The Cataylst Newsletter
Supporting Sustainable Businesses
By: Kelsey Davis
The holiday season is one of the greatest spending and waste generating seasons of the year. Supporting businesses that limit their waste, reduce their carbon footprint, and practice sustainability helps to offset the impacts of resource consumption. Sustainable buisinesses also often demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility by promoting fair labor practices and ethical sourcing. These businesses contribute to the well-being of their employees, suppliers, and the communities in which they operate.
This holiday season, we encourage you to promote sustainable businesses and inspire others to do so too. Instead of purchasing the latest fast fashion for your friend or family member’s gift, choose an eco-friendly gift that reduces waste, or purchase from a company that has a carbon-neutrality goal. Supporting sustainable businesses sets a positive example, encouraging other shoppers to support similar businesses, and encouraging companies to adopt sustainable practices. This creates a ripple effect of positive change, driving a shift towards a more sustainable economy.
1.     Make Informed Choices: Research and choose products and services from companies committed to sustainability. Look for certifications like Fairtrade, B Corp, or LEED.
2.     Support Local Initiatives: Patronize local sustainable businesses, such as farmers' markets, eco-friendly stores, and renewable energy providers.
3.     Spread the Word: Share information about sustainable businesses with your friends, family, and colleagues. Encourage them to make informed choices and support sustainable practices.
4.     Engage with Businesses: Contact businesses you support and ask about their sustainability efforts. Encourage them to adopt more sustainable practices and express your appreciation for their commitment to the environment and social responsibility.
5.     Advocate for Sustainable Policies: Support policies that promote sustainability, such as renewable energy incentives, waste reduction initiatives, and sustainable procurement practices.
Green Star Partnership Welcomes New Member

On Tuesday November 21, 2023, tire manufacturer Nokian Tyres became a member of the Tennessee Green Star Partnership, an environmental leadership program recognizing the state's manufacturers for their record in sustainability. State Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner David Salyers said in a statement the designation honors the company for its outstanding performance in sustainability.

Host a Food Waste Prevention Week Event

Food Waste Prevention Week (FWPW), a national week to celebrate and expand our efforts to reduce food waste, is scheduled for April 1-7, 2024. Partners across Tennessee will be hosting a variety of in-person events, including Bread to Tap events and cooking demonstrations (click here for more event examples). Join us for a webinar on December 7th, 2023 at 2:00pm CST / 3:00 pm EST to learn how to host your own in-person FWPW event.

Register Here!
 State Parks to Host First Day Hikes

Want to get active in the new year? Join a local Tennessee state park for the first hike of the year on January 1st, 2024! Parks across Tennessee will be hosting family-friendly hikes, wheelchair assessible hikes, and birding tours on New Year’s Day. To learn more and register click the button below.

    Register Here!
     Small Business Environmental Assistance Corner
    Small businesses receive recognition on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, but what can you do to support your community beyond Small Business Saturday? The holidays are the perfect time to support small businesses and shop local to your community and state. Did you know that there are over 142,400 small businesses in Tennessee employing fewer than 100 employees and 470,330 non-employer firms? Instead of shopping from big box stores, try searching for unique gifts made in Tennessee. In addition to supporting your local community and economy, shopping local reduces shipping-related energy use and pollution.
    Every day is Small Business Day at TDEC’s Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP). Check out our website, sign up for our newsletter, TN Small Biz Buzz, and or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on reporting deadlines, training opportunities, webinars, compliance tips, and more! For more, contact us at 800-734-3619 or!

    Recipe of the Month
    Freeze vegetable scraps to make this vesatile broth! Pro tip: add turkey or ham bones from holiday cooking for a wholesome bone broth!
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