Human Resource Services

FREE Summer Employee Fitness Classes!
Human Resources is excited to announce that FREE employee fitness classes are back for the summer — and now include SPINNING! Healthier U has partnered with the Hawrys Campus Recreation and Wellness Center to offer our employees free Zumba, Yoga and Spinning classes for six-week sessions each over the summer months beginning July 8.
(NEW) SPINNING 6-Week Session
Hawrys Campus Recreation & Wellness Ctr
Mondays, July 8 - Aug 12
12:15pm - 12: 45pm
ZUMBA 6-Week Session
Hawrys Campus Recreation & Wellness Ctr
Tuesdays, July 9 - Aug 13
12:15pm - 12: 45pm
YOGA 6-Week Session
Hawrys Campus Recreation & Wellness Ctr 
Thursdays, July 11 - Aug 15
12:15pm - 12: 45pm
How to Register
This is a space limited event — first come, first serve. To register for either session, visit
Remember, a healthier campus begins with a healthier YOU so let’s all get healthy together!
Questions? For more information, visit or email
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