Dear Lower School Families,
We are excited to be welcoming your son(s) back to school in just a few weeks!  While it is hard to believe that summer is coming to an end so soon, we are looking forward to the school year ahead and all it has in store for your son(s).  As we embark on the 2021-22 school year, we look forward to welcoming all of our students back to campus. 
While we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, one of our biggest priorities remains maintaining the health, safety, and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff. We are grateful that the vast majority of our teachers and staff are fully vaccinated, especially in light of the fact that our Lower School students are not yet able to be vaccinated. Continuing to follow the health and safety measures put in place by the School while on campus, helps us all to protect the health and well-being of the boys, teachers, and members of the Haverford community. As outlined in Mr. Casertano’s recent communication to the Haverford community, The Haverford School will continue to adopt measures that help to promote health and well-being including:
  • While on campus, all individuals will remain masked indoors regardless of vaccination status; masking outdoors is optional.
  • Lower School families will continue to be asked to complete a COVID-19 screener each morning via the Magnus App.
  • We will continue to maintain hand hygiene routines including regular hand washing/sanitizing throughout the day.
  • Students will remain in cohorts throughout the most of the school day.
  • Maintaining at least 3 feet of distance between students in the classroom.
  • The Haverford School will continue to limit campus visitors to those with invitations or appointments only. 
Please continue to check our COVID-19 Plan website, as we will continue to update it with information for families. 
We trust our families to adhere to our recommendations. We know that our boys want to be active, play games, see their friends, be social, and come to school. We also want the same thing. School should feel fairly normal with the exception of masks indoors and other minor requests that should have minimal impact on our overall program. We are putting our trust in everyone to make good choices. 
There is a lot of information packed into this letter, and I apologize for its length. I encourage you to read this letter in its entirety as it includes updates to the Lower School schedule, an invitation and details regarding our Lower School Welcome Back event, introductions to new Lower School faculty members, as well as what to expect over the next several weeks and during the first few days/weeks of school. One of the biggest changes this year is that we will be teaching all the boys on campus only, as we will not be offering a remote or hybrid learning option. Please be sure to read our updated attendance policy for the year.
Lower School Schedule Modifications
Although we will be maintaining many of the COVID-19 guidelines in place during the last school year, we have also been working through ways for some “normalcy” to return to the school day. Therefore, while the Lower School will continue to operate on a 5 day, Monday to Friday schedule for the 2021-22 school year, we are also planning to return to many of the familiar pre-COVID-19 routines of a Lower School day. Specifically, the boys will resume transitioning to the specialist classrooms for art, science, music and library. Additionally, our first through fifth grade boys will return to eating lunch in the Dining Hall, albeit socially distanced.  Finally, our fifth grade students will return to having separate advisory/homeroom groups and travel groups. Similar to last year, students should wear their PE shirts to school on days when they will have PE (no athletic shorts, please). 
The Lower School dismissal schedule will remain the same as it has in years past, which can be found in the Family Handbook, as well as on General Day to Day Lower School Operations document attached to this email.  
Aftercare/Enrichment Options
The Haverford School is excited to provide an exciting option for after-school programs for Lower School students: Enrichment and After-Care.
Powered by ESF Camps & Experiences, the aftercare services are optional and provide students with engaging activities and/or homework time once the school day ends. Aftercare offers extended care during the school year, while our seasonal Enrichment programs are designed as weekly sessions with awesome learning opportunities. Registration for the Enrichment and AfterCare programs will close on Oct. 15. Please check out offerings at  All questions regarding Enrichment and/or Aftercare should be directed to: Suzanne Stachowicz, Enrichment Program Coordinator.
Active Image School Pictures
Active Image will be on campus to take individual school photos on Sept. 15, 2021.  All orders for school pictures must be completed online using the Active Image link that will be emailed to you. If you do not want Active Image to send you a link for ordering pictures please email Teresa Touey by Monday, Aug. 23; however, this will mean that you will not be able to order school photos this year.
