Quarter Four Reporting for 2024 MCH Objectives is Here!
Thank you for continuing to promote maternal and child health throughout Wisconsin. Quarterly reporting for your agency’s MCH Objectives is due January 31, 2025. Please reach out to your contract administrator if you need more time to complete reporting. We look forward to hearing about the work you have accomplished this year.
To access reporting, please reference the email that was sent to your agency when your quarter one report was submitted. You will find your agency’s unique link to complete quarter four reporting in that email.
If you are unable to locate the email with your agency’s unique link, please contact the Title V Epidemiologist and Evaluator Mary Kusch (mary.kusch@dhs.wisconsin.gov) or your contract administrator.
- This reporting link is unique to your agency. It cannot be shared with anyone outside of your agency.
- Reporting can be completed by anyone in your agency working on these MCH objectives.
- Your input will be saved as you work. You are not required to complete your reporting in one sitting. To save, select the next button at the bottom of the page.
- For the best results, please have only one staff person at a time logged in to the survey to enter your information.
- Quarter four reporting timeline: Report on activities that your agency completed from January 1–December 31, 2024. Although you will be reporting your work on a quarterly basis, the information you are sharing with us should reflect the activities you have completed from January 1, 2024 through the end of the current quarter.
- Your past responses from each quarter are saved so you can add on and/or edit your responses. You do not need to re-enter information that has already been reported.
Note: Some teams prefer to prepare their objective report offline first, before entering their responses in the online form. If your team would prefer a print version, please contact the Title V Epidemiologist and Evaluator, Mary Kusch (mary.kusch@dhs.wisconsin.gov).