| Trustee Update Neethan Shan • Ward 17: Scarborough Centre Toronto District School Board 416-395-8787 • Neethan.Shan@tdsb.on.ca |  | | |
Are you receiving this newsletter from your school, or forwarded from another parent?
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Celebrating Good News at the TDSB
I invite you to read about some of the recent events, initiatives and great things happening across the Toronto District School Board, including:
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Winter Break Reminder
As we approach the end of the year, we want to remind you that schools will be closed for Winter Break from December 25, 2023, to January 5, 2024. I hope that students enjoy this well-deserved time off and that everyone has the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. We look forward to welcoming students and staff back on Monday, January 8, 2024.
Wishing you the best of the holiday season, a wonderful Winter Break, and a Happy New Year!
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Middle French Immersion (Grade 4 Entry) Application Deadline
For families interested in the Toronto District School Board's system-wide French Immersion Program, we offer an online process to apply for Middle French Immersion (begins in Grade 4). To apply to the Middle French Immersion Program for September 2024, applications must be completed online between January 8 and February 2, 2024. Families with an older sibling currently in a Middle French Immersion program are still required to complete an online application for the new student. For more information, please visit: Middle French Immersion or the Application Process. Interested families can apply via the Application Link.
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Elementary Alternative Schools Online Application
Did you know the TDSB offers a wide range of elementary alternative schools available to students? The application process is managed centrally and includes an online application form. For more information about the online application process, please visit the Alternative Schools website on December 11, 2023.
The online application for admission for September 2024 will be open from Monday, January 8, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
I encourage you to take part in information sessions and/or open houses for students and parents/guardians/caregivers in December 2023 and January 2024 at our Elementary alternative schools. More information is available on the Elementary School Open Houses and Information Nights web page.
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High School Open Houses and Information Nights
We are pleased to offer open houses and information sessions for students and parents/ guardians/ caregivers to help you make an informed decision when choosing a school. These open houses and information sessions are taking place between November and January! Please visit the website to learn more about our variety of schools, programs and courses and see the dates and times of scheduled Open Houses and Information Nights.
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Literacy Strategy Consultation
I am happy to inform you that the TDSB is developing a Kindergarten to Grade 12 Literacy Strategy which will set the direction, priorities, and goals for learning and teaching literacy over the next three years. And we want to hear from you! I encourage all TDSB parents/guardians/caregivers to share feedback anonymously through the online Literacy Strategy Consultation survey. The survey will remain open until Monday, December 18, 2023.
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Review of Legacy Technical and Commercial Boundaries
These outdated boundaries were established during a time of academic-vocational streamlining, but now hinder equity of access. The Board is proposing the dissolution of these legacy boundaries by September 2025 to provide equal access to all Toronto students.
The affected schools include Central Technical School, Central Toronto Academy, Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute, Northern Secondary School, Victoria Park Collegiate Institute, and Western Technical-Commercial School. The proposed changes would not affect current programs.
I encourage you to attend public engagement opportunities, which are scheduled for mid-January 2024 through three virtual meetings, details of which will be provided before the winter break.
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Winter Weather and Student Transportation
From time to time, it may be necessary to cancel student transportation, classes and/or programs because of severe weather. On rare occasions, severe weather makes it necessary to close schools, administrative offices, or sites.
With approximately 236,000 students in 583 schools, any decision to cancel buses, classes and/or programs or to close sites can have a significant impact on thousands of families across Toronto. This decision is not taken lightly. When schools remain open on days with inclement weather, parents/guardians/caregivers make the final decision on whether to send their children to school and they can keep children home from school if they so choose.
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TDSB Student Census Results
In Spring 2023, the TDSB conducted its fourth Student Census, which resulted in a response rate of approximately 58% across all grades. The Student Census asks students important questions about school experiences and identities and is an opportunity for students to share their voice and provide valuable information to help improve our schools and system. Please visit the following link to view Student Census results on the TDSB website.
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Raise A Reader
Thanks to each one of you who joined us for the "Raise A Reader" workshop series. Your presence and enthusiasm added immense value to our collective effort to foster a love for reading in our young learners. For those who missed the previous sessions, worry not! The Raise A Reader website features a collection of valuable resources from each workshop, tailored for different age groups. These resources are designed to empower you as parents and caregivers with tools and insights to continue nurturing literacy skills in your children at every stage of their academic journey.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to TDSB Community Support Worker, Donna Cardoza, at donna.cardoza@tdsb.on.ca or call 647-403-5821.
Thank you for your commitment to your child's reading journey!
