rd
Up on EHS research training program - rising college juniors are encouraged to apply!!
Log in service hours before January 31st if you have more than 100 hours to receive the UIC Volunteer Service Award
Register for ASP 021, 080, or 081 to sharpen your math skills if iregistered in math 121, 180, 181 for the Spring semester

Need more credit hours for Spring? Consider these classes!

This spring, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is offering career courses designed to help you explore your options, refine your skills, and build a foundation for career success.
Unsure about your major? This course is perfect for first-year, second-semester undeclared students, this course helps you align your values, strengths, and motivations with potential majors and career paths through tools like CliftonStrengths, TruMotivate, and What Can I Do with My Major?
Elevate your professional brand! From resumes to interviews, this course will help you develop the confidence and skills needed to stand out in your internship or job search and be career-ready.
Have an internship? Turn it into academic credit! LAS 289 is tailored for students who are gaining real-world experience and want to integrate their experience into their professional development.
UIC Navigators Scholars - Apply by April 1st
The Navigator Scholars program is a unique scholarship program designed to provide first-generation college students in their first year at UIC with a planning scholarship for study abroad. Navigator Scholars participate in semesterly global leadership summits designed to prepare them for study abroad and to learn about leadership within a global context.


As an HSF Scholar, you will have access to HSF’s invaluable Scholar Support Services and be eligible to receive a scholarship, depending on available funds.
- Scholars are selected based on merit. Award amounts range from $500 - $5,000, based on relative need.
-HSF Scholars have access to a full range of invaluable Scholar Support Services, including career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training
-Career services include access to select internship and job opportunities with HSF corporate partners
-HSF Scholars are eligible to apply for all Scholar Conferences including, the STEM Summit, Finance Conference, Media & Entertainment Summit, Entrepreneurship Summit, and Healthcare Summit

Social Events

Commuter Dash Spring 2025

New to UIC this Fall? Then join the Commuter Dash! The Commuter Dash is a virtual and in-person scavenger hunt for new transfer students. Complete tasks, attend events, and explore UIC! Earn points to win and meet students!
Instructions to Join the Commuter Dash for Spring 2025:
1.) Download the Scavify App: Begin by downloading the Scavify app from either the Google Play Store or The App Store.
2.) Sign Up: Create an account within the Scavify app using your full name and your UIC email address.
3.) Find the Hunt: After signing up, search for "Commuter Dash Spring 2025".
4.) Join the Hunt: Once you find the hunt, you can join and start participating in the Commuter Dash.

Disclaimer: All students are welcome to participate in the scavenger event; however, only new Spring 2025 students are eligible to win prizes. Thank you for understanding!

Discover all the amazing programs and services offered by UIC Recreation and Wellbeing at our FREE annual event. Tuesday, January 28th from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. 
Why Attend Rec LIVE?
- Explore: Discover the wide range of programs and services available through Recreation and Wellbeing.
- Engage: Meet and interact with campus and community partners, sport clubs, and fitness instructors.
- Win: Participate in activities and raffles for a chance to win amazing prizes.
- Experience: Enjoy live demonstrations and get a feel for the exciting offerings at UIC.

Things to Do in Chicagoland this Month

Chicago Restaurant Week: More than 470 Chicagoland eateries will offer specially curated menus for brunch ($25), lunch ($25), or dinner ($45+) between January 24 and February 9. Check out some of the best restaurants in Chicago that have been on your list while saving some money! Make sure to make a reservation.
Architecture & Design Film Festival: This year's fest includes picks like The House: 6 Points of Departure, which explores the creative process behind the Crawford House in Montecito, California, and This Is Not a House, the story of one of the most unique homes in the world. Tickets are only $8 for students!
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