B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   J A N U A R Y  2 0 2 1
KCI Airport Garage
In BNIM’s hometown of Kansas City, Missouri, the Arts have shaped and enhanced the public realm. Across buildings, streets, atriums, parks, and public spaces, Kansas City’s displays of public art each bring a unique purpose and artist’s perspective to the community.  

As the design of Kansas City International Airport Terminal and Garage establishes a new regional gateway, art will continue to hold an important role in representing and reflecting the spirit of Kansas City. Leading the design of KCI Airport Garage with JE Dunn, BNIM has had the opportunity to be involved in Kansas City's largest One Percent for Art Program initiative, working with the Municipal Arts Commission to initiate a call to artists to help enhance airport-goers’ experiences through art.
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L  U P D A T E
P U B L I C A T I O N S 
BNIM's new book, Interweave, shares the design journey of the historic Seaton and Regnier Hall Renovation and Expansion at Kansas State University  into a high-performance facility that serves as a place of campus connection and reflects the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design (APDesign)'s  twenty-first century design education and national reputation. 

Learn about the history, project goals, high-performance strategies, and design process behind this successful renovation and expansion project at Kansas State University. 
P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E   
An intervention of light and volume reconnects a workplace in wellness and productivity. 
The recently completed Corporate Office and Conference Center Renovation for MidAmerican Energy transformed a large warehouse structure into a vibrant environment of collaborative, healthy, and flexible workspaces and amenities for employees.
The new design introduces over 70 formal and informal meeting areas, many of which are equipped with white boards and monitors, that focus on optimizing flexibility and productivity while creating opportunities for improved 
workflows and interaction among co-located business units. 


N E W S 
Metropolitan Community College's Blue River East Building celebrated its official groundbreaking in December. The new facility will be home to a number of MCC’s programs, including the commercial driver’s license program, utility lineman program, forklift and warehousing programs, and the Great Plains OSHA Education Center.
"With facilities like the new Blue River East building, we are creating the best possible opportunities for our students to learn, but we are also serving the community, building Kansas City’s workforce and making a positive impact on the local economy."
MCC Chancellor Kimberly Beatty 

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