USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife Office of Research Advancement
Descripton at end of newsletter                                                                             Week of  April  24, 2023                      

Greetings Dornsife Faculty,
This week's report includes
  -  Kudos to 2 new recipients of the Simons Investigator in Acquatic Microbial Award!
  -  Great external funding success for 5 Dornsife faculty;
  -  Current and diverse external funding opportunities, including 3 limited submissions.

Best regards,
Renee J. Perez, Vice Dean, Administration & Finance
Cathleen Crayton, Project Specialist

Seth John, Earth Sciences, Simons Investigator in Aquatic Microbial Ecology Award, In plasticus, in silico, in situ: Culturing, models, and observations combined to explore the impacts of trace-metals on marine ecology, Simons Foundation

Cameron Thrash, Marine and Environmental Biology, Simons Investigator in Aquatic Microbial Ecology Award, Coastal SAR11 in a Changing Climate, Simons Foundation

 External Funding Successes
Aravind Asok, Mathematics, A panorama of homotopy theory, National Science Foundation

Assal Habibi, Psychology, Investigating the efficacy of a music-based digital therapeutic to help manage the neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia, LUCID Therapeutics

Eric Heller, Anthropology, Canyon Country Cultural Landscapes: A Virtual Reality Community Engagement Resource, Bureau of Land Management – Department of Interior

Greta Panova, Mathematics, Computational Complexity and Algebraic Combinatorics, National Science Foundation

Darby Saxbe, Psychology, Childhood Maltreatment and Disease Risk in Young Adulthood: The Role of HPA Regulation in Adolescence, Kaiser Foundation

External Funding Opportunities
***Limited Submission***
(1 slot available)
The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation
Program: Grants
: Supports applied research, pilot projects, new initiatives, training, and technical assistance, rather than ongoing support for programs that are already well underway.  An important goal for the Foundation is to provide seed money to help promising projects, organizations, and individuals develop the track record they need to attract major foundation funding in the future. Examples of areas of interest include
  -  Conservation: (1) Increase engagement between scientists, local people and indigenous communities and organizations, and decision-makers; (2) Help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change; and (3) Protect biodiversity and preserve natural resources.
  -  Food:  (1) Develop and promote sustainable agricultural practices; (2) Build the capacity of small-scale farmers; and (3) Advance farmer research and research partnerships.
  -  Health: (1) Address issues related to mental and behavioral health; (2) Increase the understanding of zoonotic and neglected tropical disease; and (3) Address issues related to nutrition and health.
Award details: While there is no minimum or maximum grant size, most awards are ~$25K-$50K per year. Project periods are 1 to 2 years.
USC Internal Announcement:  
External announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: May 12, 2023.
Letter of Intent due date: July 1, 2023.
Application due date: Reviews applications twice a year. Next due date: September 3, 2023.
***Limited Submission***
(1 slot available)
NIH / National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS)
Program: Limited Competition: Superfund Hazardous Substance Research and Training (P42 — Hazardous Substances Basic Research Grants Program)
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): RFA-ES-23-001
Synopsis: Supports problem-based, solution-oriented research Centers that consist of multiple, integrated projects representing both the biomedical and environmental science and engineering disciplines; as well as cores tasked with administration (which includes research translation), data management and analysis, community engagement, research experience and training coordination, and research support functions.  The scope of the SRP Centers is taken directly from the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and includes (1) advanced techniques for the detection, assessment, and evaluation of the effect on human health of hazardous substances; (2) methods to assess the risks to human health presented by hazardous substances; (3) methods and technologies to detect hazardous substances in the environment; and (4) basic biological, chemical, and physical methods to reduce the amount and toxicity of hazardous substances.
Award details: May request a budget for direct costs of up to $2 million dollars for each year of a maximum 5-year project period.
USC Internal Announcement:
External Announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: May 26, 2023.
Letter of Intent due date: September 2, 2023
Application due date: October 2, 2023.
***Limited Submission
(2 slots available)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Program: 2024 Summer Stipends
: Supports continuous full-time work on research-based projects in the humanities for a period of two consecutive months. NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research. Important: Tenured faculty members who teach full time at USC must be nominated by USC. Other applicants — including non-tenured faculty at USC, staff members who will not be teaching during the academic year preceding the award, and emeritus faculty — do not require an institutional nomination.
Award details: $600K program funding. Anticipate 100 awards. Awards begin May 1, 2024 to September 1, 2025.
USC Internal announcement:
External Announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: June 2, 2023.
External due date
: September 20, 2023.

