"What's Your Story?"
Introducing Story Year at the Fellowship
When you meet someone new, you want to know “hey, what’s your story?” We know that everyone has a story, beginning from the day of their birth to the end of their life. In a very real sense, we are our stories. As I’ve gotten to know members of the Fellowship last year, I was so interested in hearing your stories – of how you came to the Fellowship, and of how this Fellowship has changed and grown over the years. It was endlessly fascinating to me as one story led to another. This inspired me to frame the monthly themes by asking the question “Tell Me a Story about a time when you…” and then each month would reflect different experience. 
September will kick off the Year of the Story with the simple theme of "Tell Me a Story..." Throughout the next two worship services, we'll tell and listen to one another's stories and we'll explore deeper meanings through the magic of storytelling in song. Worship leaders, musicians and members of the Breakfast Club will also be invited to tell their stories throughout the 2016-2017 year. I plan to tell the stories about Unitarian Universalism as a way of further acquainting you with this rich and exciting tradition that we share. It’s my hope that by the sharing of our stories we’ll not only learn more about each other, but we’ll hear the stories that challenge, change and transform us.
Some of you have asked how this will work with the Soul Matters themes that you are used to exploring in your Journey Groups and in other areas of Fellowship Life. I hope to weave the Soul Matters Themes into the services. Many of these soul matters themes coincide beautifully with the Story Year ones. They are listed in parentheses. 
October:     Faced your fears (Healing)
November:  Felt most alive (Story)
December:  Experienced a miracle  (Presence)
January:      Found your voice (Prophecy)
February:    Knew exactly who you were (Identity)
March:        Took a leap of faith (Risk)
April:           Were born again (Transformation)
May:            Befriended your body (Embodiment)
I’m really looking forward the year ahead and hearing your stories. Let’s lean in and listen to each other and find that we are indeed, part of one Great Story!
Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Senior Interim Minister, 2016-2017

Upcoming Services
Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.


September 18 (Note time change 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.)
Tell Me a Story
by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz and Rev. Leah Hart-Landsberg
Our lives are made up of individual and overlapping stories. Sometimes we understand those stories, and other times we don't know what they mean until we share our story with others. This year, our overarching theme will be to answer the question "Tell Me a Story About..." This particular service will feature an extended congregational response time, so as to be able to tell, and to listen, to each other's experience.
Reminder: The Fox Cities Marathon takes place on September 18. The races start at 7:00 a.m. at the UW-Fox Valley campus in Menasha and finish at Riverside Park in Neenah. Course maps can be found online here. Please be cautious of runners and walkers on your way to services on Sunday and build in extra time in case your normal route is closed off.
September 25 
Heaven, Hell and Everything in Between
by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz
Harpeth Rising is a a three-piece acoustic band whose music reflects age old questions of heaven, hell, fate and grace. Rev. Rolenz will weave her sermon around the lyrics of Harpeth Rising, who will perform in concert the night before. We're excited to welcome this trio to the Fellowship's Sunday morning service for a service of musical and spiritual reflection on important themes. 
Bring a Friend to Service
We all know someone who is looking for community or a place where they can grow spiritually. While we hope that every weekend can be meaningful to a newcomer, September 25th will be an especially great Sunday to check out the Fellowship. There are postcards available to give to a friend, co-worker or acquaintance who might enjoy attending the Fellowship. You can also send the information via email. The link is available

Coffee Hour Conversations
This year’s “Tell me a story” theme will help us all get to know each other in new ways and make new connections to folks we don’t yet know. After services, there will be a question prompt to ask each other. Try to  find someone you haven’t yet met and introduce yourself. This week’s question will be “tell me a story about a favorite place from your childhood.” This question isn’t just for adults; ask our younger friends about their favorite place too!
Let your voice be heard!
The committee is undertaking two crucial activities now through the end of September and need the help of everyone:
1. 2016 Congregational Survey - online survey open 9/11 through 9/26
2. Listening sessions - after services on 9/25
These two activities are the opportunity for each of us to get involved in the Senior Minister search process. Now is the time to make our voices heard and provide key data and input for the Ministerial Packet which will tell the story of who we are, what we believe, what we seek and what we dream to all prospective ministers.
Congregational survey - day 3 update
Thank you to all who have completed surveys to date. We are off to a strong start but still need more folks to take the survey, which can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K5CVKSR.
Laptops will be available after services on Sunday to allow congregants to take the survey. If you know fellow congregants who have not taken the survey or missed the email please share the link with them, only 14 days remain for another 593 voices to be heard. Remember, this person will be a minister for all of us, no just the Search Committee! Help us find the best person for the job!
Terry Dawson, Theresa Hannah, Dave Wallace, Tim Watson, David Powling, Marti Wheeler, Lauren Thompson
Oshkosh Wellspring Wednesday 
September 21, 2016 - 5:30-7:30 p.m.
 Do you live in Oshkosh or the surrounding southern region and would love to get together with other UU's, but don't want to drive up to Appleton?  Then check out the Oshkosh Group as they kick off the program year with a potluck and conversation.  We'll begin with a potluck dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. Please plan to bring a dish to pass. We'd like to have some main dishes and sides, along with snacks and desserts.
Chalice lighting and program at 6:15 p.m. This month's meeting will be an informal social, with discussion with the Search Committee and information surrounding the year's programming and opportunities to volunteer.
Childcare is provided at no cost, but advanced notice is required. You must let Secretary Cyndi Polakowski know if you require childcare at least a week in advance; we need four children resigtered in order to provide care.
RSVP before Monday September 19 at noon on-line or by signing up on the sheet in the entry lobby at the Fellowship.  
The Oshkosh group meets at the B'Nai Israel Congregation Social Hall (1121 Algoma Blvd.) Parking is available next to the building and across the street at Read School
Board News
Time for Congregants
The Governing Board wants to hear from you. We are setting aside time at the beginning of every Board meeting for a "time for congregants" to come and speak to the Board on any topic they wish. Previously we stated the start time as 6:10; we realized we needed to move that time to 6:00 p.m. Please restrict your comments to five minutes as we will need to move on with the rest of the Board meeting. We look forward to hearing from you! The Board meets the third Tuesday of each month, at 6:00 p.m.
Black Lives Matter Movement
Courageous Conversations
The next Courageous Conversation will be held on Wednesday, September 21, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Pre-registration required; limited to 8-10 people. Sign up by sending an email to cyndi@fvuuf.org by September 19. 
Religious Education News
Information about events happening in Religious Education
Attention Youth! Come for the food, stay for the fun!!!
What: Breakfast Club inaugural breakfast and program kick-off
When: Sunday, September 18th 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Why: Because… food!  And fun!
Who: Anyone who is in high school/high school aged
The Breakfast club will be kicking off the year by serving you breakfast! Come to the Brown Room (Couch Room) to have a nosh, laugh and get to know our fellow high school youth. Contact Kim Hartman at 920-731-0849 or kim@fvuuf.org by Friday, Sept. 16 if you plan to come- we don’t want to run out of food!
Hope to see you there!
Religious Education Registration is Open
It is time to register all children for fall Religious Education classes. Please register all children from nursery through 12th grade. There is a $20 per child with a maximum of $45 per family. This donation signifies registration in the program and is not intended to cover the actual cost of operating the Religious Education (RE) Program. Children attending three or more RE classes will be required to register. If the donation is burdensome, you are invited to speak to Kim Hartman, Director of Religious Education. Registration forms can be found on our website or paper copies are located on the table in the RE hallway. Religious Education classes begin this Sunday.
Classes offered for the 2016-2017 program year:
Nursery Care       Both services
9:00am                 Pre K/K
                               First and second grade
                               Third and fourth grade
                               Fifth and sixth grade
10:00am-Noon   High School Breakfast Club
10:45am               Pre K/K
                              First and second grade
                              Third and fourth grade
                              Fifth and sixth grade
                              Seventh and eighth grade
Groups and Programs
The Fellowship offers a variety of groups and programs, as well as opportunities to engage in spiritual practice, enjoy a concert, or participate in celebrating the change of seasons through ritual. 
Spirit of the Seasons Autumn Equinox Ritual 
Once again we have a change of seasons and see the spiral of life happening. We honor the traditions and ceremonies from all cultures and religious paths that fall within each season, while exploring ways to enhance or create new traditions for ourselves and our families.
All are welcome to join us as we come together in ritual and community. Children are welcome to join us and will have a special component just for them. We will also have a canned food drive to share our bounty with the greater community. 
Saturday, September 17th
7:00 p.m. Ritual Start
We will have a time for snacks and fellowship after the ritual. Please bring a dish to share. Contact Heather Westley at firemoon0812@yahoo.com with questions. Sign up in the entry lobby of the Fellowship.
A Mindfulness Day September 18
Smiling Dandelion Sangha will hold a Mindfulness Day on Sunday September 18 from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. The day will include sitting and walking meditation and mindful eating of a vegetarian potluck meal.
We will have a very interesting topic, The Three Poisons, offered by Rev. Wayne Tonjin Arnason. This refers to the destructive emotions that come up for all of us in our daily life. Here is his description: In the Abhidamma Pitaka, one of the three “baskets” of scripture in Buddhism, we find many lists of emotional and spiritual states that defeat or support practice. Most Buddhist traditions affirm one short-list description of these destructive emotions, as the best description of the roots of our suffering. This list is often called the “Three Poisons”. They are loosely translated as “greed, anger, and ignorance”. You would think we would all be doing our best to avoid these poisons, but in fact we are drinking them every day, even on the sitting cushion. What’s the antidote?
We are very happy and honored to have Rev. Arnason join us for this day. There will be time for discussion and questions following his talks. You do not need to be a Buddhist or have previous meditation experience to attend. Meditation instructions will be given. Chairs and some meditation cushions will be available. If you are not able to attend for the entire time, just enter or leave quietly, depending on your schedule.
Dress comfortably and bring a vegetarian dish to share, if you are able. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early so everyone can be seated and ready to begin at 1:00 p.m. The event is free of charge, but donations are accepted. If you have questions, email smilingdandelion@gmail.com.
We Who Defy Hate PBS Documentary Watch Party
Wednesday, September 21,

