5 Things to
Know and Grow
A Newsletter from your
Technical Assistance Center 
At Prevent Child Abuse-NJ
Supporting Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, & Somerset Counties
Leadership in
Early Childhood Education
Beyond the Standard, Ep. 3
A Recipe for Success 
Beyond the Standard Episode 3: A recipe for success
In this 10-minute podcast, Maria Hagon illuminates the importance of leaders creating a Psychologically Safe workplace that promotes feelings of belonging and encourages people to learn, explore, and become leaders themselves.
-Maria Hagon
Click to hear podcast
Building Leaders:
Questions to Develop
Independent Play
Building Leaders, Questions to Develop Independent Play Printable Posters
Even our youngest learners are developing their leadership skills. Print and refer to these posters in your classrooms to serve as reminders and guides on improving our ability to support children's communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity through open-ended questions.  
 -David Coto
Click to View
Positively Charge
Your Program's Leadership
through PLCs
Positively Charge Program Leadership through PLCs
In this article, Chris Blount interviews Curriculum Specialist Lindy Rutter on how she began using teacher-led PLCs in her program and the long-term downstream effects they've had on building teachers' leadership capacities.
-Chris Blount
Click to Read Article
Leadership Reflection for Teaching Staff
Leadership Reflection for Teaching Staff
This 6-minute video provides teachers with areas to focus on within their classrooms that will help them grow their leadership capacities and teaching abilities. 
 -Amanda Sloan
Click to View Video
Creating a Dream Team
Creating a Dream Team Infographic
In this article, read strategies on how to create a team of leaders in your program. Through evaluating, observing, building relationships, delegating, and reflecting, you can take some of the load off your plate and empower others to grow.
 -Holly Elliott
Click to See Article
Celebrating Recent Ratings
Celebratory Stars
Congratulations to our Rated Programs!
Upcoming Events
Click the images to see more information about relevant upcoming events.
Upcoming Center-Based Events Upcoming District Head Start Events
Upcoming events for Family Child Care programs
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