December 2, 2020
Dear Playhouse Village Businesses,
Over the last few weeks, Pasadena, like almost all of the nation, has experienced an alarming increase in daily COVID-19 infections. In addition, local hospitalizations have increased at a rapid rate, putting healthcare resources at risk. To help mitigate the spread of the virus and protect the health of residents, the City has undertaken proactive enforcement measures to remind us all of our part in controlling this pandemic. Enforcement measures include City employees and volunteers from many City departments canvassing areas and businesses throughout the city to ensure compliance with Reopening Protocols.
We urge you to review all protocols and make sure you are prepared for any inspection that may occur. As a reminder, all business sectors must comply with the Reopening Protocols including the following:
- Complete and post the Protocol Checklist at the entrance of the facility. You can find the latest Protocol Checklist for your business sector here.
- Designate one individual to be in charge of planning and implementation of Reopening Protocols - this is particularly essential for office spaces and buildings.
- Assign an employee to manage the flow of customers at the entrance and exit. Queuing and waiting areas must be strictly controlled to maintain social distancing and to prevent crowding, particularly on public sidewalk areas. This is an often a noted potential violation for merchants throughout Pasadena.
- Employees must properly wear face coverings at all times. Customers should wear face coverings at all times except during eating and drinking in outdoor dining areas.
- To allow for adequate ventilation, outdoor tents (for dining and non-dining use) have no more than two non-adjacent impermeable walls, and are at least 50% open. Walls of lattice, plants, and screen are considered open. Review the the tent guidelines and permit here.
- Increase vigilance in actively managing occupancy to meet requirements and reduce crowding, especially with increased activity during the holiday season.
- Ensure you are following all existing approved hours of operation and other City regulations in addition to the COVID-19 Reopening Protocols.
The City is implementing new pandemic safeguards and restrictions, effective midnight tonight until 11:59 P.M. December 20, 2020. The new Temporary Limited Stay at Home Order includes the following restrictions:
- All public and private gatherings and events with individuals from more than one household are prohibited, except for outdoor faith-based services and protests that are conducted in accordance with public health protocols (they are constitutionally-protected rights) and other activity as stated or referenced in the Temporary Order. A gathering is defined by the State as a social situation that brings people together from different households at the same time in a single space or place.
- While outdoor dining at restaurants is currently allowed in Pasadena, only individuals from the same household can eat within 6 feet of each other. Restaurants should provide this information to patrons, such as on their websites and as they take reservations. Compliance by restaurants and customers is required if outdoor dining is to remain viable.
See the updated Health Officer Order for additional information. Enforcement personnel will continue to monitor local businesses to ensure compliance with protocols issued by Pasadena Public Health Department. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe.
The PVA is committed to supporting our business community in every possible way. Please don’t hesitate to contact the PVA at with any questions or concerns you may have.