Stroller Fan: You can find a reasonably priced clip on fan to provide a breeze for your little one. They can be found at Wal-Mart for as little as $5.00 or online for around $15.00. There are varieties that have the blades completely enclosed or even made of foam.
Spray Bottle/Misting Fan: Look for a hand-held misting fan to provide your baby with an occasional spritz of cool water. These can be found at Wal-Mart, Academy, and more. Some misting fans double as water bottles!
Stroller Gel Pad/Ice Pack: A frozen gel pack (the squishy kind) wrapped in a dish towel makes a wonderful climate control backrest for your little one. A frozen washcloth works well, too—especially for teething babies!
Cold Neck Wrap: Chilly Pads by Frogg Toggs are an example of a water-activated cool neck wrap. Your child can use one in the stroller, and you can put one around your neck to keep you comfortable.
Sunblock: Remember to apply sunscreen on your face, neck, ears, and shoulders before class. And don't forget the little ones!