Pen America
Program: Pen / Heim Translation Fund Grants, 2024
: Supports and promotes the publication and reception of translated international literature in English. The Fund has been uniquely successful in finding publishers for major international works, encouraging younger translators to enter the field, and introducing English-speaking readers to new and exciting voices. All other criteria being equal, preference is given to translators at the beginning of their career, and to works by underrepresented writers working in underrepresented languages. Eligibility criteria are (1) translations of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or drama, originally written by a single individual; (2) translations should not have previously appeared in English in print or should have appeared only in an outdated or otherwise flawed translation; (3) Works should be translations-in-progress, as the grant aims to provide support for completion; (4) There are no restrictions on the nationality or citizenship of the translator, but the works must be translated into English; (5) Projects may have a maximum of two translators but are limited to one original author. Translations of works with multiple original authors, such as anthologies, translations of literary criticism, and scholarly or otherwise technical texts are not eligible.
Award details: PEN America confers over 20 distinct awards, fellowships, grants, and prizes each year, awarding nearly $350,000 to writers and translators.
Announcement on website:
Submission window: June 1, 2023, to August 1, 2023.
Society of Family Planning
Program: Side effects matter: Centering people’s experience with contraceptive side effects
: Supports research investigating the side effects for people who use contraceptives. Seeks to build on current evidence exploring people’s experiences of side effects and the clinical response to people’s experiences with side effects. Despite the prominence of side effects in people’s contraceptive experiences and decision-making, people’s concerns about and experiences with side effects are often minimized, especially among those whose fertility is problematized within existing systems of oppression. Specifically, the Society seeks research that addresses the following questions: (1) How does social location shape people’s experience of side effects? (2) What factors shape people’s tolerance for side effects? (3) What are people’s expectations about clinical support around side effects? (4) What factors shape providers’ expectations of people’s tolerance for side effects?
Award details: $25K for up to 18 months.
Announcement on website:
Proposal due date: May 18, 2023.
Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood
Programs: Early Childhood Welfare; Early Childhood Education and Play; Parenting Education
: Supports promising research and development projects that appear likely to improve the welfare of young children, from infancy through 7 years, in the United States. Welfare is broadly defined to include physical and mental health, safety, nutrition, education, play, familial support, acculturation, societal integration, and childcare. Grants are only made if a successful project outcome will likely be of significant interest to other professionals, within the grantee’s field of endeavor, and would have a direct benefit and potential national application. The Foundation’s goal is to provide seed money to implement those imaginative proposals that exhibit the greatest chance of improving the lives of young children, on a national scale.
Award details: Recent grants have ranged up to $56K. The maximum indirect allowance is 15%, and as grants are “incubator” funds, grants are for one year only.
Announcement on website:
Letter of Inquiry due date: May 31, 2023. Selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Program: Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity
: Supports research to evaluate interventions (e.g. policies, practices, programs) that have the potential to counteract the harms of structural and systemic racism and improve health, well-being, and equity outcomes. Studies should focus on “upstream” causes of health inequities, such as the systems, structures, laws, policies, norms, and practices that determine the distribution of resources and opportunities, which in turn influence individuals’ options and behaviors. RWJF’s concern for racial equity focuses its concern with the direct impacts of structural racism on the health and well-being of people and communities of color and how racism intersects with other forms of marginalization, such as having low income, being an immigrant, having a disability, or identifying as LGBTQ+ or a gender minority.
Award details: RWJF does not limit proposed budgets, but rather the budget will be weighed in relation to the importance and likely contribution of the proposed work. A quick look at 2023 funding reveals grants ranged from $40K up to $4M.
Announcement on website:
Applications due date: Rolling. Applicants will be notified within ~2 months on whether to submit a full proposal.
Pew Trusts
Program: Pew Latin American Fellows in the Biomedical Sciences
: Supports young scientists from Latin America to receive postdoctoral training in the United States. The program gives these individuals an opportunity to further their scientific knowledge by promoting exchange and collaboration between investigators in the United States and Latin America resulting in advances in research in Latin America. Interested applicants ought to confirm a postdoctoral position in the lab of an established principal investigator (sponsor) in advance of applying; the sponsor’s letter of support is required for the application. A sponsor may not be the same person who advised or mentored the applicant during completion of his or her Ph.D. work. The applicant must submit a written letter of intent to return to Latin America upon completion of their fellowship. Pew prefers candidates have completed their undergraduate and graduate work in Latin America, but still will be considered if candidates obtained their degrees outside of Latin America (but preferably not from U.S. institutions). Eligible candidates have obtained their Ph.D. (or MD) between June 6, 2018 and February 2024, and have not begun a postdoctoral program before January 2023.
Award details: $30K annual salary stipend for two years. The fellow’s U.S. lab must commit to offering two years of medical benefits and supplemental compensation to meet the U.S. National Institutes of Health salary guidelines for postdoctoral positions. Participants who return to Latin America and establish independent labs receive an additional $70,000 from Pew to purchase equipment and supplies. 10 fellowships will be awarded.
Announcement on website:
Application window: June 6, 2023 to August 16, 2023.

