B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   A P R I L   2 0 2 2   -   E A R T H   M O N T H 
Subject To Change Report
Introducing BNIM's Latest *Subject To Change Report
Happy Earth Day!
Since publishing our firm's first *Subject to Change sustainability report in 2020, BNIM has continued to engage project teams in implementation of our Sustainability Action Plan, measuring 18 firm-wide metrics across six categories:
Energy, Water, Ecology, Wellness, Equity, and Resources. 
Over the past two years, BNIM's Sustainability Group has worked to refine the methods and modeling strategies behind our approach metrics to help design teams gain better data to use for comparison and decision-making. BNIM's latest *Subject to Change report re-examines the ways we are addressing climate justice in our practice, centering on people, human dignity, and equity.
Reporting on three project case studies of the Tom and Ruth Harkin Center at Drake University, Ivy Senior Apartments in San Diego, CA, and the Kansas City International Airport Parking Garage, we have further developed and refined the way BNIM measures our work, reminding us that truly holistic sustainable and regenerative design requires a dynamic approach.
E A R T H   M O N T H   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E  
P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E
The Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) is featuring Asilong Christian High School of West Pokot, Kenya, in the exhibit Full Circle: Design Without End, taking place between March 17 - September 25, 2022. The exhibition focuses on regenerative design practices and explores design projects that strengthen and replenish ecosystems and help humans connect to nature. 
Asilong Christian High School is a net zero energy, net zero water campus that provides classrooms, offices, dormitories, and teacher housing. Thoughtful building massing, material selection, shading, passive strategies, and ample space for solar panels create a sustainable campus focused on education, community engagement, and generational success.  M O R E
On Saturday April 9, 2022, the Climate Action KC Summit took place at Johnson County Community College (JCCC) in Overland Park, KS. Focused on the theme of “What Connects Us,” this year's summit featured presentations and conversations with members of Congress, mayors, scientists, and other critical voices in climate adaptation and resilience. 
Attendees of the Climate Action KC Summit took part in conversation about the regional ripple effect of climate action in supporting COP26 emission mitigation on a global scale. BNIM's Jeremy Knoll, as a member of the Climate Action KC Executive Board, was a key leader in organizing this year’s summit. The event started with campus tours, including the BNIM-designed Career and Technical Education Center.   M O R E
Designing for Zero Carbon: Case Studies of All-Electric Buildings by Edward Thomas Dean, FAIA, featuring Makers Quarter Block D is now available in printed copies and to view online.
Book Synopsis: "This book presents case studies of five different buildings that are all-electric, highly energy-efficient and will achieve zero-carbon in their operation when the electric utility grid is 100% carbon-free. Written from the perspective of the design team and the client, the case studies show the design strategies utilized with detailed descriptions and diagrams of all the energy-related systems in the building. All the buildings have targeted zero-net-energy use, so the actual performance results for at least one year are presented, along with the energy modeling analysis done during the design phases. Embodied carbon analysis methods are also discussed."  M O R E
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