Igniting YOUR Transformation!
Do you know that when you express gratitude your energy shifts to a higher vibration? And at a higher vibration, you experience more joy, more happiness, more transformation.
It's November and everywhere you look there are reminders to be thankful, and it is the month of Thanksgiving. Don't put off igniting your transformation until the holidays are over and the new year has begun. Express gratitude to lift up your spirit and ignite your transformation.
It can be as easy as saying thank you to a stranger who holds a door. Or saying thank you for beautiful weather (or unexpected snow!). Simply say thank you.
Take a moment to be grateful, then stop to see how you feel. Check in with yourself. Do you feel lighter and happier?
Now think about the next step on your journey with this happier perspective. Can you see the next small step? I bet you can.
Ask. Believe. Receive. and always say THANK YOU!