Department of Justice / Office of Justice Programs / Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Program: BJA FY 23 Reimagining Justice: Testing a New Model of Community Safety Opportunity Number: O-BJA-2023-171745
Synopsis: Supports the development, implementation, and testing of new or innovative approaches to achieving community safety that are alternatives to a traditional enforcement model for communities experiencing a precipitous increase in less serious and lower-level crimes. Seeks applications proposing an innovative strategy or model to improve community safety, build trust, limit unnecessary involvement in the criminal justice system, and improve residents’ perceptions of law enforcement and procedural fairness and legitimacy.
Award details: $2M over 36 months. BJA expects to make 3 awards.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: June 20, 2023.
Application JustGrants due date: June 27, 2023.
Department of Justice / Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Program: Youth Violence Prevention Program Opportunity Number
: O-OJJDP-2023-171718
Synopsis: Supports collaborative, data-driven, community-led projects, its goal is to prevent violence in high-risk youth populations. The initiative is focused on youth who are at risk of committing violence. For the purposes of this solicitation, the term “violence” can include but is not limited to community violence, school violence, bullying and harassment by peers, and physical assault with or without weapons. Strategies funded through this solicitation may work in coordination with community violence intervention (CVI) strategies that target youth at the highest risk of violence. Specific objectives include (1) Increasing protective factors to prevent violence and delinquent behavior by youth; (2) Implementing data-driven, evidence-informed, and community-led approaches; and (3) Developing and / or enhancing direct service programs for youth with multiple risk factors for violence.
Award details: $250K.  Project period 3 years, beginning October 1, 2023.
Announcement on website: due date: June 12, 2023.
Application JustGrants due date: June 26, 2023.
NASA / Space Mission Directorate
Program: Small Spacecraft Technology Program – University SmallSat Technology Partnerships
Appendix Number: 80HQTR23NOA01-23USTP-S1 #
Synopsis: Supports the development of projects and demonstration missions that are small, affordable, rapid, and transformative. All efforts will focus on small spacecraft capabilities that are relevant to NASA’s missions in science and exploration, including those with crosscutting applications to the needs of the broader small spacecraft community in industry, academia, and other government agencies. The goals of this Appendix include collaboration with university teams that have experience in small spacecraft development and the extension of support to colleges and universities that have little or no previous involvement in this field. Colleges and universities with experience in small spacecraft development are encouraged to team with other colleges and universities to address these dual goals.
  -  Engage the unique talents and fresh perspectives of the university community to develop new technologies and capabilities for small spacecraft.
  -  Share NASA experience and expertise in relevant university projects.
  -  Increase support to university efforts in small spacecraft technology through funding and collaboration with NASA, to foster a new generation of innovators for NASA and the nation.
  -  Engage NASA personnel across the agency in the rapid, agile, and cost-conscious small spacecraft development approaches that have evolved in the university community.
Award details: Maximum award is $225K for each 2-year project period. In addition, a NASA civil servant or JPL employee labor allocation of up to 0.5 full-time equivalent per award, per year will be available to support NASA partner(s) involvement. Proposal teams can also request up to $30,000 of procurement funding for the NASA partner(s) to cover NASA expenses in the collaboration
Award details: Maximum award is $225K per year for 2 years.
Announcement on website: University SmallSat Technology Partnership 
Mandatory Preliminary proposal due date: May 16, 2023.
Full proposal due date (invited): July 18, 2023.
Department of Energy (DoE) / Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy / Solar Energy Technologies Office
Program: Operation and Planning Tools for Inverter-Based Resource Management and Availability for Future Power Systems (OPTIMA)
FOA #: DE-FOA-0003034
Synopsis: Supports Projects that will develop new state-of-the-art planning and operations tools to enable solar energy to be more optimally and reliably integrated and utilized within the electric power grid, providing Americans with more affordable and secure sources of clean energy. These research activities will help increase the resilience of energy systems with increasing amounts of renewable energy, which will help meet the Biden administration’s goals for achieving a decarbonized electricity sector by 2035. Specifically, the 3 topic areas of interest are
  -  Planning tools for future power systems
  -  Variability management in grid operations
