迈阿密大家庭时事聚焦:发布通讯 1
迈阿密大家庭时事聚焦:发布通讯 1
Family Members of the Class of 2023,

Welcome to the Miami Family! You are likely filled with anticipation and excitement as your student begins at Miami. College is one of those rare and beautiful things in life where the actual experience, even when hard, is often better than anticipated.

The Division of Student Life at Miami is made up of 14 offices with staff that work to help students clarify their goals, find pathways to achieve them, give extra encouragement when needed, and provide the support students need along the way. As partners in working for the success and growth of your student, we will reach out to you every couple of weeks with issues of Miami Family Focus, which will not only update you on campus events, but also provide advice for conversations with your student. These newsletters will include information about the many resources available on campus and make you aware of important dates and deadlines. Through issues of Miami Family Focus, you will learn about topics that include:
  • Enhancing academic success
  • Transition tips for families of new college students
  • Safety on and off campus
  • Being a responsible member of the Miami and Oxford communities.
We know that the college years can sometimes be as challenging and exciting for the family as for the student. How will your role in the life of your student change over the next four years? This is a fundamental question and there is no simple answer that applies to all families. The only universal truth is that all students need the support and understanding of family and friends. Your student's transformation into adulthood will require your confidence and trust, and space to try new things and to learn their capacity for self-advocacy and self-direction. Things may not always go perfectly, but you have spent many years preparing your student for the transition; now is the time to trust that they have learned those lessons well.

Again, welcome to the Miami Family. Watch for the next issue of Miami Family Focus in a week or so, then throughout the school year. We look forward to getting to know you and your student over the next four years.
Love and Honor,
Jayne Brownell
Vice President for Student Life

各位 2023 级学生家属,
欢迎加入迈阿密大家庭! 当入学新生为开启迈阿密之行做好准备之时,您的内心可能也充斥着期待与兴奋。大学生活绝对是人生中最为珍贵迷人的一段韶华,尽管其中难免遭遇挫折,但是这段切实经历的精彩程度往往超乎预料。
迈阿密学生生活委员会由 14 个办事处构成,工作人员将帮助学生明确个人目标、发掘目标实现途径、并在必要情况下予以特殊鼓励,同时还将全程根据学生的需求提供支持。作为助力学生迈向成功、获得成长的最佳拍档,每隔几周我们会与您联系,并就 Miami Family Focus 相关事宜展开沟通,您不仅能够从中了解最新的校园资讯,同时还将获得与学生沟通方面的建议。此类通讯中将报道大量可用校园资源信息,助您获悉重要日期和截止期限。通过 Miami Family Focus 发布的内容,您将了解到如下主题内容:
  • 提高学习成绩   
  • 大学新生大家庭过渡技巧   
  • 校园内外安全问题   
  • 成为迈阿密、牛津分校的尽责成员
众所周知,对于家属和学生个人而言,大学时光很多时候可能兼具挑战性和兴奋感。 未来四年中,您在入学新生生活中所扮演的角色将发生怎样的转变?针对这一基本问题,目前还没有适用于所有家庭的简单答案。但是,每位学生都需要获得家人和朋友的支持和理解,这绝对是唯一的普遍真理。入学新生在成人化过程中,需要您为其树立信心并提供信任与依靠,同时,他们还需要尝试新鲜事物的空间以学习自我主张和自我引导的能力。尽管在这过程中并不总是一帆风顺,但是多年以来您也一直在为入学新生的过渡期作准备;而今是时候相信他们能够很好地学习总结这些经验教训了。
我们再一次诚挚地欢迎您加入迈阿密大家庭。敬请查看将于约一周后发布的 Miami Family Focus,后期您还将了解整个学年度的发布内容。我们期待在未来四年里与您和您家学生逐渐了解,建立感情。
Jayne Brownell
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