Wetlands Collaborative Earns Additional Funding
Wetlands Collaborative Earns Additional Funding

People Who Collaborate

Bringing back a past profile of Bob Sallinger, a valuable voice in helping the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative secure Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Focused Investment Partnership funding. [More on this funding below.] Bob, retired from Bird Alliance of Oregon (formerly Portland Audubon) is the Urban Conservation Director with Willamette Riverkeepers and has been partnering in the Harney Basin for a multitude of years. He's passionate about the landscape and contributes tirelessly to the work. READ MORE.

How Does a HDP Collaborative Form? (Part 5)

First it's the need to to address a complex issue or seize an opportunity, then a coordinator is identified, the search for funding begins, relationships among the coordinator and partners develop, evolve and strengthen and a facilitator is contracted. With all these components in place, the collaborative comes together as meetings convene.

When HDP collaborative meetings convene, participants contribute diverse experiences, active listening skills, willingness to navigate agreements and disagreements, inquisitive mindsets, patience, and empathy while also contributing scientific insights, additional funding sources, valuable connections and respect for the HDP collaborative process. As Bob Sallinger, Urban Conservation Director with Willamette Riverkeepers and longtime participant of the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative has shared: " . . . we can disagree and still continue moving forward. Sometimes people with collaboration focus simply on what you agree upon. But really the true test of collaboration is whether you're able to disagree and still move forward. Are you able to continue to see value in those collaborative efforts that, even though you disagree, you still see that value in continuing to work together that you're willing to transcend those disagreements? It doesn't mean you ignore them, it means that you keep talking." 

This perseverance in HDP collaboration is grounded in trust in the process, leading to powerful consensus decisions. How each of the six HDP collaboratives reaches their decisions is shaped by the unique culture and participants of each collaborative.
Illustration by Carrie Van Horn, Heartwood Visuals.
*In July, we talk about how collaborative partners talk with each other about the complex issues and opportunities in front of them that leads to the ability to find consensus solutions.

Welcome Josey Wilson

We're excited to introduce you to Josey Wilson, the new Habitat Programs Coordinator with High Desert Partnership. A recent graduate of the University of Idaho Josey is quickly ramping up with the work of the Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative and the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan Collaborative both of which she'll be providing support to. Learn more about Josey.

Wetlands Collaborative Receives Funding to Help Fight Invasive Carp and Improve Habitat

The Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative (HBWC), a collaborative of the High Desert Partnership, was awarded a six year grant for more than $8 million from the Oregon Water Enhancement Board (OWEB) Focused Investment Partnership program. Funding for these grants comes from the Oregon Lottery and Federal Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery funds provided by the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration. 
“This funding is imperative for HBWC. It will help with restoration efforts to meet the needs of ranchers, migratory birds and other species that rely on the Harney Basin wetlands for their survival,” said Melissa Petschauer, Harney Basin Ecological Coordinator. READ MORE.
Pictured: The new Cote Dam is an example of a type of project this funding can help make happen, in-field irrigation structure improvements that makes water management more efficient. Photo by Brandon McMullen.

Good Times this Summer

Great summer opportunities for Harney County youth start this week. MedQuest Camp is in full swing giving teens experiences that help them peek into the world of a career in the health care field. 
Starting June 10 and continuing for 7 weeks the Summer Art in the Park program is setting up to be a crazy success with more than 50 kids signed up for projects like crafting, music, dance, leatherwork, watercolor and more.
Photo courtesy of Harney County Kids Club.

Community Garden Sprouting

In partnership with the Harney Hub, Oregon State University extension, Harney Soil and Water Conservation District and Burns Science Club, Harney Food Systems is starting a community garden at the Harney County Senior Center.
If you're a resident of Harney County and interested in garden bed space or more information, contact Kellie Frank at kellie@highdesertpartnership.org.
Stock photo from David Clode via Unsplash

Land Water Sky Soul | Harney County

 2024 Upcoming Events 
Thursday, June 6 | Harney County Wildfire Collaborative Workshop
Wednesday, June 19 | High Desert Partnership Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 25 Biz Harney Opportunity Collaborative Meeting
Wednesday, June 26Harney Basin Wetlands Collaborative Meeting
Wednesday, July 17 | High Desert Partnership Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 23 Biz Harney Opportunity Collaborative Meeting

Six Collaboratives Supported By

High Desert Partnership

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