Jacob Sorber receives Fulbright award for international research.
Jacob Sorber receives Fulbright award for international research.

School of Computing Edition Fall 2019

Jacob Sorber

Jacob Sorber receives Fulbright award for international research

Sorber, an associate professor of computer science in the School of Computing, is teaching and conducting research in Botswana this academic year. This opportunity was made possible by an award from the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.

Securing cyberspace: Hongxin Hu develops new ways to protect computer networks

Hongxin Hu, assistant professor and Dean’s Faculty Fellow of Computer Science, is developing new security functions to protect computer networks from attacks. These include a virtual intrusion detection system that would detect attacks and a virtual firewall system that would repel them.

Experienced leader becomes C. Tycho Howle Director of the School of Computing

Amy Apon on July 1 became the new C. Tycho Howle Director of the School of Computing. Apon has been on the school’s faculty for eight years, serving as the chair of the Division of Computer Science. She said the opportunity to establish collaborations and have great impact attracted her to her new position.

Clemson University ramps up cybersecurity offerings to meet growing need in Charleston area

Charleston’s technology industry is growing like sea oats on a sand dune and could soon sprout fresh sprigs as Clemson University plants the seeds for new cybersecurity initiatives at its campus overlooking the Cooper River. Two faculty members, Harlan Russell and Kelly Caine, are relocating to the Charleston area for a year to take the lead in creating the initiatives, which will be offered at the Zucker Family Graduate Education Center in North Charleston.

Largest student-led hackathon in South Carolina history held at Clemson University

Over 250 students from 24 schools in South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia and Tennessee gathered in the Watt Family Innovation Center recently for CUhackit2019.

College's top students honored in ceremony

The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences honored some of its best and brightest students in an annual ceremony attended by proud parents, professors and supporters.Thomas Randall, a graduating senior in the School of Computing, was recognized as the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher.

From the Chair

Greetings from the Clemson School of Computing!
I am happy to write the first of what I hope will be many greetings in my role as the C. Tycho Howle Director of the School of Computing. In this issue we highlight Dr. Jacob Sorber’s research in Africa as a Fulbright Scholar, the cybersecurity research of Dr. Hongxin Hu as a National Science Foundation CAREER awardee, and CU Hackit, an all-student-led organization that is creating interest in computer science across our region. Those are just a few examples of the work happening in the School of Computing. It is an exciting time to serve as director.
Computing is facing many challenges. At Clemson, as with many other universities, our majors population is exploding at the same time that many new students from other majors also seek the skills and expertise offered through our classes. We are hiring new computing faculty who do foundational research to meet our teaching and research demands, and at the same time faculty doing interdisciplinary research in areas such as cybersecurity, biomedical data science and informatics, and human-centered computing are at the top of our lists.
The opportunities for computing seem nearly unlimited and our research and educational goals are high. These are times when the computing community can have world-changing impact. I would enjoy hearing from you on these topics.
Please join me in celebrating a few of our success stories!
Amy Apon, Ph.D.
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Clemson University School of Computing
in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences

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