Respite award winner, Pre-Conference Institute at HCH2018, and more
Respite award winner, Pre-Conference Institute at HCH2018, and more
May • 02 • 2018
A Newsletter for Members of the Respite Care Providers’ Network
Register Now for the 2018 Medical Respite Pre-Conference Institute in Minneapolis, MN
Registration is still open for a one-day Pre-Conference Institute, Medical Respite Care: Engaging Your Community, on May 15, 2018, at the 2018 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium in Minneapolis, MN. As the preeminent national voice on medical respite care, the RCPN Steering Committee has organized a full-day institute to examine current and emerging issues in the field. Diverse speakers will facilitate this year’s institute, which will include panels, presentations, and interactive discussions of interest to both clinicians and administrators. National experts will share best practices and innovative ideas on day-to-day management of a medical respite program, a payer’s perspective on the value of medical respite, and ways to integrate harm reduction practices and philosophies into your program. Participants will be able to share information and network with providers from across the country. In addition to the Pre-Conference Institute, four medical respite-focused sessions are scheduled for the full conference. Learn more and register!
Introduce Yourself to Medical Respite Care with Our Archived Webinar
On March 27, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council explored the basics of medical respite in “Somewhere to Heal: An Introduction to Medical Respite Care.” Medical respite is a critical component in the continuum of health care for homeless populations, but the concept is still somewhat new, despite burgeoning efforts across the U.S. to develop these vital programs. Access our archived webinar to learn from administrators and clinicians at five medical respite programs and learn about the types of respite programs, clinical and behavioral health staffing, how to develop community partnerships and outcome measures, and resources for starting programs.
2018/2019 RCPN Steering Committee Slate of Nominees
In January, the RCPN Steering Committee called for nominations to fill two seats opening in July 2018. The RCPN Nominating Committee reviewed the nominations and recommended a slate of nominees. RCPN members attending the 2018 Medical Respite Pre-Conference Institute on Tuesday, May 15, in Minneapolis, MN, will be asked to confirm the following slate of nominees:
  • Melissa Brown, LICSW, Manager, Edward Thomas House Medical Respite
  • Joseph Funn, Consumer Representative, Baltimore, MD
Updated Medical Respite Program Directory to Go Live in June 2018
The National HCH Council is gearing up to release an updated and redesigned directory of medical respite programs. Based on feedback from medical respite programs and community partners, NHCHC is moving the directory to an online platform and expanding program profiles. All programs were asked to submit an updated profile via the online submission form. Programs that have not submitted an updated profile by May 31 will not be included in the new directory. If your program has not submitted your profile, please complete the profile form or contact Julia Dobbins.  
Announcing the 2018 Medical Respite Training Symposium
The National HCH Council is planning its first ever two-day Medical Respite Care Training Symposium. The training will take place in Phoenix, AZ, on October 1-2, 2018. Training content will be announced soon, and registration is tentatively scheduled to open in August 2018.   
Congratulations to the Winner of the Willie J. Mackey National Medical Respite Award
Members of the Fargo-Moorhead Medical Respite Planning Committee: Jill Elliot, Lois Ustanko, Alicia Hauff, and Laurie Brakke

Congratulations to the Fargo-Moorhead Medical Respite Planning Committee, this year’s winner of the Willie J. Mackey National Medical Respite Award. A 2012 community assessment identified the need for medical respite in Fargo, ND, and the program launched in 2015 because of commitment from diverse members representing health systems, the housing authority, emergency shelters, the state and public health, as well as other community agencies. As a result, over 2,500 nights of care have been offered with an estimated savings of over $3 million Medicaid dollars. The Fargo-Moorhead Medical Respite Planning Committee will be honored during the Awards Luncheon on Thursday, May 17, at the 2018 National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium.
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