County Fair Updates
New Fair Office Hours:
Mon: 9 am - 4 pm
Tues: 7:30 am - 3 pm
Wed: 10 am - 5 pm
Thurs: 9 am - 4 pm
Fri: 9 am - 3 pm
Sat: Appointments only
Potted Plant Displays:
Create a large potted plant display at the fair to provide great visibility for your club. The pots always look great and are a big hit with the public at the fair. This year's theme is Forever Fairtastic...celebrating 170 years, which should be incorporated into your pot. Clubs can also potentially earn cash prizes. Entries should be made online under the club’s name. Complete details for club pots can be found in the fair book. The pots need to be in front of the Recreation Center by 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 13 in order to compete in the judging. Be as creative as you wish when designing your pot.
Pallet Art Contest at the Fond du Lac County Fair:
For an entry fee of $5.00, which shall be paid with the registration form, each Exhibitor may enter only one item into the Fond du Lac County Fair Pallet Art Contest. An exhibitor can be an individual or a group (ex. 4-H Club, FFA, etc.) This Contest is open to children and adults. Prize money will be awarded in 3 divisions: child, adult, and group.
The items will be judged based on originality, design, aesthetics, and craftsmanship. Pallets may be decorated, painted, and/or repurposed. Requirements:
- The size can be no larger than a pallet (maximum size 50" x 50" x 12" thick)
- Entry must be completed by the exhibitor (individual or group)
- Entry must be family appropriate and incorporate the 2021 Fair theme: Forever Fairtastic
- Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining their own pallets
- 90% of the structural material must be composed of wood from used pallets
*The decision of the judges will be final.*
Entry forms and additional information can be found online at or at the Fair Office. Entries due to the Fair Office by July 2.
Support Fond du Lac County Agricultural Society: