4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, May 13, 2022
Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well!
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Fashion Revue Registration Open in 4HOnline May 1 - May 31
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Area Animal Science DayHave you registered for Area Animal Science Day? The deadline is May 25th. *Horse project participants, make sure to check out the updated schedule for the day for the Area Animal Science Day - Sheboygan Site - Horse Judging Workshop and Contest. It is one you won't want to miss! Looking for more information about the contest or how to register: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/.../area-animal-science-days/.
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4-H Project Kits
Did you miss going to Family Learning Day? No worries we have project kits available to purchase. They are first come first serve basis. Be sure to register right away as some projects have limited quantities.
The registration for project kits will be open through Monday, May 23. Register through 4-H online at: https://v2.4honline.com/ under events.
Some kits available are: STEM, Watercolor, Bluebird House, Fun with Fondant, Loop-yarn Blanket (beginner), Christmas Ornaments, and more!
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Announcing WI 4-H Spark Days Registration is Now Open!
Wisconsin 4-H will be hosting three separate 4-H Spark Days in June this summer to help youth explore their sparks at different campuses around the State! The Spark Days will be held from June 20-22, 2022. Each day includes hands-on sessions, career pathway exploration, guest speakers, meeting new 4-H friends from around the state, and fun. This opportunity will be open to youth in grades 7-10.
Registration will be done via 4HOnline, and will be open on May 2 on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration costs are to be determined and will include program supplies, a t-shirt, any local transportation, and lunch. More information is coming soon; you can find information about each day below.
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4-H Scholarships & Volunteer Recognition Nominations Due May 15 to Extension Office
A friendly reminder that scholarships are due to the office on May 15. All applications and forms can be found online: https://fonddulac.extension.wisc.edu/4h/awards-scholarships/. Youth are encouraged to apply and there are different requirements for the different scholarships. New this year one scholarship will be awarded $750 in memory of Allen Buechel. This scholarship will continue to be offered in the future in his honor. Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the Fair Graduation Ceremony.
If you would like to nominate a volunteer who has provided continued support to the county 4-H Program for special recognition, forms can also be found at the link above. Volunteer Awards are presented at the annual 4-H Leader Banquet.
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New Member Fair OrientationTo help new families better understand this process, Bridget Schaumberg, a 4-H volunteer and fairboard member will be holding a new family fair orientation. She will go over the following: entering projects for the fair, important dates to remember, how judging works at the fair, and answering any questions families may still have. This orientation will be offered on Sunday, May 15 at 6 pm. Please click here to register.
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2022 Fairest of the Fair Info
Fond du Lac County is looking for its next Fairest of the Fair! Do you love the Fair and want to serve as the Fair's public spokesperson for the next year? Here's your chance: https://www.fonddulaccountyfair.com/p/getinvolved/fairest-of-the-fair.
APPLICATIONS ARE DUE: Friday, May 20, 2022
Mail or hand-deliver to: Tiffany Venne, N8337 Beachview Drive, Fond du Lac, WI 54937
E-mail: tboyke07@gmail.com (preferred method of delivery)
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Fair InformationFair Office opens:
Monday, June 6 Fair office hours - 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday; 9 a.m. to Noon on Saturday
Entries close at 11:59 p.m., Saturday, June 11
No late entries will be accepted. All entries must be made online.
Pre-Fair Judging: Thursday, July 14, and Tuesday, July 19
Contact information:
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Fashion Revue Registration Open May 1 - May 31 in 4HOnline
Foods Revue Registration Opens May 10 in 4HOnline
Shooting Sports
New Member Fair Orientation- Sunday, May 15, 6 pm- RSVP
Volunteer Recognition Nominations Due May 15 Scholarships Due May 15
Fairest of the Fair Entries due May 20
- Monday, May 23 Zoom or in-person at Rolling Meadows Meeting Room, 7 pm
Tri-County Afterschool Arts Club- Saturday, May 21 in-person, Time TBD
LEGO Club - Tuesday, May 31, 6:30 pm at UWO FDL Campus
- *This is a date change due to schedule conflicts*
- The monthly build challenge is a robot
June Dairy Day Celebration - June 4- 9-11 am, National Exchange Bank and Trust, 130 South Main Street in Fond du Lac
Fashion Revue- Monday, June 13, 6 pm
- Register in 4-Honline
Foods Revue- Tuesday, June 21
- 5-6 pm set up
- 6 pm judging starts
- Register in 4-Honline
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