Sunset moment overlooking Cape Cod Bay at Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown this summer
Photo credit: Lynn Cooper
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A reflection from your Catholic Chaplain
Dear Tufts Community,
This past Sunday, many Unitarian Universalist churches celebrated Water Communion. This annual Fall ritual invites congregants to bring waters from their summer—literally or symbolically—pouring from individual small vessels into one communal vessel. At my spouse’s church, folks brought water from the stream collected on their morning walk, the beaches on Boston’s south shore, and even tap water—expressing deep gratitude for the not-so-small gift of clean, running water. Rituals provide us with a way of communicating something that is often beyond, or more profound than, words. For Unitarian Universalists, UU’s, Water Communion marks the beginning of the new church year, and it is a time to remember in body and spirit that all of our waters—my waters, your waters, our waters—co-mingle to form a new body of water.
When I think of the return of this community to campus these past two weeks, I think of the many waters that each of you have brought to this place. From your summers, your homes, your hearts, your stories, your hopes, and your hurts. All that you bring is welcome here and I trust that as we co-mingle our waters we are able to honor the beauty and complexity while also being open to creating something new together.
At Goddard Chapel Sunday night, we celebrated our first Bilingual Mass of the academic year. For many students, it was their first liturgy on campus and for returners, a homecoming. Up on the altar, new choir members joined vocal leaders returning from study abroad, alumni, and community members who have played with us for decades. We engaged in the rituals of our tradition that call us to the table, to dwell with the word, and to listen deeply to the holy in our midst.
As you settle into life this fall, I hope and pray that you are connected to that which is beyond language, honoring the waters of those around you and tapping into the deep well of our community that we make anew each year.
Lynn Cooper
Catholic Chaplain and Associate Director, University Chaplaincy
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Religious and Philosophical Events and Gatherings
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Our events and weekly gatherings are open to everyone in the Tufts community. You can find a calendar and descriptions of our regular events on our website. If you have an idea for a gathering or event, please contact the University Chaplaincy.
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First-Year Experience Field Trip to Chinatown
Saturday, September 28th from 2:00PM - 6:00PM
The University Chaplaincy, thanks to an Advancing Religious Pluralism grant from Interfaith America, is offering field trips throughout this academic year for first-year students, beginning with a visit to Chinatown with Diane O'Donoghue, Director of the Public Humanities at Tisch College for Civic Life. All of these trips will allow students to explore Boston's diverse religious and cultural history through free monthly site visits, dinners, and reflections alongside fellow first-years, student leaders, and chaplains. For more information about the exhibit, see this article about Endurance Streets on the Tisch College for Civic Life website. RSVP for the Chinatown site visit below and email elyse.nelson_winger@tufts.edu with any questions.
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Otherwise Humanisms with Tisch Library and the Humanist Chaplaincy
Wednesdays, September 11th, 18th, 25th, from 12:00 PM-1:15 PM at Tisch Library in the Tower Gallery
Join Tisch Library and the Humanist Chaplaincy this month for "Otherwise Humanisms," a curated collection exploring humanist perspectives beyond Western modernity. Starting on September 11th, come engage in thoughtful conversations with Humanist Chaplain Anthony Cruz Pantojas every Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:15 p.m. at Tisch Library.
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Voices for Peace and Light
Rehearsals begin Thursday, September 12th at Goddard Chapel
All are welcome to sing with Voices for Peace and Light, the University Chaplaincy's interfaith, intergenerational choir. Membership is drawn from the greater Tufts community - students, faculty, staff, alum, and neighbors. We welcome experienced choral singers and people brand new to choral music. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 12:10 - 1:10 PM in Goddard Chapel. Please contact Music Director Suzie Cartreine at chaplaincymusic@tufts.edu for more information.
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Challah For Hunger - Baking
Thursday, September 12th2, 3:00 - 9:00 p.m., Tufts Hillel
Challah for Hunger is a group dedicated to doing Tzedakah (charity) through baking and selling Challahs! The current flavors are Chocolate Chip, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything Bagel, and Plain. 100% of the proceeds go to Family Table, one of the largest Jewish Food banks in the Greater Boston Area.
Dough 3-4 PM, Braiding 5-6 PM, Baking 7-9 PM. Register here to bake, make new friends, and make a difference.
Challah for Hunger – Challah Sale
Friday, September 13th, 10:00 - 1:00 p.m., Campus Center
Are you hungry? If so, stop by the Campus Center to buy delicious Challahs! The current flavors are Chocolate Chip, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything Bagel, and Plain. 100% of the proceeds go to Family Table, one of the largest Jewish Food banks in the Greater Boston Area. More upcoming events can be found on the Hillel website.
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Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration with the Tufts Hindu Chaplaincy
Friday, September 13th, 7:00-8:30 PM, Goddard Chapel
The Tufts Hindu Chaplaincy invites you to join their Ganesh Chaturthi celebration on September 13th from 7:00-8:30 PM at Goddard Chapel. Ganesh Chaturthi is a 10-day festival marking the birth of the elephant-headed deity Ganesha, the god of prosperity and wisdom. It begins on the fourth day (Chaturthi) of the month of Bhadrapada (August–September), the sixth month of the Hindu calendar which this year started on Saturday, Sept 7, 2024. All are welcome to join. Refreshments will be served. Please contact Preeta.Banerjee@tufts.edu with any questions.
