- In This Issue
- Ritucharya
- Herbal Highlight: Moringa
- Trataka
- Eye Health
- Team News
- Healthy Services
What a year this has been so far, for us all. When the ancients wrote about the importance of protecting ourselves during transitions, I doubt they had it in mind how fast the pace of change would become. One common change I'm hearing in my clients and reflected in the media is an unfortunate loss of faith in the U.S. modern medicine empire.
Revealing statistics have arrived from the American Board of Internal Medicine: one in six people, including physicians, no longer trust doctors, and one in three do not trust the health care system. This is sad on many levels, because modern medicine is needed in end stage disease, for surgery and other procedures that are outside the scope of practice for us healers.
But for imbalances presenting prior to manifestation of tumors, there is another way, and certainly complimentary, natural add-ons to big medicine and big pharma! Indigenous healthcare systems, such as Ayurveda (The Science of Life), were given to humanity thousands of years before the current modern system. Call it 'Folk Medicine', or 'Village Healing', the functional structure of natural healing is identical between cultures, including Chinese Medicine, Native American Medicine, Aboriginal, Aztecs and more.
This is because original healing systems were based in nature, the same 5 elements and 3 energies that are shared by all cultures for all time. Our Ayu120 program is an online 12-month course offering a different in-depth topic monthly to help shift you and your to natural wellness care. Our 2024 season included Introduction to Ayurveda, Longevity, Healthy GI Tract, Communications By Dosha, Ayurvedic Nutrition. Stay tuned for the 2025 schedule! Begin your shift toward holistic healthcare and prevention with a group of like minded people.
Om Shanti, Shreejan
Service Spotlight:
Basti for Pain
Our latest addition to the service menu is for back pain. We employ hot, medicated steam, a specialized technique of head/shoulder and/or thigh massage, and Basti, a medicated oil filled dam that sits in the afflicted area for 30-40 minutes. Clients can achieve 3-4 weeks of pain free movement after the first three consecutive sessions. To discuss the efficacy of this approach with what you're currently doing to manage back pain, schedule a free 30-minute phone discussion with Shreejan
The last Pretty Healthy Party of 2024 is Wednesday, Sept. 22. Book now to get the last seat at 9 AM. This party features the following relaxation features :
- Reflexology
- Head and shoulder Marma massage
- Thai Yoga Massage
- Ayurvedic Marma Facial
- Sound Healing (Tuning Fork clearing)
Next PHP is January, 2025
Our first Pretty Healthy event in 2025 is the first ever Pretty Handsome Healthy Party Couples Only on January 19.
Ritucharya (Seasonal Transition) |
We will soon say farewell to a very hot summer in Michigan and welcome the cold and wet days of Fall. We will make the transition to Autumn from mid-September to mid-November. During this time our Agni (the fire of metabolism) increases as it is challenged by decreasing temperatures, and cold precipitation.
This is the body's natural attempt to keep the fire of digestion lit. However, it often manifests as a craving for comfort food, heavy and starchy. Knowing this, shop now at your local food market and vegetable stand for locally grown sweet and sharp produce such as beets, eggplant, and broccoli. Keep your meals light and easy to process as a way of calming the kicked-up campfire in the stomach.
Inspire your hunger around 10 a.m. by chewing on cardamom pod, and avoid napping during the day...
Herbal Highlight: Mighty Moringa! |
We have a client working to improve her health through nutrition. One solution we discovered for this Pitta based lady was a substitute for a citrus form of Vitamin C. (Oranges are not on the preferred fruit list for Pitta folks.) Enter stage left - the might Moringa- Superfood extraordinaire!
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Moringa is considered a super food because it contains so much soluable nutrition in the form of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Containing seven times more vitamin C than oranges, it is the perfect solution for my Pitta client.
Moringa has been used in many cultures to solve malnutrition, malabsorption, inflammation, asthma, diabetes, insufficient milk production for breast-feeding, and many other disorders.
There are contraindicated/interactions to consider:
Levothyroxine, Synthroid, and other thyroid medications are reduced in potency when combined with moringa
Because it reduces blood sugars, it also isn't suggested for those needing to stay on insulin
There are several ways to take advantage of this superfood:
♦ In capsule form
♦ Add to smoothies
♦ Use in homemade salad dressings
♦ Sprinkle on freshly-baked goods like banana bread
♦ Use in soup broths
♦ Blend into guacamole
You should always check with your physician before adding an herbal solution to your daily regimen. Should you want to include this in your nutrition regimen, consult with our Ayurvedic Nutritionist to be sure you have a balanced and beneficial menu.
You can glean more wisdom and inspiration from The New Yorker article:
Hatha Yoga for Eyes Workshop |
| Eight lucky students will learn Hatha Yoga for the Eyes protocol to improve overall vision (myopia and hyperopia) and focus. This simple protocol is done daily to retain the integrity of the eye's anatomy.
| 5-7 PM Thursday Dec. 7, 2024
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Vadati (Speaking) with Dr. Vaishali Gautam Kamut |
This month our new on staff Ayurveda physician Dr. Kamut offers deep insights on why we should consider eating with our hands.
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Trataka (Fixed Eye Gaze) workshop, to improve eyesight and reduce anxiety and depression, and increase focus. This is the method Shree used to eliminate her epileptic seizures and has been teaching it to others, including children with ADHD and elders with Parkinsons, since 1986. The workshop is run monthly, and seats only 8 students in each workshop. Raold Dahl wrote a short story about this famous technique.
Or if you subscribe to Netflix you can also watch The Amazing Story of Henry Sugars, a 39-minute rendition chock-full of famous actors include Benedict Cumberbatch. And then come to Sita Wellness to learn this powerful mind control method! Our next Trataka session is 6-7 PM, Friday, Sept. 27.
This workshop is contraindicated for those currently suffering a diagnosed seizure disorder such as epilepsy. For those students, a separate workshop is offered. Please inquire at shree@sitawellness.com
Our Staff: (Top Row) Shreejan Sita, Dr. Kamat, Mamta Landerman, Kaitlyn Johns, (Bottom Row) Asmit Kaur, Andrea Thannhauser, Karina Enina, and Wendy Sinicki.
The Sita Wellness team is growing. Read all about our new staff members and their specialties at https://www.sitawellness.com/about
Dr. Vaishali Kamat is our on staff Ayurveda Physician. For chronic or complicated disorders, this 19-year veteran healer meets with clients virtually to discover an ideal protocol.
Mamta Landerman, Founding President of The California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine (CAAM), joining Sita Wellness as a masterful Jyotish Astrologer, helping to improve the wellness protocols with help from the stars.
Kaitlyn Johns is a full-time, passionate yoga teacher with 200 hours of training from Goa, India. She works under Shree's direction with many treatments and services.
Asmit Kaur is our resident Ayurvedic Nutritionist. Her diet and menu protocols can address several ailments and wellness goals including allergies, weight loss, and more.
Andrea Thannhauser provides reflexology for hands, feet, and ears
Karina Enina is an Otto tuning sound healer using forks to calm emotional turmoil, enhance focus, support physical healing, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and balance & align chakras.
Wendy Sinicki joins Sita Wellness as our Marketing Coordinator as well as a masterful Thai Yoga Massage practitioner. Her schedule is filling up with clients moving away from traditional massage and toward deep stretching and release patterns for the joints and muscles necessary to one day take the yoga mat standing.
Other Happenings:
Retreat to India October 2025 Information Sessions virtual and in community
Shreejan's Book Launch: Yogecology - Spirit in the Soil
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