 Film - 6:00 - 7:30 Discussion
7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Join us to watch the new Ken Burns film Defying the Nazis: the Sharps' War. This PBS documentary recounts the story of two Unitarians, Rev. Waitstill and Martha Sharp, who stepped out of their everyday lives to save many people from Nazi persecution. After the 90-minute film, there will be a discussion about how we can make a difference in today’s world.  Film showing begins at 6:00 p.m.; facilitated discussion begins at 7:30 p.m.  This film will be showing on PBS on Tuesday, September 20th.  If you prefer, you can watch the film at home on Tuesday and then join us later for the discussion the next night.  Regardless, this is a MUST see film! 
Harpeth Rising Concert
Saturday, September 24th at the Fellowship - 7:30 p.m.
Admission: $15 at the door
Opening for Harpeth Rising are Jennifer Levenhagen and Kevin Mason
Some call it Chamberfolk. Three classically trained musicians playing original music, as intricately arranged as a string quartet, lyrically rooted in the singer/songwriter tradition, and wrapped in three-part vocal harmonies reminiscent of both Appalachia and Medieval Europe. All original music in the folk tradition, with a hint of classical; sparkling with energy, wit and fun.  
In partnership with Green Apple Folk Music Society.
October 8; 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Lunch will be included. 

Facilitated by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz and Congregational Life Coordinator, Marie Blohowiak, this class is especially helpful for newcomers to the Fellowship and new members, though anyone who hasn’t taken it before is encouraged to attend. We offer information about our history, governance, programs and liberal faith. This class is a wonderful opportunity to engage with new people, learn about the Fellowship and get to know others in the Fellowship community. Sign up in the entry lobby at the Fellowship or by contacting Cyndi at cyndi@fvuuf.org.
High Holy Days Activities
Following the October 2nd Services celebrating the Jewish High Holy Days, we will continue the tradition of sharing the traditional snack of apples, honey, and challah (bread). On the following Saturday, please join Rev. Leah Hart-Landsberg and Fellowship member Jaclyn Kottman for a very quick, meaningful and joyful version of an ancient Jewish ritual called tashlich. Bring stale bread, crackers or crumbs (we’ll have extra) to toss into the water, symbolizing whatever you want to let go of in the coming year. This annual practice is surprisingly simple and touching, and good for people of all ages, young and old alike. 10:00 a.m., October 8th at the Peabody Park pavilion in Appleton. Accessibility questions? Ask Leah and she can get you information and help plan.

