View a letter from our CEO, HCH2017 news, new resources & webinars, & more.
View a letter from our CEO, HCH2017 news, new resources & webinars, & more.
Council News
April 2017
The Power of Membership: A Letter from Our CEO
Letter from Our CEO Bobby Watts:
The Power of Membership
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is effective not only because of the hard, expert work of our staff, but also because of an active and engaged membership. Each month, you cumulatively devote thousands of hours of work, brainpower, and understanding shaped by your on-the-ground experiences as consumers, clinicians, administrators, and advocates in services for people living without homes. Our membership is the invaluable fuel of the Council… Read the full letter.
HCH2017 Conference Registration Still Open!
Join us in Washington, D.C., from June 21-24 for our 2017 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium! Registration is still open for this exciting event—including for Pre-Conference Institutes and half-day Learning Labs. Promising to be our largest Conference ever, HCH2017 will feature a keynote address from nationally renowned MacArthur “Genius” Fellow and health innovator Dr. Jeffrey Brenner. Additionally, attendees will have a chance to take part in site visits to So Others Might Eat, Covenant House DC, and Unity Health Care; make hill visits to help further our mission to end homelessness; and attend our rally for universal health care and housing on June 23! Register now.
2017 Spring Virtual Training
Archived Spring Virtual Training Webinars Are Now Available!
If you missed our Spring Virtual Training, you can now view archived recordings of our nine sessions in homeless health care on topics ranging from colorectal cancer screenings to motivational interviewing—including four trauma workshops with experts from the American Institutes for Research and the School-Based Health Alliance. Thank you to everyone who participated in our first-ever Virtual Training: #HCHVirtual attracted nearly 1,000 registrants, surpassing our expectations, and participants claimed 254 credit hours of continuing medical education from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. View archived sessions.
Call for Nominations
Call for Nominations for Our Board of Directors: Submissions Due April 28
Please help us identify outstanding leaders who can help guide our vital work to support those working at the intersection of homelessness and health: nominate yourself or a colleague to join the National HCH Council’s Board of Directors. Our Board provides critical direction to our efforts to improve homeless health care and end homelessness. Board members serve two-year terms, and officers serve one-year terms; Board elections will take place at our Annual Meeting of the Governing Membership on June 21 at the Grand Hyatt Washington as we convene in Washington, D.C., for HCH2017. Learn more about the process and submit your nomination by April 28.
New Policy Brief
Issue Brief Spotlights Health Insurance Coverage in HCH
The Council has published a new brief examining “Insurance Coverage at Health Care for the Homeless Projects, 2013-2015.” Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act has allowed nearly 16 million people to gain coverage since 2014, and HCH projects have also seen increases in rates of insurance coverage. Tracking these changes between 2013 and 2015 and featuring state-by-state charts, this brief illustrates why coverage is essential for people experiencing homelessness. Key findings include the fact that HCH patients are nearly five times more likely to have gained insurance since 2013 if they live in a state that expanded Medicaid. View the brief.
New Resource
New Post-Election Frequently Asked Questions and Policy Statement
The NHCHC has released an updated post-election Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on federal policy changes in health and housing and their implications for the HCH community. The document details the recent American Health Care Act, the status of Medicaid and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and what you can do to further the cause of health care justice. The FAQ coincides with our recent statement urging policymakers to enact legislation guided by principles which would increase access to quality health care for all Americans, regardless of income or housing status. Read the FAQ and statement.
Washington, D.C.
Visit Your Elected Officials on Capitol Hill at HCH2017!
Attending our 2017 National HCH Conference? The Council invites you to visit the offices of Senators and Representatives while you are in Washington, D.C., to help further our mission to end homelessness. We will provide guidance and resources for these easy-to-make visits: no experience is required! Learn more and indicate your interest on our website, and we’ll get to work on scheduling your meeting. If you have already scheduled a visit, please let us know.
Upcoming Webinar
Policy Webinars to Detail Health Reform and HCH, Immigration and Health Centers
Don’t miss our two upcoming webinars on health policy proposals as they affect HCH and health center providers’ rights regarding immigration enforcement. Join us for our Health Reform & the HCH Community webinar from 1-2 p.m. ET on April 20 to learn how Congressional health reform proposals and administration guidance to states will impact Health Care for the Homeless—and how we as a community can remain informed and engaged in the struggle for health care justice. And from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on May 3, join our Immigration Enforcement and Health Centers webinar for critical information on provider rights, patient privacy, and best practices for responding to immigration authorities.
New Webinar
Upcoming Webinars Highlight Summer Solstice Celebrations, Ethics and Reproductive Health, and Inspiring Presentations
This month, the NHCHC is offering a host of exciting webinars. Registration is now open for:
• April 18, 3-4 p.m. ET: From Darkness to Light: Honoring Success and Resilience at the Summer Solstice: Learn how HCH organizations are recognizing people who have gained housing in Summer Solstice Celebrations (June 21)—and discover how to organize your own.
• April 25, 12-1 p.m. ET: Ethics Coffee Chat: Reproductive Health: Join a highly interactive clinicians’ discussion of ethical issues related to reproductive health—featuring case studies and a Q&A.
• April 27, 3-4 p.m. ET: Creating and Delivering Presentations that Inspire, Challenge, and Change the World! (with the Coldspring Center for Social & Health Innovation): Learn best practices for creating presentations that will engage and inspire listeners.
New Policy Change Impacts Health Centers: Learn More and Stay Engaged
Signed into law in December, the 21st Century Cures Act included a provision that expanded Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) coverage to volunteers at federally qualified health centers. HRSA will provide additional implementation guidance on this provision, which will go into effect on October 1, 2017. Interested in keeping up with other developments in a rapidly evolving policy and advocacy environment? Learn how you can take action: sign up for our Mobilizer!
The Big Payback
Save the Date: The Big Payback is Coming Soon!
To be held May 3, The Big Payback is a new annual awareness-building day for nonprofits like the Council, nationwide and in your neighborhood—and it’s a great chance to encourage your social (media) networks to help us further our work to end homelessness with gifts to support awareness and advocacy. The more funds we raise on May 3, the more local funding we can leverage in the Nashville area from the Community Foundation of Middle TN’s The Big Payback platform to support our national efforts that enhance your local goals. Help spread the word: add the event to your Outlook, iCalendar, or Google Calendar now.
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