THANK YOU for coming to tryouts! 
If you received an offer but still haven't decided, what are you waiting for?! Reach out to the coach and join Surf today!
If you have committed to a Utah Surf team for the 2021-2022 season, CONGRATS AND WELCOME! Please do the following ASAP:
1. Accept the offer by completing the registration and setting up your payment plan in our club software. Simply follow the unique link in your email invitation. 
2. Get registered for your team in UYSA's Affinity system by following one of these links and selecting your team name from the drop down. Then log in or create a login, follow the instructions, upload a headshot of your child and complete the payment. 
Click HERE if you are a U9-U12 player (birth year 2014-2010)

Click HERE if you are a U13-U19 player (birth year 2009-2003)

3. Watch for an email from with your link to order uniforms. You'll want to order them right away, as shipping can take 2-3 weeks if not longer in some cases!

***If you did not receive an offer, but are still insterested in playing, or you know someone interested in playing, please reach out to our directors. We will do our best to help your child find a place to play.
If you have team manager questions, Ollie app questions or any other general questions, please email
Your coach may or may not use this event as an opportunity for your first team meeting, but if you want to know more about Utah Surf or if you have questions, come see us at Mt. Ridge Jr. High on Saturday, June 12th. You'll meet the directors and admin and we'll have Surf surplus swag for sale! 
Remember this flyer from tryouts? >>>


  • 9-9:15am 2003-2004 
  • 9:30-9:45am 2005/2006s 
  • 10-10:15am 2007s
  • 10:30-10:45am 2008s 
  • 11-11:15am 2009s
  • 11:30-11:45am 2010s
  • 12-12:15pm 2011s
  • 12:30-12:45pm 2012s
  • 1-1:15pm 2013/2014s
Jr. Surfer Academy registration is open!

Our Jr. Surfers program is for boys and girls born in 2016, 2015 and 2014 for the 2021-2022 season. Click the graphic above or the link below for more info! There are 3 sessions with once per week trainings with 3 locations to choose from. NEW THIS YEAR - you can sign up for the annual program or select single seasons and we've added a third location! Summer trainings begin Jun 14th!
Our summer session schedule will be: 
Mondays 10-11am at Westlake/Vista Heights with Don
Tuesdays 10-11am at Mt. Ridge Jr. High with Don
Wednesdays 9-10am at Lakeridge Jr. High with AJ
*After you register, you'll recieve an invitation to a team management app to view the schedule!
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