B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |    O C T O B E R  -  N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 3
Dr. E.J. and Margaret O'Brien Hall, Marquette University
Marquette University's New Home for Business 
Dr. E.J. and Margaret O'Brien Hall
Marquette University's Dr. E.J. and Margaret O’Brien Hall welcomed students for its first Fall semester following the building's opening in early 2023. Home to the College of Business Administration, O'Brien Hall is an engaging, inclusive, and student-centered place that has already become a frequented destination for Marquette's campus community.
The new state-of-the-art facility connects students, faculty, and leaders and mentors across the Milwaukee area and beyond by supporting opportunities for learning and community. O'Brien Hall is a recent recipient of a 2023 Honor Award for Design Excellence from AIA Wisconsin and a 2023 Excellence in Design Architectural Honor Award from AIA Kansas. 

M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E  
H O N O R S   A N D   A W A R D S
At BNIM, design excellence means thoughtfully addressing and seeking balance between beauty, function, environmental performance, and human experience in our work. We approach design with the understanding that everything is interconnected. 
BNIM is honored to be recognized for Design Excellence by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, AIA Kansas City, AIA Kansas, AIA Central States Region, AIA Iowa, and AIA WisconsinWe are proud to work alongside our exceptional clients and collaborators to design and deliver beautiful, integrated environments to inspire change and enhance the human condition.
American Architecture Awards
Metropolitan Community College Blue River East
American Architecture Award 2023
University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art
American Architecture Award 2023

The American Architecture Awards are dedicated to the recognition of excellence in architecture and urbanism in the United States, honoring new and cutting-edge design.
T H E    C H I C A G O    A T H E N A E U M   M U S E U M   O F   A R C H I T E C T U R E   A N D    D E S I G N   A N D   T H E 
E U R O P E A N   C E N T E R   F O R   A R C H I T E C T U R E   A R T   D E S I G N   A N D   U R B A N   S T U D I E S
AIA Kansas City Awards
The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art
2023 Project of the Year, AIA KC Honor Award in Architecture (Large)
Kansas City International (KCI) Airport Parking Garage
2023 Honor Award in Architecture (Extra Large)  
Overbrook Overlook
2023 Honor Award in Architecture (Extra Small)
"The principal intervention [of Overbrook Overlook] is the layout of the floorplan and how the spaces within will engage the landscape and engage the light. That is amplified by using a very humble material, plywood, to line the interior …  An exceptional measure of design excellence at an honor award level.”
2 0 2 3   A I A   K A N S A S   C I T Y   D E S I G N   A W A R D S   J U R Y
AIA Wisconsin Awards
Dr. E.J. and Margaret O'Brien Hall
2023 Architectural Honor Award (Architectural Project Category) 
“I especially liked how brick is used in an inventive way - the design and detailing elevate brick to be one of the “cool kids” … really strong execution.” 
2 0 2 3   A I A    W I S C O N S I N    D E S I G N   A W A R D S   J U R Y
AIA Kansas Awards
Dr. E.J. and Margaret O'Brien Hall
2023 Architectural Honor Award (Architectural Project Category)
Overbrook Overlook
2023 Architectural Honor Award (Small) Architectural Project Category)
Kansas City International Airport Parking Garage
Architectural Honorable Mention Award

"This is effectively the new face of the airport as a new elevation. Architecturally elegant and intelligently planned. A beautifully executed utilitarian building. It elevates an often-overlooked building type into something remarkable!”
2 0 2 3   A I A   K A N S A S   D E S I G N   A W A R D S  J U R Y
AIA Iowa and Central States Region Awards
The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art
- AIA Iowa 2023 Design Awards
- AIA Iowa 2023 Craft Award

- The Masonry Institute of Iowa (MII) 2023 Grand Award

- AIA Central States Regional 2023 Citation Award
“This is architecture with a capital A.
There is a lot to love about this project and the level of restraint.” 
2 0 2 3   A I A   I O W A   D E S I G N   A W A R D S   J U R Y
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