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Learn4Life Adult Community Programs - Winter 2024 Registration Now Open
I am pleased to share that the Winter 2024 registration is now OPEN for Learn4Life's Adult General Interest Program with courses in business, languages, art, music, sports, dancing, and more!
The variety of courses are open to adults 18 years of age and seniors. The Learn4Life program offers a unique and valuable opportunity for individuals to pursue their interests, expand their knowledge, and engage in lifelong learning with a wide range of courses and activities designed to cater to diverse interests and passions.
New courses this term include:
- Adventures in Photography
- Bringing Stories to Life Through Book Illustrations
- Create Your Own Natural Cosmetics
- De-Stress and Relax
- Pastry Arts for Everyone
- Golf Training Program
- Portuguese Essential Conversation
- Afrobeat Aerobics
- Understanding Landlord Rights and Responsibilities
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New Community Adult Classes in January 2024 I am happy to share that the Community Services Unit-operated programs across the GTA are offering new start dates for various classes starting in January. These free and low-cost services and programs are designed for parents and adults seeking employment, new skills, and better opportunities.
For young adults who are out of school and out of work, the On the Road Construction training program and On the Line Culinary training program will start new sessions on January 1 and 8, respectively. Please note that these programs have very rigorous criteria for enrollment. To learn more about Community Services programs and services, please click here.
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Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy 2023-2032
On November 1, 2023, the Board of Trustees approved the Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy (LTPAS) for 2023-2032. The LTPAS helps the TDSB plan in a city that is always changing. The LTPAS enables the Board to plan studies to balance school enrolments among overcrowded and under-used schools, as well as increase access to programs for all TDSB students. The LTPAS is updated and approved each year. For more information, please visit the TDSB’s public website to review the LTPAS document.
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Ministry of Education Information Sheets The Ministry of Education has created information sheets for parents/guardians/caregivers to keep you informed about important issues or initiatives and to help support your children reach their full potential:
- Financial Literacy: Interactive online lessons for parents to use with their children which covers the value and use of money, managing personal finances such as budgeting and investing wisely.
- Anti-Bullying: The guide, ‘Bullying: We can all help stop it’ has information about bullying, including cyberbullying, what you can do if your child is being bullied, has witnessed bullying or may be bullying others.
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Coping During War & Conflict: Video Series and Culturally Responsive Resources
I know our community is going through a period of unprecedented challenges, and we understand that it's crucial to find effective ways to manage our well-being. A video series and related resources have been developed by TDSB staff and expert facilitators to offer coping strategies during war and conflict to support the emotional and mental wellness of students, parents/guardians/caregivers, staff, and the broader community. Visit the Affinity Wellness webpage for videos and resources.
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Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Helpline 9-8-8
On November 30, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) through the Canadian Radio and Television Corporation (CRTC) announced a national three digit Mental Health and Suicide Prevention hotline number, 988. Learn More.
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Professional Activity (PA) Days
As you know, during the school year, school staff participate in a number of Professional Activity (PA) Days. Starting this school year, boards of education are now required to publicly share detailed information about PA Days, as outlined in Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 151. Please note, all information and details will be posted to www.tdsb.on.ca/PAdays at least 14 days in advance of the scheduled PA Day. Information for the upcoming PA Day on December 8 was posted on the PA Day web page on November 24.
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National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women - December 6
On December 6, TDSB students and staff mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Established in 1991 by the Parliament of Canada, this day coincides with the anniversary of the death of 14 young women who were tragically killed on December 6, 1989, at l'École Polytechnique in Montreal because of their gender. On this national day of remembrance, we honour the memory of these women and reflect on the ways that gender violence continues to affect us. For more information, visit Status of Women Canada and participate in their #ActionsMatter campaign. To find out how you can help prevent violence against women visit www.ontario.ca/page/lets-stop-sexual-harassment-violence. Within the TDSB, please contact www.tdsb.on.ca/gbvp for further support or questions on any issues related to gender-based violence.Top of FormBottom of Form
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Steps to Address Your Questions and Concerns
Here at the TDSB, we are always open to hearing your questions and concerns, and make every effort to address them as quickly as possible. Your child's classroom teacher is the first point of contact, followed by the school's principal, the school superintendent, and me, your Trustee! For more information visit https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Contact-Us/Steps-to-Address-Questions-Concerns.
Upcoming Meetings
The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 For a list of upcoming meetings, please click on the calendar on the main webpage of www.tdsb.on.ca.
Follow the TDSB
Join the conversations happening on TDSB's social media communities. You'll find the most up-to-date information about us on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.
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