Congratulations Class of 2020!
Congratulations Class of 2020!
News and updates from the Office of Student Veterans
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Office of Student Veterans

End of Semester Newsletter

Congratulations on making it to the end of a challenging semester and school year! We wanted to send a quick note to extend our best wishes before we sign off for the summer.
To our graduates in the Class of 2020 -- job well done, especially considering the circumstances. All of us at the Office of Student Veterans are incredibly proud of your accomplishments and wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. We will be sending a separate note to the graduating class with instructions on how to join the Duke Alumni Network and a short survey on how to receive your graduation cords via mail. 
While we will be signing off for the summer, our office is still operational and is standing by to support however you need us to. As a reminder, our contact information is included at the end of the newsletter.
We will send out our next newsletter at the beginning of the fall semester. Until then, please stay in touch and reach out if we can do anything to support you or your families. Stay healthy, everyone. 

Job Opportunities: Graduate Assistantships

We have two job opportunities to share with you all. The first is for the Graduate Assistantship with the Office of Student Veterans. We are looking to fill this position in the coming weeks with work to tentatively begin by July 1, 2020. Please reach out to Grace if you have an interest in applying or any other questions. 
The second job is a work-study position that will focus on all policies and procedures relevant to students receiving GI Bill benefits through the VA. The graduate assistant who fills this position will split their time between the Registrar's Office and the Office of Student Veterans. Applicants must be using VA Education Benefits during the semesters when they would hold this position. The tentative start date for this position will be during the Fall 2020 semester.  
Please note that given the current circumstances, start dates for both of these positions are subject to change. Again, if there are any questions please reach out!

Blue Devil Cares

From the Office of Student Affairs:
The newest in a line of service offerings through CAPS, Blue Devils Care includes two types of remote services for students. If you're feeling overwhelmed, you will be able to talk to a licensed mental health provider directly from your device. Blue Devils Care provides on-demand mental health support and gives students a safe space to talk about anything at any time (anxiety surrounding COVID-19, relationships, sadness, isolation and loneliness, etc.).
Any full or part-time degree-seeking undergraduate, graduate, or professional student may use these services. Click the link to find out more. Please note that these services will remain open until the end of May. Additional support may be continued.

Share Your Story with Duke Archives

From the Duke University Archives: 
"You may have heard that the University Archives is collecting stories of Duke community members' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are interested in all facets of life -- work, study, family, health, and more. We are especially interested in offering students the opportunity to share their unique experiences."

Ways to Connect

As a Reminder
Duke's Office of Student Veterans is here to support you – our students who have served or who are serving in the Armed Forces – and your families. As part of Duke's Division of Student Affairs, Duke Student Veterans offers support, resources, and community to our Student Vets, their families, and allies. Duke offers support through the Counseling and Psychological Services office and immediate help is available through the Veterans Crisis Line  (1-800-273-8255, Press 1). As always, we are here if anything is needed. 
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