Fall Art Theme
The theme for our fall art show will be "Movement." All Fellowship members and friends are encouraged to submit their original pieces on the weekend of October 15-16. Current show pieces should be removed that weekend.  Thanks for sharing your artistic talents with the Fellowship.  -Gail Dolan, Art Committee Chair

Send your greetings to Deva!
If you haven’t signed the card  in the Fellowship Hall that Fellowship folks are taking over to our Partner Church in Deva, please do so soon! It will be rolled up and packed for the journey to Romania on the 20th of this month, and presented to the Deva congregation on the 25th, their Thanksgiving and a day of dedication and celebration for the work being accomplished on their parsonage and church building.
Our partnership with the Deva Unitarians has been a source of friendships, learning, challenge and great joy over the past 17 years. This is our first visit to be with them in several years and we would like to  bring greetings from many of our congregation!
We also would like for you to know that a member of the Deva congregation, Orsi Mate, will be able to visit us in Mid-October. She is an awesome young lady and although she won’t be here on a Sunday, we will try to arrange times for you all to be able to meet her!  More on that later.
But for now, don’t forget to sign the card! 
Providing Meals and Help at the Warming Shelter Volunteers are needed! The Fellowship will provide the evening meal for homeless adult men and women on October 2 and December 7. To sign up or learn how you can help please visit the table in the Fellowship Hall. Or you can contact Miriam Douglass, mdouglass@new.rr.com 920-757-7776 or Marcia Dawson, mdawson907@gmail.com  920-734-0013 to reserve a shift or get more information. Thank you for your help.
Next month is our Fall Circle Dinners, and we are in search of families to host! Circle dinners will be held on the weekend of October 28. If you would be interested in hosting a dinner at your home or a local restaurant, please contact Kristine Paruch at kristine_stein@hotmail.com.  Circle dinners are a fantastic opportunity to mingle and connect with other members. It is an evening full of tasty food, friendships (new and old), and fun.
Green Sanctuary Task Force
On August 31st the Sustainable Living Survey was closed. We are happy to report we exceeded our goal of 100 completed surveys with 104. Be sure to check out the display of the survey results in the Fellowship Hall. We will also be seeking additional input about how we can put the results of the survey to use. For example:
- Lunch and Learn topics
- Workshops (i.e. How to compost)
- Ways the Fellowship can operate greener
About the Building
News about your Building
Tables moved into the Fellowship Hall
Please note that all groups who wish to promote an event, activity or their team or action team should request a table for the Fellowhip Hall in advance. The staff is requesting to keep the hallways and areas around the Fellowship Hall clear of tables. Now that the Fellowship Hall has been modified for acoustics, it's a lot more pleasant place to converse and to hear one another.  
Click here for the current financial report. 
Quick Links
Joys and Concerns
As your faith community, we want to celebrate your joys with you and support you through times of concern.
To share a joy or concern with our ministers and/or at services, please click here.

Weekly Calendar

Thursday, September 15
7:00pm Choir
7:00pm UU Book Club
Friday, September 16
6:00pm Acoustic Jam
Saturday, September 17
6:30am Kishin Zen Sangha
10:00am Photography as a Spiritual Practice
6:00pm Spirit of the Seasons
Sunday, September 18
9:00 & 1045am Worship Service
1:00pm Smiling Dandelion Sangha Half Day Sit
Monday, September 19
9:00am Goddess Group
6:00pm Partner Churches
6:30pm First Monday Book Club
Tuesday, September 20
10:00am Playgroup
6:30pm Kishin Zen Sangha
7:00pm Men's Group
Wednesday, September 21
6:00pm Sharp's War Documentary Screening
Thursday, September 22
7:00pm Choir

Book Club Books

First Monday Book Club
A Religion of One's Own by Thomas Moore
My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor
First Thursday Book Club
September- no meeting
October: The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
UU Book Club 
September: My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry by Fredrik Backman
October: The Evolution of Everything by Matt Ridley
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