From the Chair
Greetings from the Clemson School of Computing!
I am happy to write the first of what I hope will be many greetings in my role as the C. Tycho Howle Director of the School of Computing. In this issue we highlight Dr. Jacob Sorber’s research in Africa as a Fulbright Scholar, the cybersecurity research of Dr. Hongxin Hu as a National Science Foundation CAREER awardee, and CU Hackit, an all-student-led organization that is creating interest in computer science across our region. Those are just a few examples of the work happening in the School of Computing. It is an exciting time to serve as director.
Computing is facing many challenges. At Clemson, as with many other universities, our majors population is exploding at the same time that many new students from other majors also seek the skills and expertise offered through our classes. We are hiring new computing faculty who do foundational research to meet our teaching and research demands, and at the same time faculty doing interdisciplinary research in areas such as cybersecurity, biomedical data science and informatics, and human-centered computing are at the top of our lists.
The opportunities for computing seem nearly unlimited and our research and educational goals are high. These are times when the computing community can have world-changing impact. I would enjoy hearing from you on these topics.
Please join me in celebrating a few of our success stories!
Amy Apon, Ph.D.