Faculty articles, appointments, public service, and presentations
Faculty articles, appointments, public service, and presentations
April - July 2020

Faculty publications

Distinguished Professor J. Thomas Sullivan published Ethical and Aggressive Appellate Advocacy: the Decision to Petition for Certiorari in Criminal Cases in St. Mary's
Law Journal. 
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Faculty activities & awards

Professor andré cummings, in his capacity as President of the Board of Abolish Private Prisons, received an NFL Social Justice Grant from the National Football League.
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Faculty presentations

Dean Theresa Beiner and Associate Dean Terrence Cain both presented to a local bar association. Dean Beiner presented on mentoring new lawyers. Associate Dean Cain presented a federal case law update.
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Faculty media appearances

Bowen's faculty made numerous media appearances. They've discussed issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, from evictions to FOIA; issues related to the upcoming elections; and pending state-wide cases.
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