March 24, 2022 | 21 Adar II 5782
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Koleinu|our voice|
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
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Parashat Shemini | Candlelighting 6:44 PM EST
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Welcome back to Koleinu ("our voice"), Hebrew College's weekly newsletter. Each week, we send a selection of resources, special features, and reflections in time for Shabbat. We hope you enjoy the inspiring voices of our community during this centennial year!
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SEVENTY FACES OF TORAH This blog also appears weekly in Patheos.
The Test of the Eighth Day By Rafi Ellenson Hebrew College Rabbinical Student
Often, we don’t see our imperfections until we’ve completed our first drafts. This isn’t a problem. It’s a beautiful and essential part of human nature. We don’t and we can’t achieve perfection, we can only try and try again where we fall short. Consider the creation narrative in Genesis. Seven days creates one perfect, whole, and complete cycle of creation and rest. After that—on the eighth day—is when humanity really begins.
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Hebrew College Centennial Through an Artistic Lens
As Hebrew College concludes its Centennial academic year, the Hebrew College Arts Initiative is mounting the special anniversary art exhibit “Remember. Renew. Reimagine.” The exhibit, which opens on April 3, celebrates artistic voices, images, and expressions inspired by Torah. “The Arts Initiative is encouraging us to build not only a visual language, but a community that wrestles with tradition, building a multivocal, visual conversation. We artists remember, renew, and reimagine—discussing Torah across generations,” says artist Joshua Meyer, whose work (above, right) is in the show.
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CENTENNIAL STORY Honoring Cantor Louise Treitman “Over the years, I have wanted to learn from everyone and everywhere I could. At first Hebrew College provided me an opportunity to do that. The College welcomed me as someone who was on a path, on a journey. I kept walking the path, and Hebrew College has continued to guide me along the way.” — Cantor Louise Treitman, who will be honored at the special Centennial concert “Shirah B’Yachad – Singing Together!” on April 5 at Temple Reyim in Newton, MA and livestreamed. (Ticket & tribute information here)
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Join Our Living Legacy Society
“The Living Legacy Society was established to honor and thank people who have chosen to include the College in their estate plans. As the College celebrates its Centennial year, a planned gift from you will strengthen its foundation for the future and foster diverse Jewish life in Greater Boston and around the world.” — Deborah Feinstein, Hebrew College Living Legacy Society Chair and Trustee
Learn more...
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IN THE NEWS Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more....
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A Peek into Our Teen Beit Midrash "Honi and Moshe: Adaptation and Resilience" March 31, 7 p.m. | Zoom Learn more & register
Sheila Chasen Adler Teen Day of Learning: A Deep Dive into Anti-Semitism: Histories, Realities, and Responses Led and created by the Hebrew College Teen Learning Leadership Council April 3, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Hebrew College Learn more & register
Centennial Art Exhibition Opening "Remember. Renew. Reimagine." Sponsored by the Hebrew College Arts Initiative A special exhibit to honor Hebrew College’s 100th anniversary and celebrate artistic voices, images, and expressions inspired by Torah. April 3, 5-7 p.m. | Hebrew College Ted Cutler Atrium Learn more & register
Shirah B’Yachad – Singing Together! A Concert Celebrating Cantor Louise Treitman Presented in collaboration with Kol Arev, Hebrew College's chamber choir, and The Zamir Chorale of Boston April 5, 7:30-9 p.m. | Temple Reyim and livestreamed In-person tickets are sold out. Join our waitlist or reserve a virtual ticket. Tickets & Tributes
Preparing Our Hearts for Passover and Easter (In person or online) Presented by the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership at Hebrew College In Person: Temple Beth Zion, Brookline or Online via Zoom April 8, 8:30 a.m.-Noon Learn more & rsvp
Mother's Day Walk 4 Peace Benefitting the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute's mission as a Center of Healing, Teaching, and Learning Rabbi Suzanne Offit & Hindy Finman, Hebrew College Team Captains May 8 | 8-11:30 a.m. | Dorcester Learn more & join the Hebrew College team
SAVE THE DATE Commmencement & Ordination 2022/5782 Celebrate our Graduates! Please join us as we celebrate graduates of our master’s degree and ordination programs. May 29th, 12-5 p.m. | Watch for more information soon
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SAVE THE DATE Hebrew College Centennial Celebration Remember. Renew. Reimagine. Hybrid event on June 2 In person at Temple Beth Elohim, Wellesley, 6:30-8:30 p.m. or virtually 7:30-8:30 p.m. Learn more | Watch for more information soon
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