Lower School Attendance Policy Updates
One of the many takeaways from the 2020-21 school year was that our boys learn best in the physical classroom with their teachers and classmates. Therefore, at the present time, the Haverford School will not be offering a hybrid or fully remote school option for the 2021-22 school year. Our attendance policy has been updated to outline expectations for when your son is ill and unable to attend school. 
When in person learning is happening, students who are feeling well and do not meet the exclusion criteria for being on campus, are expected to be present in person at school. In the event of illness, a student should remain home until they meet the criteria outlined by our Health Office to return to school.   
Short Term Absences:
During short term absences (up to 5 consecutive days for a Lower School student), the priority should be on the student resting and recuperating. Parents/guardians must call or email their son's classroom teacher and Teresa Touey to alert them to their son's absence.
During a short term absence:
  • Teachers will not be expected to record classes or set up remote learning.
  • Academic/missed work will be made up when the student returns to school, although the teacher may provide some activities or work via email or Canvas for the student to complete IF they are feeling well enough.
  • The teachers will work with the student when they return to school to create a plan to complete any necessary make-up work or assessments.
Extended Absences:
If a student is planning or recommended for a longer absence (longer than 5 consecutive days in the Lower School) for medical reasons (e.g., surgery, medical intervention/treatment), a family should reach out to the division head to discuss learning options during extended absences. 
Learning plans for extended absences will not be generated for students who will be missing school for extended holiday breaks or family trips/vacations outside of scheduled school breaks. We strongly encourage families to schedule trips and vacations that align with our school breaks, but understand that there are occasionally times when this is not possible. In the event that a student will be missing school due to an extended weekend or holiday break or a trip/vacation during non-school break times, students will be expected to make up missed work/assessments upon their return to school. 
During the 2021-22 school year, the primary mode of instruction will be in person, on campus. In the event that an entire classroom needs to quarantine or that the Lower School must return to a virtual learning platform for a brief period of time, information will be sent to families on how to access the remote classroom.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Update
Over the summer, The Haverford School welcomed Ms. Rhonda Brown as our new Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Ms. Brown and our new Head of School, Mr. Casertano, have spent the summer months getting to know many of the people and facets of the Haverford community. This has included familiarizing themselves with the School’s Strategic Plan, which includes the diversity, equity and inclusion work that the School has been engaged in, as well as the plan for steps forward. 
As we look to the 2021-22 school year, the Lower School will continue to focus on both creating a sense of belonging for all boys, and providing them with language and tools to be kind, empathetic, compassionate, and a good friend, especially when they see injustice or someone in need of help. Over the summer, many of the Lower School faculty members engaged in professional development that related to creating diverse spaces that foster belonging and equity through the curriculum/instruction and classroom setting. The Lower School will continue to evaluate and make thoughtful changes to our curriculum and instruction, as well as Lower School community programming in partnership with Ms. Brown, and under the guidance of our strategic plan as we continue to forge a path forward.
Staying Connected
If you have changed email accounts since enrolling your son in The Haverford School, please update your MyBackpack account to reflect your current email address. We will use the contact in My Backpack to communicate with you, as well as to create parent accounts for various communication/instructional tools. 
Social media is certainly one of the more easily accessible options for staying connected to the Haverford community, so if you are not yet following The Haverford School on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you may want to consider it. You can also look forward to updates via the Lower School newsletter, which will land in your email twice a month. To follow along with the happenings at Haverford, you can also follow the School’s Smugmug account at Additionally, please feel free to follow my Twitter account (@pamgreenblatt), as I will be posting pictures of life in the Lower School on a regular basis. 
Class Lists
Speaking of MyBackpack, thanks to the hard work of our Lower School faculty and administration, you can now log in and view the class assignment for your son. The faculty and administration worked to build healthy, heterogeneous classrooms through thoughtful consideration of your son’s personality, learning profile, and friendships. Written parent input provided to me was also taken into consideration, as your insights proved to be informative and helpful in the discussions around class placement. While we do our best to be mindful of parent input regarding friendships and peer conflicts, it is not possible for every request to be satisfied. Our goal each year is to rearrange and regroup the boys so that they will have the opportunity to connect with boys in their entire grade level at some point before they leave the Lower School. Each boy is different, and having the opportunity for them to build new relationships and learn from each other enriches their Lower School experience. We understand that the excitement of seeing who is in your son’s class can also be accompanied by disappointment when they are separated from other friends. As we head into the 2021-22 school year, we anticipate that students will have the opportunity to play and learn with classmates outside of their homeroom/travel group during the week. Unless there is an extreme extenuating circumstance, changes to class placement will not be granted.
