Welcome to your CES Career Connections (C3) newsletter. Here's a quick collection of resources, events, and opportunities to support your career development journey. CES is here for you!
Celebrate Career Development Month
Get started... Take a moment to reflect on your experiences and to consider your future beyond Puget Sound. Visualize your goal.
Then do one thing that might help you achieve that goal. Like...
Logger alums will be on campus during Click to Connect to answer your questions and offer advice. Drop by to meet them!
Kick off Career Development Month by chatting with folks who’ve shared an on-campus experience similar to yours. They started at Puget Sound, and then successfully transitioned to the world of work — and life beyond.
How about Barack Obama's or Johnny Depp's? Swing by CES in Howarth 101 to see our slideshow and guess at the first jobs of celebs. Everyone has to start somewhere!
Celebrate National First-Gen College Day on Nov. 8!
Find career tips and resources on the First Generation identity page at the CES website:
Join Logger alum Tim Rogers '10 to hear how he went from studying psychology at Puget Sound to becoming a Senior User Experience Researcher for Handshake!
>> Tues., Nov. 14, 5 p.m. (Location TBA)
Considering an unpaid internship for spring?
The Puget Sound Internship Grant provides $3,000 to Logger students who are pursuing unpaid internships. The application for spring term funding opens Nov. 29!
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