  -   Rapid system and health and risk assessment tools for grid operators.
Award details: Topic Area 1: 3-4 projects, $2-2.5 million each; Topic Area 2: 3-4 projects 3-4 projects, $2.5-3.5 million each; Topic Area 3: 3-5 projects, $2.5-4 million each.
Announcement on website: 
Informational seminar: May 4, 2023.
Concept paper due date: June 5, 2023.
Application submission due date: August 15, 2023.
NSF / Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Division of Mathematical Sciences
Program: Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences (RTG)
Solicitation #: 23-579
Synopsis: Supports efforts to improve research training by involving undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and faculty members in structured research groups pursuing coherent research programs. Research groups supported by RTG must include vertically-integrated activities that span the entire spectrum of educational levels from undergraduates through postdoctoral associates. A significant part of the goal of RTG is to directly increase the proportion and the absolute number of U.S. students at the RTG sites who pursue graduate studies and complete advanced degrees in the mathematical sciences. It is anticipated that RTG projects also will serve as national models for research training in the mathematical sciences. Activities with potential impact beyond the directly-supported students and beyond the institutions receiving RTG funds will be key strengths in proposals. Collaborative proposals involving different types of programs (for example, institutions in which the relevant department does not award Ph.D.s, minority-serving institutions, etc.) and having the potential to develop innovative approaches to research training in the mathematical sciences are welcome.
Award details: Up to $500K per year for a project duration of 3 to 5 years.
Announcement on website: RTG 2023
Full proposal due date: August 8, 2023.
NSF / Directorate for Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Division of Chemistry
Program: Division of Chemistry: Disciplinary Research Programs (CHE-DRP)
Solicitation #
: 22-605
Synopsis: Supports 6 of the 9 Chemistry Research Programs. These core programs include:
  -  Chemical Catalysis (CAT)
  -  Chemical Measurement and Imaging (CMI)
  -  Chemical Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanisms-B (CSDM-B)
  -  Chemical Synthesis (SYN)
  -  Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS)
  -  Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSM)
Examples of research interests include
  -  Increasing our fundamental understanding of chemical species, their structures, and their chemical transformations, kinetics, and thermodynamics;
  -  Understanding chemical processes in the environment; and
  -  Contributing to industries of the future as relevant to the chemical sciences: quantum information systems, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence.
Award details: $105M anticipated for 245 awards.
Announcement on website:
Proposal submission windows: September 1 to September 30 for Chemical Catalysis (CAT); Chemical Structure, Dynamics and MechanismsB (CSDM-B); and Chemical Synthesis (SYN)
October 1 to October 31 for Chemical Measurement and Imaging (CMI); Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS); and Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN)
NSF / Directorate for Biological Sciences – Division of Biological Infrastructure
Program: Infrastructure Capacity for Biological Research (Capacity)
Solicitation #
: 23-580
Synopsis: Supports the implementation of, scaling of, or major improvements to research tools, products, and services that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at NSF. The 3 programmatic areas of the capacity program are
  -  The Cyberinfrastructure Programmatic Area supports the implementation of, scaling of, or a major improvement to cyberinfrastructure for biology that advances or transforms contemporary biology and is broadly applicable to a wide range of researchers.
  -  The Biological Collections Programmatic Area supports major improvements to or digitization of biological collections and collection-based information, enabling the advancement of biological understanding in important research areas, and increasing the broader applicability of collections.
  -  The Biological Field Stations and Marine Laboratories Programmatic Area supports major improvements to biological field stations or laboratories in any terrestrial, marine, estuarine, or freshwater environment for research and education.
This program will also accept proposals for planning activities or workshops to facilitate coordination that may be necessary for building capacity in infrastructure that meets the needs of a research community.
Award details: Approximately $16-18 million is expected to be available for new and continuing awards. The size and duration of any individual request should be justified by the amount and complexity of the work to be accomplished.
Announcement on website:
Proposal due date: Proposals accepted anytime.
NSF / Directorate for Biological Sciences – Division of Biological Infrastructure
Program: Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (Innovation)
Solicitation #:
Synopsis: Supports research to design novel or greatly improved research tools and methods that advance contemporary biology in any research area supported by the Directorate for Biological Sciences at NSF. The Innovation Program focuses on research infrastructure that is broadly applicable to researchers in three programmatic areas: Bioinformatics, Instrumentation, and Research Methods. Infrastructure supported by this program is expected to advance biological understanding by improving scientists’ abilities to manipulate, control, analyze, or measure critical aspects of biological systems, which can be essential for addressing important fundamental research questions. Proposals submitted to these programmatic areas can do one of three things to advance or transform research in biology: (1) develop novel infrastructure, (2) significantly redesign existing infrastructure, or (3) adapt existing infrastructure in novel ways. Projects are expected to have a significant application to one or more biological science questions and have the potential to be used by a community of researchers beyond a single research team.
Award details: Approximately $16-18 million is expected to be available for 20-40 new and continuing awards. The size and duration of any individual request should be justified by the amount and complexity of the work to be accomplished.
Announcement on website:
Proposal due date: Proposals accepted anytime.
NIH / National Institute on Aging
Program: Small Research Grant Program for the Next Generation of Researchers in AD / ADRD (R03 — Small Grant Program)
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) #: PAR-23-179
Synopsis: Supports meritorious projects to provide needed scientific insight to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and/or care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD). Specifically, this NOFO will support projects covering a wide range of topics related to AD/ADRD. The overall goal of this NOFO is (i) to encourage the next generation of researchers to pursue research and academic careers in AD/ADRD research; and (ii) to stimulate established researchers who have not had a major award in AD/ADRD research to perform pilot studies to develop new, innovative AD/ADRD research programs that leverage and build upon their existing expertise. Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups are always encouraged to apply for NIH support. Investigators who have not successfully competed for an award under this or prior versions of this announcement are specifically encouraged to apply. NIA expects applications from investigators who have expertise in their research field but have not had a major award in AD/ADRD. NIA anticipates that at least half of the awards will be made to early-stage investigators (ESIs) to achieve the goal of fostering their development. Each PI is eligible to receive up to one award through this program.
Award details: $100K direct costs per year for a project period of 2 years.
Announcement on website: 
Application due dates: Multiple due dates for all new, renewal, resubmissions, and revisions (as allowed) through 2026. The next due date is July 19, 2023.
NIH / Multiple Institutes (Prominently National Cancer Institute)
Program: Small Business Transition Grant for Early Career Scientists (R42 — Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I to Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II Grant - FAST-TRACK ONLY)
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) #: RFA-CA-23-035
Synopsis: Supports early-career academic scientists interested in transitioning to entrepreneurship while also supporting the transfer of technology from academic laboratories into small businesses. As technologies transition from academic discovery to small businesses, two common challenges arise, identifying the right team with the right expertise to take the product into a small business, and funding for early-stage technology development. This NOFO seeks to address both challenges simultaneously by having two equally important goals: entrepreneurial mentoring support, and product development support. NCI encourages proposals that fall into several technology areas, including; (1) Cancer Therapeutics and Preventative Agents; (2) Cancer Imaging Technologies, Interventional Devices, and In Vivo Diagnostics; (3) In Vitro and Ex Vivo Cancer Diagnostics and Prognostics; or (4) Technologies for Cancer Prevention and Control, Supportive Care, and Survivorship. Please see the FOA for areas of interest for the other participating institutes. Applicant PI must have no more than ten years of postdoctoral or postgraduate research experience as of the relevant application due date regardless of whether it is a new or resubmitted application.
Award details: Total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $295,924 for Phase I awards and $1,972,928 for Phase II awards.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: August 21, 2023, for new, renewal, resubmission, and revised (as allowed) applications.

Book cover: Rationality and Belief (Oxford University Press, Forthcoming September 2, 2023)
Ralph Wedgewood, School of Philosopy

University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences | Los Angeles, CA 90089 US
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