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True Colors Dinner and General Interest Meeting
Wednesday, September 18th, 6:00-7:00 PM, LGBT Center, 2nd Floor, 226 College Ave
True Colors is an interfaith gathering of students at the LGBT Center for community-building, conversation, crafts, and other relaxing activities. Our focus is on the intersection of queer and spiritual identities in whatever way you understand that. Join us for this general interest meeting with dinner and time to brainstorm ideas for the fall, hosted by Protestant Chaplain Dan Bell. Contact: Daniel.Bell@tufts.edu
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Challenging White Christian Nationalism: A Dinner and Discussion Series
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 PM., September 18th through November 6th, Austin Conference Room, Tisch Library
Join Protestant Chaplain Dan Bell as we reflect on Bible passages that challenge white Christian nationalism, guided by excerpts from Jim Wallis’ book The False White Gospel. Free book copies are available. A pizza dinner will be provided. All are welcome. Contact: Daniel.Bell@tufts.edu
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Resources and Opportunities
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Apply to be a Choral Scholar with Voices for Peace and Light Apply by Friday, September 13
The Voices for Peace and Light Choir is the University Chaplaincy's community choir, welcoming students, staff/faculty, and local singers of all experience levels. We are hiring four section leaders (SATB) for the 2024-2025 academic year - all Tufts graduate and undergraduate students are invited to apply via Handshake. You can find the link to the application below, and you can email Music Director Suzie Cartriene with any questions.
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Apply to be a Piano Scholar with the University Chaplaincy Apply by Friday, September 13
The University Chaplaincy is hiring two advanced student pianists to serve as Piano Scholars for the 2024-25 year. Piano Scholars will be coached in the art of service playing by the University Chaplaincy Music Director. Following a period of instruction and observation, the Piano Scholars will gradually take over responsibilities of playing for the Protestant Evening Worship services (Sunday evenings, 7 PM.) The Piano Scholars are paid positions, secured by audition. For more information, please contact Music Director Suzie Cartreine at chaplaincymusic@tufts.edu.
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Tackling Carbon, Resilience, and Ambivalence: Lessons Learned From One Decade
in Sustainable Architecture
Thursday, September 12th, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Curtis Hall Multipurpose Room
Elaine Hoffman, A10, Director of Sustainability at a Boston-based architecture firm, will share reflections on how sustainability and architecture have changed in the ten years since she entered practice, focusing on the evolution of carbon and resilience conversations. She will discuss her work on higher education campuses and the critical role these spaces and institutions play in driving progress towards a more sustainable future. Elaine will delve into the integrative design process to share insights into both the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration on project teams. She will also lay out challenges the architecture/engineering/construction industry face in the next decade, highlighting skillsets that the industry must expand to meet emissions targets and other environmental goals successfully. Please register here to watch remotely.
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Empathy Now: An Afternoon with Combatants for Peace
Sunday, September 15th, 1:30-3:00 PM, Boston College Theology and Ministry Library
Join Dr. Celene Ibrahim, a former Muslim Chaplain at Tufts, and Rabbi Or Rose, Director of the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership at Hebrew College for a conversation with Iris Gut and Souli Khatib of Combatants for Peace, a joint Palestinian-Israeli movement of former fighters now working toward freedom and equality for all through nonviolent activism. Please register here.
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Upcoming Religious Celebrations and Observances
To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, including information about seeking religious accommodations at Tufts, please follow the link to the Tufts Multifaith Calendar.
Das Laxana Festival Sun., Sep. 8 – Tue., Sep. 17, 2024 Tradition: Jainism In the Paryusana Festival of Jain Digumbar Sect, this is 10-day festival that is considered to be a holy convocation. During these days, Jains impose some restraints on their daily activities by fasting, meditation and prayer. The last day of Paryusana is the most solemn occasion of forgiveness and the examination of one's own thoughts and feelings. On this day, Jains ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends for any offense they may have committed by deed, word or thought. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work and may include fasting.
Ghambar Paitishem Thurs., Sep. 12 - Mon., Sept. 16, 2024 Tradition: Zoroastrian
Celebrates the creation of plants, the sowing of the winter crop, and the return of herds from pasture
Birth of Muhammad, Mawlid an-Nab Sun., Sep. 15 – Mon., Sep. 16, 2024 Tradition: Islam Milad an-Nabi, also known as Mawlid, is celebrated by Muslims as the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.
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Support the University Chaplaincy
Supporting programs at Tufts University in religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life is easy and vital to our work. To donate, please click on the button below. Thank you for your generosity.
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The University Chaplaincy is a dynamic hub supporting religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life for all members of the Tufts community. We provide spiritual care, support religious and philosophical communities, educate about spiritual and ethical issues in society and the world, and promote multifaith engagement.