For the 2021-22 school year, our fifth grade students will return to having both an Advisory Group and Travel Group. Each morning, the fifth grade boys should report to their Advisory Group for homeroom. Boys assigned to Dr. Luongo’s Advisory will report to Mr. Brown’s classroom for Advisory/Homeroom. All other students will report directly to their homeroom/advisory teachers’ classroom. Outside of homeroom and advisory periods, the boys will remain in their assigned Travel Groups for all academic and specialist classes. You are welcome to “meet” the teachers in your sons’ grade level via this link.
Lower School Welcome Back Event
We are excited to welcome all of our students back to campus on Sept. 2 for the Lower School Welcome Back Event. While this event has traditionally been only for new students, this year we are inviting all new and returning students to join us during the time blocks listed below. While the boys spend some time meeting with their homeroom/advisory teacher and getting to know their classmates, parents will be invited to attend a brief overview/reintroduction to the general operation of the Lower School. 
Once the boys have completed their classroom meet and greet, parents will reunite with their son(s) on the Quad where we will have the Kona Ice Truck serving shaved ice. 
If you have sons in different grade levels that span the time blocks listed below, please feel free to attend either of the parent overview sessions. If you are unable to attend a parent overview session on the day of the Welcome Back Event, we will discuss the same information at an upcoming Lower School Parent Coffee. Please look for additional information from your sons’ homeroom/advisory teacher in advance of the event.
Lower School Welcome Back Event times:
- Pre kindergarten through Second Grade: 12:30-1:30pm
- Third through 5th Grade: 1:30 - 2:30pm
Prior to the Welcome Back Event you are also welcome to head to our Lower School Padlet where you can “meet” your sons’ teacher and hear some highlights about his grade level from former students!
Opening Day
The school year begins on Thursday, Sept. 9, at 8:20 a.m.  If you are driving your son to school, please pull through the Lower School car line in front of the Lower School building prior to 8:20 a.m.  Lower School boys can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 a.m.  After checking in at the front of the building, all boys will proceed to their homeroom/advisory.   Just like in previous years, parents should remain in their car during car line. If your son must exit the car from the driver's side, please allow one of the school members greeting students to escort your son around the car.  
Lower School Parents Night
Lower School Parents Night is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.  Additional details related to the format and schedule for the evening will be sent to families closer to the event.
School Supplies – provided by the school
As a service to each family, the majority of school supplies are provided by Haverford as part of your tuition. This year we are asking families to provide over ear wired headphones for your son. Please be sure to clearly label them with their name. Your family does not need to purchase any additional school supplies for your son. He will need to bring a school bag on the first day to carry the supplies that he is given in his classrooms. Boys also need to have a gym shirt to wear for PE classes (beginning in kindergarten). Please be sure to write your sons’ name on the shirt.  
Pre- Kindergarten
Boys entering pre-kindergarten will receive an invitation in the mail from Mrs. Popky and Mr. Phillips, to visit their classrooms on Thursday, Sept. 9. The purpose of this visit is to have your son become familiar with his pre-kindergarten room, drop off a change of clothes, and meet his teachers. The visit will last approximately 30 minutes. Pre-kindergarten boys will have a full day beginning Friday, Sept. 10.
Final Thoughts
I know this letter has a lot of information, and I thank you for reading it. Below, you will find information about our teaching faculty, including short introductions to our new faculty members, as well as general information about the day to day operation of the Lower School. You can also find this information, plus links to our Summer Reading, Health Forms. and other Back to School forms on our Back To School webpage. Please read it as we have modified certain aspects of how things are run.
The Lower School faculty and I look forward to sharing an exciting year with your son(s) and you. I hope that you are able to enjoy the remaining time with your family before Labor Day!
Dr. Pam Greenblatt
Head of Lower School

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