PSA: What's New in May
PSA: What's New in May
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               May Newsletter 2021
Mina Ho Ferrante
"Siblings"  Oil on Canvas  30" x 40"

I did this painting of my children when they were much younger.  They are my muse, my passion and the center of my happiness.  Being a mother while pursuing a professional dream is not easy.  There were times when a mother’s tasks could be overwhelming. However, seeing moments like this -- my children happy together -- makes all the hardship worthwhile.
Mina was born and raised in Vietnam - the fourth generation of an artistic family.  Her great-grandfather was the artist of the Nguyen Dynasty’s royal court and her grandma was the first professional woman artist of Vietnam.  Mina's solo exhibition of silk paintings gained her the recognition of “Vietnam’s youngest solo exhibition artist.”

Mina attended the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, and received a scholarship to Disney Feature Animation Studios, where she designed movie sets for many animation films.   

Mina is currently pursuing her Master of Fine Art in Modern History of Art at Fort Hays University.  She is involved in international exhibitions, earning many awards with her expressive and lively paintings.  She is a member of the Portrait Society of America, California Art Club, Burbank Art Association, Pasadena Society of Artists, Glendale Art Association, and Women Painters West. 
Mina lives in Burbank with her husband and three children, volunteers in the community, and teaches drawing and painting classes.

For more information about Mina, check out her website:

Hi, Fellow Artists!

It’s hard to believe that May is upon us.  I hope you are keeping well and busy!  I am excited to begin thinking about going back out into the world after this long period of hibernation.  Have you made any plans yet?  I’m looking forward to cautiously diving back into art opportunities that have been absent over the past year.  Being surrounded by art is always so inspiring and I have missed it terribly.

I was so sorry to not be able to make the recent Robert Sherrill demo ... darn day job.  But I did hear great things about it and will look forward to watching the replay! Thanks to Rhonda for making it happen and I can’t wait for future opportunities to observe others' art making processes.  I would love to hear any of your ideas/desires for future learning possibilities, so please send me your thoughts.

Please be well and keep making art.  In the immortal words of Edith Wharton, “Set wide the window.  Let me drink the day!”

Shaney Watters
PSA President 

Volunteer Appreciation
Matt Tanaka
(Submitted by Victor Picou)
Zoom Meeting Host
We all have strengths and skills that we take for granted and don’t always realize how those skills can be transferred to other situations.  I am currently volunteering and helping facilitate the Zoom meetings for PSA.  During one of the monthly meetings, Rhonda Raulston took note of some of the questions I asked during the Zoom training and reached out to me.  Pre-pandemic, I had been working remotely for seven years and am very comfortable with online meetings, so it was a natural fit to volunteer … although Rhonda is very persistent!  I am happy to help support PSA in this manner and glad to give back.

Matt Tanaka, Photography   
La Crescenta
PSA member since Nov. 2019  

April Art Demo

Robert Sherrill, a well-known oil and watercolor painter, presented a demo on April 14th showing how he sketches
with pen and ink and watercolor! 

Rob generously agreed to allow us to record the session and make it available to those members who might not be able to attend.


Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center Gallery 
PSA has accepted the opportunity to exhibit at the Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center Gallery in May 2022.  That’s just twelve months from now!  The Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center Gallery, located in Burbank, is one of the premier art galleries in southern California, and we thank them for this exciting opportunity to showcase the great art that PSA members produce. 

Ruth Lindsay Virtual Exhibition
The Ruth Lindsay exhibition was presented to the members of the Fine Arts Club of Pasadena during their February 2021 virtual meeting.  The paintings featured in this exhibition belong to both PSA and the Lindsay family.  Ruth Lindsay was active in PSA during the 1930s and 1940s, and was the President of PSA from 1939 to 1941.  Use the link below to view the exhibition.  Enjoy!  Unfortunately this exhibition is not viewable on a smart phone.

Click here for the event 
Calling all Social Media Enthusiasts
PSA is expanding our social media efforts. We will offer training for all members in the future, and right now we're in need of a person to learn the ins and outs of posting stories from our online exhibition magazine/catalog, ISSUU.  This platform has a wealth of ways to use the information in our catalog, and lots of training.  You'll be posting to Instagram/Facebook as part of the Communications/Social Media team.  If you're up for learning something new and being part of PSA's growth as we edge toward our 100th anniversary, please contact Debbi Swanson Patrick at

New Members of 2020 Exhibition

We are pleased to showcase our newest PSA members with a special online exhibition.  Please welcome Karen Duckles, Sandy Fisher, Kevin McCants and Anna-Maria Nikolova.
Click here to view the exhibition.

