District News: An E-Newsletter for Roseville Area Schools Staff and Families

News for July 1, 2021

Distance Learning Academy Update
Change in Plans for an Elementary Distance Learning Academy Option for the 2021 – 2022 School Year 
Last month we shared with families that we hoped to offer a K – 6 Distance Learning Academy this fall for families who are not ready to send their students back to in-person learning. Unfortunately, due to a number of complicating factors, we are not going to be able to offer this as an option this fall. Only a small number of families expressed interest in an ongoing DLA option. With such limited enrollment, on top of the financial and logistical challenges of creating an online-only school, we don’t believe we can put together a high-quality program for our students at this time.
We will, however, have plans in place to accommodate students who may need to shift into short-term distance learning for quarantine or isolation in the fall. We also will continue to work with the Minnesota Department of Education on an application to offer online instruction options in the future.
Finance Update
School Board Unanimously Approves Bringing Funding Requests to Community
After more than a year of review, planning and discussion, the Roseville Area School Board unanimously decided to bring requests for increased school funding to district voters to support student needs and school operating costs. Two ballot questions will be on the November 2, 2021, ballot: one to renew the district’s existing operating levy and a second question to increase that levy. If both questions are approved by voters, the funds would be used to address class sizes, invest in student mental health and social-emotional needs, maintain academic programs, expand career pathways to better prepare students for various careers after graduation, and help maintain financial stability.
Nutrition Update
No Meal Pick-ups on Monday, July 5
Because of Independence Day, there is no curbside meal pick-up on Monday, July 5 at Roseville Area High School. Meal pick-ups will return Tuesday, July 6 at Roseville Area Middle School from 4 – 5 p.m. A complete list of meal pick-ups and walk-in hot meal service can be found at rosevillenutrition.com
Even though meals are free through June 2022, all families are encouraged to complete an Application for Educational Benefits. Completing an application helps to ensure crucial funding for our schools. Complete an application online
Views From Around the District
Check Your Mail: Voices 2021
Did you notice that the flip side of the latest "623 Today" you received in the mail contains the 2021 edition of "Voices: A Student Literary and Art Publication?"
This year's theme is power. Power is a thought-provoking concept that can be interpreted and reflected upon in a variety of ways. In the last year, we have all been affected by the power of the pandemic, the power of politics, the power of protest, and more. The power of our community has helped us get through these challenging times. Make sure to see how students of all ages wrestle with questions about power, like who holds power and why? We hope you are as inspired by these amazing young people as we are.
We had so many submissions from students that we couldn't fit them all in the print edition. View the online version which contains an additional eight pages of student writing and artwork!
Construction Flyover: Aŋpétu Téča Education Center 
Have you driven past the site of the former Fairview Community Center recently? Watch this drone flyover video of construction on the new Aŋpétu Téča Education Center!
In September 2019, the school board of Roseville Area Schools discussed the naming of the new building at the existing Fairview Community Center site. At that time, the board expressed a desire to select a culturally appropriate name that would honor the Dakota and Ojibwe people of Minnesota, and acknowledge that our schools are located on land seized from the Dakota people.
Our district American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) was instrumental in the process of researching and suggesting an appropriate name for the building, having consulted with Dakota elders about the history of the land and the deeply important education work that occurs on the site for students of all ages. The Dakota elders prayed and reflected on the name and, with support from our AIPAC, recommended to the school board the name Aŋpétu Téča Education Center.
In the Dakota language, aŋpétu téča (pronounced aw-BET-doo TEH-cha) means “a new day.” The traditional words offer a sense of hope and movement forward together as a community.
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