H E R I T A G E   C H R I S T I A N   U N I V E R S I T Y

D E C E M B E R    2 0 2 0

- S I S T E R   S C O O P S -
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:21

The Rest of the Story

Melissa McFerrin's words will transcend you back to that dreadful day Jesus died on the cross and the events thereafter. As we near the end of 2020, let's remember the importance of reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus gave for us without complaint. He died for you and me. After your reflection, how will you share this good news today?
Melissa McFerrin is the Executive Administrative Assistant to the President at HCU.


December Scripture Writing Plan

What is scripture writing? Simply take each day's scripture and write it down. You can write it on a sticky note, journal, or planner.

The scripture writing plan is on the topic of "The Spirit of Christ" and is provided by our friends at Ruffled Mango. Join us in meditating on the ultimate servant Jesus.


P.S. Two new ladies' classes are coming in the spring! Autumn Richardson will teach a four-week class in January, and Debbie Dupuy will teach a class on Angels beginning mid-February. More details to come!
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