Microelectronics/Semiconductor Research Community Virtual Workshop
In response to the recent efforts of the federal government to bolster US semiconductor manufacturing under the auspices of the CHIPS Act, the NSF NNCI is organizing a two-day online workshop on September 8-9, 2022 to examine how the NNCI can address various components of the CHIPS initiative.
NanoImpacts Conference 2022
JSNN will host the second annual NanoImpacts Conference on October 13-15, 2022. The theme of the conference is Semiconductor Synthetic Biology and Beyond. All are welcome to attend.
Industry Spotlight:
BNNano, Inc.
BNNano, Inc. is an advanced manufacturing company with a commercially viable manufacturing process for Boron Nitride Nanotubes. BNNano, Inc. pioneered the patented NanoBarb™, a unique and enhanced Boron Nitride Nanotube. When added to common materials, NanoBarb™ improves their natural properties, changing them into extraordinary materials. BNNano, Inc. is a user of SENIC's JSNN core facilities.
IEN Instrumentation Spotlight:
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy is now available in the SENIC IEN/IMat Materials Characterization Facility at
Georgia Tech. The MCF is pleased to announce the installation of its latest X-Ray tool, the Bruker Tornado X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer. Featuring two sources, two detectors, and an automatic stage with micron-level positioning accuracy; the XRF is capable of measuring elements from C to U with a spot size down to 20um for high resolution elemental mapping of materials and devices. In addition, advanced software packages: XMethod - for layer thickness calculation and AMICS - for automated mineral determination are available to users for sample analysis. More information about the instrument and its capabilities will be posted on the MCF webpage soon, and the tool will be open for use in early September.
Photos Courtesy of IEN
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JSNN Instrumentation Spotlight:
Chromatography and
Mass Spectrometry
JSNN has added exciting new analytical chemistry instrumentation from Agilent. The 1290 UHPLC, 7900 ICP-MS, and 5977B/8890 GC-MS were added this summer to the core facilities to augment existing capabilities. The ICP-MS is a highly capable single quadrupole system with high matrix tolerance, extremely low detection limits, but the widest dynamic range available for elemental analysis in a variety of sample types including single nanoparticle studies (spICP-MS). Chromatography with the new UHPLC and GC-MS allows for incredibly fast and repeatable separation with a simple user interface. All three systems offer the best performance available today for high performance analysis of atomic and molecular compositions. Contact JSNN for more information about what these instruments can do for your research.
Photos Courtesy of JSNN
| SENIC's Education and Outreach
Among other events, IEN hosted the Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers in June, and JSNN hosted the ExPlorers Program for underrepresented high school students in July.
IEN continues to provide a free “Intro to Nanotechnology” virtual workshop to students in Georgia, and JSNN continues to provide free "Rise to Nano" experiences to schools and community organizations in North Carolina. Students and community members can learn about the exciting world of nanotechnology, the science of the super small, with hands-on activities. Contact Education and Outreach Teams at IEN and JSNN for additional information.
Upcoming Outreach Events:
Photos Courtesy of JSNN
SENIC Catalyst Program
In support of its vision to strengthen and accelerate discovery in nanoscience and nanoengineering across the US, SENIC has established the SENIC Catalyst Program. This program will allow limited free access to the SENIC facilities to aid in research, obtain preliminary data, conduct proof of concept studies, or for educational purposes.
Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
Georgia Institute of Technology
Marcus Nanotechnology Building
345 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332
Paul Joseph, PhD
Georgia Tech External User Contact
404-894-5029 (Office)
Email: paul.joseph@ien.gatech.edu
| Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)
North Carolina A&T State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2907 East Gate City Boulevard
Greensboro, NC 27401
Shyam Aravamudhan, PhD
JSNN External User Contact
336-285-2856 (Office)
Email: saravamu@ncat.edu
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