Dedicated to the Development and Dissemination of Bowen Theory
Previews of the Upcoming Presentations at the 56th Annual Symposium
Distance and Cutoff: The Catholic Church, Sex Abuse, and the Family
Kathleen Cotter Cauley, MEd, LMFT
How does one face the challenge of remaining objective toward a topic as emotionally charged as the Catholic Church abuse scandals? And what does Bowen theory have to add to this discussion? Ms. Cauley will speak about her experience in gaining neutrality through the gathering of facts, encouraging person to person relationships, understanding distance and cutoff, and knowing one’s principles.
The Pitfalls and Possibilities of Manualising Bowen Theory
Jennifer Brown, PhD, MSc
This presentation will explore data from a pilot study of the use of a manualised parent intervention program based on Bowen theory. It explores potential pitfalls/distortions to theory, alongside emerging benefits in facilitating application of Bowen theory.
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Adjoining Clinical Conference on
Thursday, November 7th
Viable Emotional Contact
Daniel V. Papero, PhD, MSSW
One of the eight concepts of Bowen theory concerns emotional distance; the concept of cutoff. It appears accurate to describe a continuum of emotional distance among members of the family, ranging from complete cutoff at one end to what Bowen calls “viable emotional contact” at the other. This clinical conference will focus on that continuum, attending particularly to defining what is meant by viable emotional contact and to the efforts people make to regain/maintain it.

The Universities at Shady Grove
9636 Gudelsky Drive, Building III (The Camille Kendall Academic Center)
3rd Floor, Room 3241 (Crockett Theater)
Rockville, MD 20850

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Shady Grove Parking Map
Building III Map
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Cutoff in Family Relationships
Watch the first episode of the new season of Family Matters! New host Kathleen Smith, PhD, LPC interviews Anne S. McKnight, EdD, LCSW, LICSW.
Being cutoff from your family is no rarity in today’s world. Cutoff could happen when an adult child leaves for college and stops speaking with her parents. Or when two siblings end contact after a dispute over their parent’s estate. Maybe you have a mysterious uncle whose information is missing from your family history. America has been called “a nation of cutoff.” But what does this term actually mean?
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