Dear Friends,
Providing hope and connection, celebrating family and recovery, raising funds to change and save people’s lives... this is what happens each year as we gather at Caron’s Greater Philadelphia Gala.
Whether you joined us in person, purchased a sponsorship, donated, or bid on a silent auction item, THANK YOU for contributing to the success of this event! Caron is incredibly grateful for all of you. We raised a record-breaking $2.5 million, and this will have a tremendous and immediate impact on the number of individuals and families that Caron can support in their first steps towards recovery.
Thank you to our honorees Christopher J. Maguire and the Maguire Foundation for their generosity of spirit, and the ways they inspired us all that evening.
While the Gala is our largest fundraiser for the region, many of you support Caron in so many ways throughout the year, and for that we are very grateful. Every gift makes a difference in someone’s life.