Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
Celebrate milestones with your St. Luke's family.
The monthly "St. Luke's Celebrates" newsletter
helps St. Lukers connect to one another
as we navigate life together. 
We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers! Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of birthdays. 
Kinsey Lynn Mason was born on August 16 at 3:55 p.m., weighing 5 lbs. 12 oz. to parents Chelsea and John.  Welcome, Kinsey!
On August 21, Corinne McNaull was baptized.
Joining Corinne on this special day were her family and loved ones including her mother Holly and father Patrick.
Welcome to our St. Luke's family, Corinne!
On August 21, Cooper McLaughlin was baptized.
Joining Cooper on this special day were his family and loved ones including his mother Morgan and father Joel.
Welcome to our St. Luke's family, Cooper!
We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to the church's ministries. Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of church partnership anniversaries.
A celebration of life for Elizabeth "Liz" McGlynn was held on August 20 in the Sanctuary.
Liz is the mother of St. Luker Beth Corcoran and considered St. Luke’s her home.
She loved to support all those in the arts and loved her family very much.
Please keep Beth, her siblings, and Liz’s husband Casey in your prayers during this time.

St. Luker John Golder passed away peacefully on August 23.

John and his wife Joretta have been partners with St. Luke’s since 1993 and served in missions and worshipped faithfully in our former 8:00 a.m. worship service.

A service for John was held on August 26 in the Sanctuary. Please keep his wife, Joretta, his daughters Debbie Krenzer and Roni Smith, and their families in your prayers.

The Child Development Center has started the 2022-2023 School year with both old and new friends!
The VPK classes had their first celebration of the year with a Teddy Bear Picnic. Each child brought in a soft friend to help participate in stories, games, and a special snack for the day.
Early literacy at this age is very important so activities with letter recognition, letter sounds, phonological awareness, and rhyming words are all part of their daily activities in the classroom.
Celebrating a community’s vision come to life!

“Help us rebuild an economically vibrant community” was the message from more than 500 households representing 2,000+ individuals in East Winter Garden.
This came out of St. Luke’s and the American Heart Association’s year-long neighborhood survey led by residents in East Winter Garden.
Thanks to partnerships with Shepherd’s Hope, HEBNI (Health Education through Behavioral and Nutritional Initiatives), Second Harvest, and the City of Winter Garden, the kick-off event was attended by more than 300 households.
It was inspiring to see Maxey Elementary families taking advantage of the HEBNI’s fresh produce mobile market, affirming our belief that people prefer affordable and attainable fresh produce of their choice.
The featured Staff Shout Out goes to our church accountant Andrea Whisnant-Burgis 
Andrea Whisnant-Burgis received two Staff Shout Outs this month! 
  • Helping the staff stay informed about their budgets, getting significant financial data to Leadership faster than they have ever received it, handling HR tasks, and providing great leadership in health insurance renewal/negotiations.
  • Shout out to Andrea for being a wealth of knowledge and support and always being willing to help and encourage. You are so appreciated!
Congratulations Andrea!
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