4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, May 24, 2024
| Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well!
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Market Livestock Updates
Mark your calendars......
Club Barn Set up
Sunday, July 14th, 10 am-5 pm
Monday, July 15th, barn will be open at 8 am
Weigh-ins- Swine 8 am-11 am PRRS/PED negative test and health certificate are required at weigh-ins
- Beef & Steers 9 am-11 am
- Sheep & Goats 12 pm-1 pm
July 21st
Fair wrap-up meeting at 5 pm Cow Palace. All exhibitors will receive premium checks for the exhibits and auction sale check
July 21st
Display Tear down-- TBD
July 23rd, 7 pm
Beef Carcass Show at Becks Meat Market
July 24th, 7 pm
Swine Carcass Show Loehrs Meat Market
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Cloverbud Day Camp
Register by May 31 to receive a camp shirt!
Hurry and register for Cloverbud Day Camp as spots are filling up fast!
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New Family Fair OrientationTo help new families understand this process better, a new family fair orientation will be held in Wednesday, June 5 at 6 pm at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds. Topics covered are: entering projects at the fair, important dates to remember, how judging works at the fair, and answering any questions families may still have. There will also be a short tour of the fairgrounds to help first year families know where things are judged and what to expect. Karen Albert, a fair board member and 4-H volunteer, will be leading this orientation. Please Register by Friday, May 31, 2024.
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| 4-H Adult Leaders Raffle Audit
The Adult Leaders Raffle was audited on Wednesday, May 22. Please note the following updates below based on the audit. If you would like to sell additional tickets there are some extras in the office. Please reach out to make arrangements for additional tickets.
Updates for the Adult Leaders Raffle- Please check over your ticket stubs - watch for only one name on a ticket, and it needs to be filled out completely.
- Address labels are allowed if it fits within the stub, and only one sticker is used. Be sure it states only one person on the sticker.
- Time of the raffle drawing will be printed on the tickets in the future
- The Biggest violation is no prizes/awards of any kind can be given to top sellers as incentives. This is effective immediately as this violated the state constitution and would result in loss of license. This is directly from the website: (No salaries, fees or profit shall be paid to any other organization or individual in connection with the operation of a raffle. You may not pay anyone in regards to a raffle or give incentives to sellers or supporters.)
- In the future, we will need to be very specific on what money is being raised for. (Raffle profits may not be used to benefit an individual or purpose not noted in your organization’s purpose. For example; a school may not raise funds to donate to the American Family Children Hospital or an individual student, teacher, or parent.)
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Foodstands: Adult Leaders & TLA
2024 TLA Food Stand Sign-up Schedule will be available the 1st full week of June.
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| Silent Auction
2024 Silent Auction Sign-up will be available during the 1st full week of June, also. This will be a separate sign-up from the Adult Leader Food Stand. The time slots will be for two hour shifts (1 -2 people) during the times the Expo Building will be open during the fair (10 am - 9 pm).
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| May:
Shooting Sports Meeting- Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30- 7:30 pm, Izaak Walton League
Dog Project Meetings- Thursdays, 5:00 pm for beginners, 5:45 pm for returners, FDL Fairgrounds
LEGO Club Meeting- May 28, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
Teen Leaders Association Meeting- May 28, 7:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus (Change in location & time for May meeting)
Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Deadline - May 31 to receive a t-shirt
Dog Project Meetings- Thursdays, 5:00 pm for beginners, 5:45 pm for returners, FDL Fairgrounds
New Family Fair Orientation- June 5, 6 pm, Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds
Foods Revue- June 13, 6 pm, Marian University Stayer Center
Fashion Revue- June 17, 5 pm, Winnebago County Extension Office Address below
- James P. Coughlin Center, 625 E County Rd. Y, Oshkosh
Teen Leaders Association Meeting- June 24, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room
LEGO Club Meeting- June 25, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
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