June 8, 2023 | 19 Sivan 5783
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Beha'alotcha | Candlelighting 8:01 PM EST
“Our Graduates Transform the World”: Celebrating the Class of 2023/5783
Hebrew College celebrated Commencement and Ordination. Reflecting the pluralistic pedagogy of Hebrew College, our ordination and master degree graduates have earned a wide range of placements that demonstrate the rich diversity of the Jewish tradition. From pulpit positions across North America to positions teaching in day schools and running education initiatives for a synagogue in Toronto, Ontario, our newest class of alumni will start their respective rabbinates by serving a variety of Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, non-denominational, and BASE Movement communities.
“I am deeply inspired by our group of graduating rabbis and cantors,” said Rabbi Dan Judson, dean of the rabbinical school. “They collectively embody our belief that Jewish leaders need to be passionately committed to a life of sacred service, to the pursuit of justice, and to personal Jewish study and practice… I could not be happier to be ordaining such a worthy group at this year’s ordination.”
Rabbi Michael Shire, academic director of the Master of Jewish Education program, tells the graduates, “Doing a master’s degree gives you a garment to wear. It’s a garment of professional capacity, knowing that you are doing something that is worthy, is a lifelong endeavor, and has an underpinning of a vision of the good life. You will hopefully emerge from this program and go out in the world as someone who really understands that Jewish education can make a real transformation and impact on the people you interact with…Our graduates, through their work with individuals and communities, transform the world.”
(Pictured top l-r: Celebrating rabbinic ordination;, MJED graduates; Honorary degree recipient Rev. Liz Walker. Above: Honorary degree recipient David Broza; Rav-Hazzan Matt Goldberg, Rabbi Elyse Pincus Abrams.)
When Art and Judaism Collide: A Conversation with Artist Joshua Meyer & Laura Mandel
June 22, 6-7 p.m. in Hebrew College's Mascott Beit Midrash
“These paintings are full of overlapping stories, collapsing the past, present and future into an image. I want the viewer to feel what it is like to be the artist making each decision. The layers and colors move and build over the course of months while I am painting, overflowing and adding up to a painting that I hope refuses to sit still. I am enmeshed in both a Judaism and an artistic practice centered on seeking.
When these paintings were at the Museum of Fine Arts, they were deeply in dialog with the other artists in that amazing collection. Now, at Hebrew College, they are in dialog with this vibrant community of students, teachers and seekers, so the paintings themselves are transformed.″
| Sponsored by Hebrew College and JArts, with special thanks to CJP Arts & Culture for support of this process.
What is Hebrew College's Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston?
Teens in Hebrew College's JTFGB philanthropy program raised $20,000 in grants that were awarded to nonprofit organizations working the areas of disaster relief and access to food and water. Learn more about JTFGB through our Q&A with Program Director Bridget Connor-Feldbaum.
“There are so many important skills that teens develop in our program. We learn about the consensus process, and how to make fair decisions as a group. We learn about nonprofit organizations—what they do and how they function. We learn about fundraising, and we develop communication and leadership skills. Most importantly, the program is grounded in Jewish values, and exploring how to put them in action."
— Bridget Connor-Feldbaum
| Connor-Feldbaum (right) with students at the 2023 grant ceremony.
Of Comings, Goings, and Jewish Goodbyes
By Rav Hazzan Ken Richmond `21
We begin each expedition of reading Torah by recounting our ancestors setting off on a journey, wishing for blessing and protection from danger along the way. And we conclude with a wish for return, perhaps a hope that the Divine presence that accompanies us while hearing and learning Torah should reappear. This conclusion of the Torah service and closing of the Ark, as a teacher of mine once said, can be considered a “doorknob moment.” This is the moment before parting, when one tells a psychologist, a doctor, a family member or friend, what one wished to say the whole time, but is only able to express when a visit is about to end.
Please make your gift before June 30, 2023. Every dollar fuels Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world. Thank you.
Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more...
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Hebrew College Artist Beit Midrash Exhibit
“The Spiral That Reconnects” An Exhibit of Works by the members of the Hebrew College & JArts Artist Beit Midrash June 12-August 25 | Hebrew College Offit Room
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Annual Conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews (Boston 2023)
“Negotiating Multiple Identities: Implications for Interreligious Relations” Co-hosted by Hebrew College
June 18 - 21 | Hebrew College, Boston University, Boston College, Simmons University
Learn more & register
When Art and Judaism Collide A Conversation with Artist Josh Meyer & JArts Executive Director Laura Mandel Co-sponsored by Hebrew College and Arts June 22 | 6-7 p.m. | Hebrew College
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