Upcoming Art Demo

JOEY HUYNH, urban sketcher

Thursday, May 6     
6:30 pm - announcements
7:00 - 8:30 pm - art demo

Years of sketching in urban environments have given Joey a wealth of information about figure drawing with an emphasis on anatomical landmarks for dynamic sketching.  The ink and marker sketching technique he uses forces the artist to make clear decisions about tonal relationships.

Joey will take us through a step-by-step layered iPad Procreate drawing over existing sketches done in Copic markers (W2,W4,W5,W6), Pitt pen (fine), Signo white gel pen, and Carbothello pastel pencil.
Off the Wall

The next opportunity to exhibit artwork is the "Artist’s Choice Exhibition” going live online
June 1.  The Call for Entries (CFE) should be in your email inbox by now.  The digital take-in opens Saturday, April 24 via the SmartSheet entry process and closes Saturday, May 8.  The entry process has been revised to make it EASIER to enter your artwork images and related statements.  This is a non-juried exhibition, so any artwork entered in this exhibition can be entered in any subsequent juried exhibition.  Tom Oldfield is the Chair for the “Artist’s Choice Exhibition.”  If you want your artwork to be considered for use on the online exhibition cover and digital announcement, plan to get your entries in by May 1.

Following the "Artist’s Choice Exhibition” is the "Acrylic & Oil Exhibition.”  This exhibition goes live online July 15.  Artwork created using acrylic or oil-based paints is eligible.  This could be a juried exhibition.  In fact, let the Exhibition Committee know if a juror is desirable.  Just email your comments to Exhibitions with the subject line:  Acrylic & Oil Juror.  The Acrylic & Oil Exhibition CFE should become available in late May.

Future exhibitions include the "All Three-Dimensional Art Exhibition" in September, the Pasadena Central Library exhibition during the month of October, and the 96th Annual Juried Exhibition opening in October with a gallery installation concurrent with an online exhibition.  So there are plenty of opportunities to exhibit your latest artworks from now until the end of 2021. 

Regarding exhibitions in galleries, decisions about gallery opportunities may be discussed at the next Board meeting and then, depending upon what the State of California recommends after June 15, the Exhibition Committee will move ahead.

Consider volunteering to help out the Exhibition Committee.  There are plenty of openings available, ranging from a morning or afternoon to a few evenings or ongoing activities.  Just send your emails to Exhibitions with the subject line: Volunteering.  A response is guaranteed.

The Committee is looking forward to seeing all of your latest art in the next few months. Thanks everybody.
Larry Rodgers, Art Carrillo, Tom Oldfield
The Exhibition Committee

for PSA website

It's time to update the website's banner and page images.   

We will be pulling images from the Artist Profiles, focusing first on work from members who were not included in the last "remodel."

So, if you haven't done it lately, now is a good time to update your Artist Profile images.

Artists' Salon          May 2, 2021     1:00 - 4:00pm

Backyard patio of Vic Picou -  close to beautiful downtown Burbank

An informal time to share art (conceptual, in progress or finished) and your thoughts about how your life is affected by your art.

Limited to 12 participants.  Please bring a beverage or smart snacks to share  (avoid food handling and serving, etc.).  Please email me at to register by May 1st.  Upon registering, I will send you my address.

Masks optional !!  I hope you can attend.  I will continue to coordinate our bimonthly Salons in different homes/studios. 

Vic Picou, Past President PSA

Membership Dues  - If you have already paid for this year, thank you!!

Membership dues for January 1 - December 31, 2021 are $75.00.
You can pay online on the "Members Only" page of the PSA website, OR you can send a check, payable to PSA, and mail it to:  P.O. Box 90074, Pasadena, CA  91109.

Remember that you must be current with your dues in order to participate in exhibitions.  If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Kathy.  We have a confidential scholarship program and we can help!
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Pasadena Society of Artists
P.O. Box 90074 | Pasadena, CA | 91109 US

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