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February is Black History Month

Black men and women are more likely than the general population to be diagnosed with cancer at later stages when it is less treatable, and are less likely to undergo genetic counseling and testing for hereditary cancer mutations. To help address these disparities, we have partnered with patient advocate Erika Stallings on the Black & BRCA initiative to provide tailored support and resources. 

View our fact sheet about Common Myths About Cancer and Genetics in the Black community.

Register for A BRCA Family Affair

On Tuesday, February 23 at 6:30 PM EST, join us for A BRCA Family Affair: Susan Domchek, MD in conversation with Ali Rogin (author of Beat Breast Cancer Like A Boss) and her parents, Rebecca and Max Weinberg. This virtual fireside chat will focus on one family's journey after discovering they were BRCA mutation carriers.

2021 Research Update Webinar

The Basser Center's annual research update webinar with Executive Director Susan Domchek, MD, covered the latest updates in hereditary cancer care and genetics research.
If you missed the live broadcast last week, the archived video is now available.
Watch now

Basser in the News

The Basser Center is proud to host and sponsor events throughout the country.
March 24, 2021 at 6:30 PM EST
Basser Young Leadership Council's BRCA 101 panel
May 12, 2021 at 11:30 AM EST
Breakthroughs and Discoveries panel
Basser Center
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