Office of Institutional Transformation

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

University of Notre Dame

An update from our office

Dear Friends, 

Earlier this month, Eve Kelly and I attended the Senior Diversity Officers Pre-Conference at the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities annual meeting. It was an enriching and informative event. Presenters reminded all attendees of how diversity, equity, and inclusion is deeply vocational and sacred within a Catholic context; that belonging is an essential dimension of the work we do, and that Catholic Social Teaching calls us to:
  • Respect the dignity of every person
  • Build a Notre Dame community in which all can flourish
  • Live in solidarity with all, particularly the most vulnerable

It was energizing to enjoy fellowship and be in conversation with approximately 30 like-minded professionals who share our Catholic foundation, and it was encouraging to see the ways in which our transformational mandate is situated and supported at Notre Dame.

Perspectives on the Beloved Community

In January, the Office of Institutional Transformation launched the Inclusive Leadership Colloquium Lecture Series in partnership with Human Resources and the Office of the Provost. This program features insightful and innovative leaders in diverse, equitable, and inclusive practice and provides a forum for sharing ideas and inspiration around DEI-related topics of interest.

Our inaugural event, Building the Beloved Community: Perspectives, consisted of a panel of Notre Dame leaders from Campus Ministry, the College of Arts and Letters, Human Resources, Multicultural Student Programs and Services, and Undergraduate Education. Improvements in the hiring of diverse faculty and staff and enrollment of students from diverse backgrounds were cited as signs of positive momentum in making Notre Dame more inclusive. However, it was also noted that the manner in which the University engages people once they’re here is just as, if not more, important.

DEI practitioner spotlight:

Cecilia Lucero

For this alum, helping to create a more inclusive Notre Dame is personal.

“It was lonely,” Cecilia Lucero ’84 recalls of her time as a Notre Dame undergraduate. She knew that might be the case, even before her first day as a student. But Lucero (pictured with a classmate at right) was determined to be a Notre Dame student, so she enrolled anyway.

Today, Lucero serves as director of the Balfour-Hesburgh Scholars Program, which provides a close-knit learning community for high-achieving Notre Dame students from underrepresented populations—including, but not limited to, students from low-income backgrounds or under-resourced high schools, or students who are the first in their family to attend college.
“In some ways, it’s personal, the work I do, because I want students’ experiences to be better than what I had,” she said.
Eve Kelly and Hugh Page

What’s your next step?

Several weeks ago, our campus joined together to celebrate the ninth annual observance of Walk the Walk Week. During the week, you may have attended one event, or several; talked with your colleagues about how something impacted you; or jotted down something you learned or should explore further. 

Now that the week is over, what’s next? 

The University has asked the campus community to consider our next steps in building a more just, equitable, and inclusive Notre Dame and society. No next step is too small. Learn more about what others have committed to do.

Visit our new website

Looking for more information about the Office of Institutional Transformation? Visit our new website at There, you can easily connect with members of our team as well as some of our partners leading diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives for students, faculty, and staff. We’ve also made it easier for you to provide feedback to our office on the work we’re doing or the campus environment, as well as request a consultation with our office.


Transformations is a quarterly publication of the Office of Institutional Transformation highlighting Notre Dame’s journey to achieve its aspirations as a truly Catholic, diverse, and inclusive university. To learn more about the people, programs, and progress associated with this integrated strategy, as well as how you can get involved, please visit
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