Old Furniture, New Take; Power of Dialogue; Student Published
Old Furniture, New Take; Power of Dialogue; Student Published
Artist reinterprets historical “women’s” furniture for solo exhibit; students build skills through rural-urban dialogue; master’s student publishes creative nonfiction; and more
speech-language pathology simulation lab with manikin lying in hospital-style bed

Doing More with Less

IUP speech-language pathology faculty members had a problem. How could they provide necessary clinical hours for their students in a simulation laboratory they didn’t have? Add to the problem that a typical lab costs close to $150,000 to create. Their solution was rooted in collaboration, innovation, and a lot of hard work.
“Trying to combine three different cake styles and that of one sugar artist into one cohesive piece was often tough.”
—Baindu Squire CA’07, ’11, cake artist, on the challenges of team competition in Food Network’s Holiday Wars
BA Harrington at work on a piece of wooden furniture
For her upcoming exhibition Suite Americaine, BA Harrington has reinterpreted historical American furniture designed and built for women. She recently discussed her June 2021 exhibit at the Center for Craft in North Carolina with the Smithsonian’s curator of craft, Mary Savid, in a conversation that aired live on the web.
This fall, six IUP students participated in “Power of Dialogue: Deconstructing the Rural-Urban Divide,” a partnership among four universities to help students increase their self-awareness and ability to manage differences. New students are sought for spring 2021. Contact Brandon Vick, brandon.vick@iup.edu, by December 15.
Sarah Bogdan, a student in the Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages program, recently had a creative nonfiction essay, “All Are Vessels,” published in the Nzuri Journal of Coastline College.
Piano professor Henry Wong Doe recently gave an online presentation, “Kiwis and the Keyboard,” in which he performed works by New Zealand composers for members of the Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association. 
Faculty member John McCarthy, doctoral candidate Joel Brown, and master’s student Emma Shannon presented workshops at a recent Mental Health America of Southwestern PA conference.
Annika Philippe-Auguste and Tori Campbell earned top-10 placements for their presentations at a virtual conference of the Central Atlantic Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls in November.
Hospitality honors society Eta Sigma Delta recently welcomed new members Kortnei Almon, Maria Barraclough, Bethany Jacobs, Rachel Johnson, Ashley Klink, Julia Lombardi, and Julianna Ruhl.
Student Assistance Fund
Help those facing financial hardship stay in school
The Penn
IUP’s student-run newspaper
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